Survivors need to stop complaining about tunneling and camping



  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    i get tunneling and camping when its the only thing you can do but my god why do so many killers do it at 5 gens?

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Oh, so it's only unfair if you don't consider the Killer skilled. So it comes down to what you, personally, approve of.

    I'm the Killer, if I kill and hook you and want you dead; that is my goal. I'm in no way obligated to ask you if you've played enough before I kill you. And if the game forced me to give away unhooks simply to make my OPPONENT happy, I'd quit.

    Just like I'd expect Survivors to get angry if the game threw them off the generators to give the Killer more time (you know; so he has fun).

    You're literally asking that the devs cater to what YOU think is 'fair' instead of accepting the way the game works. I'd get laughed off the forums if I made a post stating I want Survivors to get blocked by generators if they do them too fast, because it's unfair that I lose so quickly.

    Because that's the flip side to the 'camping' coin. Both are just complaints of 'I lost too fast/unfairly!'

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054
    edited May 2021

    Um, I get complaints regardless of which killer I play against high end optimal players. It's not just once but it's happened a lot, and when I mean a lot, a lot over the last few days, past weeks, past month, past months the list goes on, because it's not only happened once, but a lot more than should happen. So I don't know why you are implying that it was only a one time thing? When I play this game like 6+ hours a day lol. Sorry I don't play this game 1 hour a month lol.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    And yet a vast majority of people all agree that camping and tunneling need to go. No one wants killers to be weak or not be able to do their jobs, we just want to actually have some counterplay to them trying to kill us. Survivors have 0 ways to end chases and the killer has to decide if he wants to keep chasing and down them or give up and find someone else to chase. A survivor has 0 say in that exchange. Camping and tunneling remove the only hope of us surviving at all and make the game boil down to: how long can I loop the killer before I get downed and he camps me, which is fun for no one because killers don’t like getting looped and survivors don’t like getting camped. Every single player loses out when it comes to camping and tunneling and I really don’t understand why you fail to grasp that.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054
    edited May 2021

    Killers who do it at 5 gens must've had some bad games. So they kind of resort to doing it. I don't know I don't personally do it at 5 gens it's stupid to do it at 5 gens. Can cost you the game super easily.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    yeah, a lot of killers that commit to me at 5 gens end up losing the game because of it. like dude, if the chase seems to be increasingly unwinnable go patrol generators

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054
    edited May 2021

    If you aren't getting super good pallets down at the start or getting the first down in about 30 seconds you are better off going after someone else. That's where a lot of killers fail, otherwise I think that if there is 1 gen left and you don't have a 3 gen then I don't see a problem with tunneling or camping.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    No, the majority of people do not agree on that. Don't pretend to speak for the majority.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    I’m not pretending to speak for the majority at all. Go look on Reddit or these forums and even ask people in the game you play like I do what they think about camping and tunneling and a majority of them will say it needs to go. That’s just common knowledge at this point. Also the main point of my comment wasn’t about that either but thanks for focusing in on that one part instead of the bigger picture.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Is trash talking and complaining and coming up with ridiculous strategies fun? 🤨🤔

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    The noisy and whiniest of us are not the majority. :) The majority of people who play this game never post here or anywhere else. I hate to break it to you champ but the DEV have validated over and over again (for years now) that Camping and Tunneling are simply tactics and part of Player agency. There are in-game solutions and those are the only ones that matter.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    Doesn’t matter if the devs say it’s ok. It won’t stop people from dcing when it happens, it won’t stop people fine complains about it, and it absolutely won’t make the game any less toxic or more fun to play. Hate to say it but the devs are wrong this time.

  • edgardot02
    edgardot02 Member Posts: 149
    edited May 2021

    as I main killer I dont complain anymore about genrush, camping and genrush is punished by the amount points you get at the end of the match literaly most of the time if survivors are gen rushing and they managed to escape I still end the game with more points what they get. :D

    because people are wrong,

    survivors objetives is repair generators, but if you really want to end the match with good score

    you need to heal, unhook, chase, lose the killer, cleanse totems. not only repair generators in 5 minutes and leave unless you want to end every match with 15k points.

    sometimes when survivors finish the last gen so fast they are looking for me to get extra chase points but I don't anything I just sit in a corner and let the match end if you want 15k points that is waht you will get. and Im not going to help you

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    I think you mean 'a vocal minority demand the game be changed so they have easier wins, since the Killer getting kills 'too fast' or 'cheaply' enrages them.'

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    As long as a Killer doesnt overdo it like a facecamping insidious bubba I am fine with it. As long as Genrush exists I think its fine that Tunneling or camping exists.

  • Clünge
    Clünge Member Posts: 155

    What do you expect them to do?

    Sit at the same generator and just stare at it until you show up to down someone?

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    The killer will always end up with more points, sometimes they can even be afk for half the match, that's just how the game works.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    If you tunell and camp outside of endgame they will indeed complain and with full rights you're forcing them to not play the game and get points if they dc they get penalty so whatever they do in that situation they're screwed and talking about complaining botj sides complain about anything no difference at all

  • worriedfeng03
    worriedfeng03 Member Posts: 82

    Are you really winning the game if you spend your time camping one person while the rest escape...

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I don't understand the typical complaint that working on generators "rushes the round". That's the survivor's entire objective. What are they supposed to do, lap the map a few times before they get started?

    I mean, what IS the correct time that a survivor is supposed to wait before a killer decides to pay them back by preventing one of them from playing the game?

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    That works in reverse, too:

    I don't understand the typical complaint that camping a survivor removes them from the game. That's the Killer's entire objective. What are they supposed to do; PM each Survivor and ask 'Did you play enough for me to kill you now' before they get started?

    I mean, what IS the correct time a Killer is supposed to wait before a Survivor decides they can be hooked?

  • Whitewolf4ever
    Whitewolf4ever Member Posts: 1

    As a killer main myself I can see why the killers are doing what their doing but in the same token you wont catch me doing anything like face camping or tunneling never needed too as long as i get 1 person sacrificed I'm good but also on the other side of the coin so to speak, i've been playing a lot of survivor as of late and gotta say it's superbly frustrating because fellow survivor are getting put on the hook and left there for two ticks because their afraid that the killer is either face camping or their gonna get tunneled the moment they get off the hook sure people carry borrow time and unbreakable more often then not but borrow time isn't gonna save you if you have the killer up your butt and normally unbreakable by the time you almost pop it off the killer has already hooked the others and is coming after you. Although on the killer perspective it's annoying when you run into a toxic survivor group and they all hit hatch together but tbh i heard hatch is getting nerfed soon anyway and if that true I say let the survivors have their fun because if it does get nerfed your gonna have a field day as a killer better believe it, and true the genrushing is on the annoying side, the pallet stuns, the flashlights too, especially if it a toxic group. What im seeing here is both groups are being toxic towards one another killers are using facecamping and tunneling, survivors are using the hatch, flashlights, pallets and any other means to get under the killers skin, there are even times when a survivor gets mad at a killer and goes to play killer because they had a bad game and that makes things bad for other survivors trust me i've done it myself just going into a lobby and killing survivors as soon as possible A.K.A mori-ing them all as soon as possible. Also survivors T-bagging is a pain but that what noed is for personally i don't mind breaking all the totems on the map either. Nonetheless both groups are using "cheap" methods to win but neither side would do it if you didn't give them a reason I hope that the case anyway.