New lucky break

Lucky break only lasts 45 seconds now. I feel like it’s actually going to be okay now
How we feelin?
Edit: Off topic but now every trial has an obsession! Us solo players thank you BHVR
Lucky Break is still pretty bad. I won't be using it.
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You realistically only get 29-37 seconds of use since the timer still decreases while healing. This is assuming the killer also doesn't have any slowdown perks affecting healing. What could've been a meta change for survivors that killers complain about so much has panned out to be little more than yet another niche perk.
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I feel like 45 was a bit too hard.
They should have tested 60 seconds first
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i know lucky break is a strong perk but they could have at least nerfed it to 60 seconds. you waste like 16 seconds on healing anyway
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Yeah I agree. Halving it’s counter is kinda harsh
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Should have made the duration something like 15 seconds at tier 3 but have it reset each time you heal.
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Yet again they proved too scared to do something risky. Lucky break could've been a nice shift from the survivor stale meta (because let's be honest, killers meta is not as stale)
I'm really disappointed, because now it's probably even worse than the original version
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I reckon it's going to be worse then the original Lucky Break.
Realistically, you're not going to be able to escape the Killer and heal to full in under 45 seconds.
A normal heal takes 16 seconds, and Self-Care takes 32.
Most of the timer is going to be wasted in chase, because the perk does not make you invisible. The Killer can still see and hear you.
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It still almost guarantees escape on first hit. That's not a small deal since early game is so important for killers.
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45s is good if it reset some way like when hooked
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Sloppy self care takes up the entire timer pretty much
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That would be even better than the original buff
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I think it might've been nerfed a bit too hard. Though I think it'd be better for Off the Record to hide scratchmarks instead. That way it'd be an anti-tunnel perk that doesn't punish the killer with a 5 second stun.
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Yeah off the record could use some love
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Oh, and my position of huge disappointment is from someone who would absolutely HATE going against it as killer, considering that versing stealthy survivors is what I find absolutely most boring
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Well everyone was crying about it so hard that they made it now a perk that Noone is ever going to use. Gj.
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So it's basically 1 time ues perk, that's good I guess.
I still with they made it completely remove only blood forever and give the no-scratch makrs effect to some other perk.
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Why would you use selfcare with lucky break? yellow medkit with brown addon will give you 2 heals in roughly 12 seconds.
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The original 90 second version I saw as powerful and possibly meta changing.
This 45 second version... meh. Looks like it'll be unremarkable. Some people who really love stealth might run it occasionally but I doubt we'll see a ton of it.
Honestly I'm disappointed. I think they nerfed it way too hard.
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I think as well that the change from 90 to 45 was to hard. As killer I would tried the 90 seconds too, but I could understand the concerns of other killers. 60 or 70 seconds would be ok. But let's see how often we will see this perk.
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Should be 20s.
I still hate it.