Matchmaking Ban

I know I have a bad computer but when the game crashes for some unkown reason, the Crash Report Tab shows up and if I write a message there and then send the message. When I re-enter the game I still have a matchmaking ban. Can anyone help me with this? Or Could the developers fix this issue? Or maybe Add a feature so you get a matchmaking ban only when the player hits the "Leave Match" button, so that when the game crashes I could end the task out of Task Manager and then when I re-enter the match I could play normally and not have to wait a bunch of time because of crashes.



  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    Even if you aren't intentionally DCing from matches, you are still causing them to be abandoned, which amounts to the same thing.

    Maybe you should invest in a better computer, so that you won't have these issues anymore.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,585

    It is not possible for the system to detect when it's an actual crash or when someone has disconnected from the game I'm afraid, and also this would be heavily abused.

    The timer is kept small initially for the occasions when you do get an actual game crash - it does give you time to sort out what the problem is. And as you've said you have a bad computer, you should really make sure that you have the equipment available to you before playing an online game as by disconnecting for any reason, you are ruining the game for the 4 other players in the match.