The Plague has no good or interesting cosmetics, they all look the same.

After 15 months of waiting we've finally been granted another original (or rather unoriginal) skin for the vommy mommy, it's too bad it's yet another generic dress that adds nothing new to her design.
There were so many cool and different concepts made by the community during these last couple of art-contests and yet all we get is something that pales in comparison to those incredible fan-contributions. How hard can it be to finally give us some proper fanservice? Is it too much to ask for a pretty or healthy Plague skin?
I am extremely disappointed with the way BHVR has handled this. No good cosmetics, no QoL changes and still no chase-theme for this killer. You better do something about this soon or else she'll continue to remain the least played killer in the entire game like your previous statistics said.
I don’t know. The one with the worms and this one look pretty unique.
Anyway plagues design is so unique making unique cosmetics is kinda hard
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To be fair, the mask is quite unique and her body underneath the outfit is different from her previous looks (and not far from healthy, either?). But the dress itself is what you notice the most and it really feels similar to all her other outfits. Same old, same old with the Plague.
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Yeah making cosmetics for a character whose main theme is body horror (boils, rotten flesh etc) is hard because you have to show skin and using revealing clothes curbs a lot of what you can dress her with, also coming from the age she comes forfeits a lot of clothing too, no pants, no overalls, no jackets, sweaters, boots nothing but robes and maybe headscarfs.
Maybe, and its a huge maybe, some kind of bronze armor but that would be a bit out of place since she is a priest and not a warrior.
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The biggest issue is the fact that every single skin they've made for her features her as a priestess of some kind. There's literally no diversity, meanwhile other killers like Trapper and Wraith get to explore many different roles and themes with each new release. This is simply lazy from BHVR, there's no other way of saying it.
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Batman Plague
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Because trapper and wraith’s designs are fairly open ended. Trapper is a big dude in a mask and wraith is a skinny guy in a cloak.
Plague is a tall sick women who carries a censar and has to have a head piece
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Pretty unimpressed with the rift skin, it's not aesthetically pleasing to me (not enough detail to draw the eye on any part of it), but I disagree about Plague not having any good skins. She's got some gorgeous cosmetics. Just look at my Vommy Mommy.
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And yet the art-community of this game is still able to create something new and actually original under these conditions. There's no excuse for the actual art-team not being able to meet the standards established by the community.
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The thing is that you could simply equip the bloodred recolor of her base-outfit and you'd get almost the exact same type of body cosmetic for a lot cheaper, too. She deserves better and different cosmetics, this is just devoid of any creativity.
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I bought those first, then went with the outfit I have now because I think it's an improvement and looks more elegant/imposing.
I don't disagree with you that she needs love in a lot of areas (hitboxes, chase theme, emblems, points) and this rift skin does not scratch my itch for a healthy Adiris skin or... anything, really. I honestly prefer the base outfit recolor from a few tomes ago, and that's just depressing. But I am pleased with her existing cosmetics. I think she has great headpiece/dress variety, at least, and the nomad sets from her pilgrimage are a neat deviation from her look. BHVR's always gone for things that make sense for a character to wear, barring certain legendary sets that turn the character into someone else, and Plague's aesthetic is... limited.
This skin would have been a hell of a lot cooler if it went full warrior maiden on her, but meh, they can't all be winners.
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I have the same problem with Deathslinger. Nothing seems to beat his default outfit.
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Now we're talking!
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I kind of agree. I like her cosmetics, but I think it would be neat to have a skin that really shows how she is a being who's existed has predated all but the entity. Itd also be neat if she had a cosmetic that would display her worship of the entity.
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I feel that way about Zarina lol.
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Although I agree she needs more cosmetics, I kinda like this one tbh.
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To be fair,he only got like 1 new outfit since his release (That Lunar New Year one)
That makes him look like some wannabe WWE wrestler 🤣
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I did come across a mod where plague was Lady D from resident evil village.
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Yeah that one looked terrible.
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While the rift skin may not be the most exciting, I disagree with her not having any good skins. Sea Goat Worshipper and Dark Devotee are my favorites of hers.
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I agree, it was exactly my thought too. I'm not saying this new skin is ugly, but it definitely feels unoriginal, like every other plague skin
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Thats my favorite outfit on her 😄
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A legendary skin would be nice on her. It should make her look like a normal woman before plague and vommy stuff. Like her human form. I saw a video on yt about this: