TW// People who call yourself Twins/Freddy main, why?

Two killers with the lowest skill ceiling in the game.
Twins- proxy camp, getting hits on victor really isnt a challenge unless on pallet gyms
Freddy (pre-nerf)- constant spamming of snares, slow down add ons, basically the easiest killer in the game unless against OoO
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Freddy is fun and people that complain about him are just mad.
I main Freddy because I adore the character and have been a fan since I was a child and I love getting into character and having fun playing as Freddy.
also his snares aren’t that good. Pallets are better I find and slow downs do nothing if you’re against red rank survivors.
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Can we please stop shaming people for their choice of killer?
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I call myself a Freddy main because I've mained him since I first started playing, not to mention that he is my all-time favourite character.
I understand that maybe you don't like to play against him, but it gives you no right to call out Freddy mains like that, and same goes for Twins. Please don't do that.
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I love playing against Freddy, it also gives me practice to then to get better as him too. Also it’s fun!
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I agree well for most part. Your not using your snares right bud if you think pallets are better. You can shut down any loop and get a hit/make them leave resulting in a hit. Twins are very fun for the people put don't just proxy camp with them @Babawizwiz I played one game with them last night for a daily ritual I had like (felt like) 72 hits/downs an felt like the game was over. Come to find out I had three hooks unfortunately slugging/camping is the only optimal way to win a game with them against viable survivors. My game resulted in a 4 man Escape even with that many hits and downs due to the fact I did not leave them on the ground or Camp which I had the opportunity to do.
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twins are actually am extremely skillfully killer ( WHEN NOT PROXY THE DAMN HOOK 24/7)
which I don't since its very boring playstyle to me I do like to slug( I'm also a oni main so that might have carried over )
plus its a bit rude to say something has the lowest skilled ceiling since you can kinda say that for every killer and survivor in general if you explain it in the most boring way possible
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Twins have alot more skill behind em than Freddy,
A Good Twins Player Puts Freddy To Shame, 100%
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I am Freddy main because he is so coolest killer in game. Freddy is King, Kate is Princess.
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"You main a killer that I don't like, that means you're doing something wrong" is a rock bottom take.
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Alright bud, I might find Twins and Freddy boring to face too, but there's no reason to be rude or call them out. Especially since I can at least admit that pallet Freddy is a fun Meme, and Twin's Pounce is an absolute pain to land. If people enjoy playing them, cool. Let them enjoy it. I might not enjoy playing or versing them, but power to you if you do. (To be fair to both, I don't think I ever personally recovered from Forever Freddy, because that was extremely common, and I have bad experiences with Freddy players, and generally don't enjoy playing against Killers like him or Clown. I don't mind Twins, but I just think their design is kinda boring, and their PTB/release was just so... lackluster.)
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Still waiting for that second rework.
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And I am still waiting for a chance to play as Old Freddy again. I really want my old killer back.
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because Freddy is a horror icon, it’s not that deep.
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So twins and freddy = bad, 3gen doctor = good?
I love how people complains about loopable and counterable killers, but seems nurse and spirit good to go agaisnt. Rank 20 mindset, nothing else. Move on
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They have a golden opportunity for a healthy skillful rework of Freddy Version 1 and 2.
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I main freddy because of the amount of pressure he can put on survivors with ruin and tinkerer and other perks like that. I was a deathslinger main but the way these gens are going makes me lean towards freddy.
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Since when has anyone called Twins easy? That's a first for me.
I actually disagree a lot. She has heavy micromanaging skills with bouncing between the two characters and learning the muscle memory for Victor. There's much more than you see at face value.
You can see this play out in your matches as well. How many actually good Twins players do you run into? Very, very few for me. I win most my solo queue matches I get against Twins because most people can't get the hang of them or understand how they work.
If they're so easy why do most players of them even at rank 1 do pretty poorly?
I typically slaughter on Twins and 4k most my matches, but that is the polar opposite of what I see when I face against them.
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Which, sadly, is not going to happen.
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I can keep dreaming. For that and a Freddy theme.
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Same, my friend. And I know that one day I will play as Old Freddy again. I am certain of it.
By the way, that was a good pun :)
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I’m not the biggest fan of Freddy myself but that doesn’t make it right to accuse people that play Freddy. Y’all can play whoever you want and if someone wants to tell you otherwise, just ignore them. To me, the people that call out others for playing a certain character are the ones that make the game go down the wrong path, not the people that play the character.
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I mean, I didn’t like pre-nerf Freddy too, but I didn’t question other people playing him.
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Well said! It is good to see you standing up for us Freddy mains, like you said you would. Thank you, my friend <3
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I'm an old freddy main with the 7 sec dream transition. I don't consider myself a main of rn cause I drop him.
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People like you are why I'm insecure about playing Freddy even though I find him fun.
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Twins have quickly become my main and I love how I can put constant pressure on the survivors and be at 2 different parts of the map.
Despite their camp and slug stigma, you can absolutely win without being a scum bag.
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just because a killer can't do well against red ranks, doesn't mean that they're easy to use. Freddy and Twins over-reward players for doing simple things, sure these simple things won't apply to good survivors, but against a non red rank, it's an easy win
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There are too many comments here and i cba to reply to all of them.
My initial point was stating how easy and these 2 killers are to play, and how much they over-reward players for doing basic #########. Yes these 2 killers are bad against good players, but against your average solo team, it's not much of a challenge.
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"just because a killer can't do well against red ranks, doesn't mean that they're easy to use."
I never said that. Also, all killers can do well in red ranks.
"Freddy and Twins over-reward players for doing simple things, sure these simple things won't apply to good survivors, but against a non red rank, it's an easy win"
The things Twins are doing is not "simple things". Also, winning at low ranks is pretty meaningless as then they're just losing because their bad. We don't balance around bad.
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Then explain to me what is so complex with Twins.
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My playstyle has always been revolved around creating pressure on survivors outside gen pressure. The Twins just fit my slugging and "heal or it will backfire later" playstyle perfectly like The Nurse and The Oni who are also my mains.
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Ultimately, the issues with Freddy and Twins are on BHVR, not the people who main them.
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the difference with oni and nurse is the skill needed to play them and the 'backfire' is a much bigger deal. With Oni you lose your power, nurse doesn't backfire as much but she requires a lot skill to use. Victor grows back literally after getting crushed and getting hits is no challenge, glad they nerfed Victor's CD
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I like the fake pallets, and Freddy is my favorite of the slasher horror icons.
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I give all my respect to any twins mains that stay after their nerf.
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Agreed. The Twins have a very high skill ceiling. Like you can proxy camp with them, but what is the fun in that? There is more value in setting up traps with them where folks get stuck between Victor and Charlotte. I'm new to using The Twins, but I figured I'd start maining them since no one uses them.
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So it's okay to shame on survivors who ran DS/Unbreakable? And now iron will/lucky break? Ok
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I feels like folks who say The Twins are simple have never really played them. You're basically playing chess with Charlotte and Victor. You can easily be punished for any wrong move. It's a shame how some folks can't see their difficulty level.
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You have to learn how to micromanage going back and forth understanding when you should or should not swap. You also need to learn the muscle memory for victor such as know your distances for how far you need to be back to make it through windows or over pallets.
This is much more skill level than the the average killer requires.
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Ok remember me the next time when i say something like that to attach a list of everything what is similar. Bc if i do not say something about it means i approve it.
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i am a killer main and got to rank 1 100hrs in, bought every dlc and have all killer perks in the game. If you think holding m1 and 'aiming' to latch on to a surv is difficult, that you probably are pretty bad
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oh yeah there's so much muscle memory needed to get good with victor, jeez man are u a potato
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Are we really gonna name call because you disagree? I have a lot more hours into the game than most people
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Was that warranted? Did you wake up this morning and thing, jeez I need to put on my big boy pants and go to the form and tear someone down? You need to read the things you write and ask yourself....does this make me sound self involved or a jerk...then maybe don't post it as it adds nothing to the conversation.
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Dude you basically assumed that i didn't play twins/freddy thus, didn't understand how 'complex' they are. Im just returning it back to you
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Did i touch a nerve by simply calling you a potato? You have a lot more hours so you should be able to tell the difference between an easy killer and one that requires skill. Kinda funny how a player with at least 1k hours claimed that "victor needs muscle memory'.
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And now you're gonna attempt to belittle? It's quite possible to have a normal conversation without trying to insult the other person.
I think you need a few more hours and experience into the game.
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Hey pal, I didn't assume anything, at no point did I say or direct the comment directly at you. Stop internalizing things people say in conversations they didn't even know you were part of. The only thing I've noticed is that you're on here crapping on people, Also I never mentioned Freddy.
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Freddy and Pig main here.
I already used to mostly play old Freddy, even though he was weaker and was a pain to have to wait 6 seconds to put someone asleep, I really enjoyed his stealth aspect.
Still main Freddy because at the end of the day I'm a NOES fan, same reason why I main Quentin on the survivor side.