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General Discussions

The biggest problem with this game...

Member Posts: 36

.. Is the fact that it's way too easy to rank up as a killer and be placed against toxic red rank survivors with 3000+ hours

I'm at that point now

about 200 hours in, purple rank killer, and every que is a match against a group of red rank survivors who honestly make the game hell.

I get it, GIT GUD, etc. but I play the game to have fun, this is not fun. I don't want to have to sweat my ass off every single game. I want to go against people with the same amount of experience as me.

"Oh ok, how about you wait some time to derank and play against players of your own caliber?"

That really doesn't work, I didn't play for an entire month (even though I wanted to, I enjoy the gameplay concept), and I went up a whole 2 ranks... Wanna know how long it took me to get back to the same position? like 4 games or something

So I don't get it, am I just supposed to stop playing or something? Because it's really not fun being stomped every match

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  • Member Posts: 36

    I can't, a group of 4 decent survivors will always beat a decent killer, that's just how the game is, all the pros and streamers have said that as well. It's just way too stressful

  • Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2021

    I dont like playing survivor, was never into it, It's not what drew me to this game.

    It was moreso the power fantasy of playing killer, which is totally opposite at higher ranks, killers the one that's under stress and hunted.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, calling survivors who have a lot of game knowledge toxic is kinda the issue here. The majority of survivors who have 3k hours dont even care much about escaping anyway and they are used to face killers that play very optimal.

    So the survivors start out playing optimal just in case they face another optimal killer and then try to slow down the game, but once they get bored they will sit on a gen untill you go to them.

    The same happens the other way around. Killers with 3k hours will start playing optimal, getting a lot of hooks before the first gen even pops, then slow down accordingly to try and have fun. If they get bored, they will start killing survivors.

    It's not a matter of sweating, its a matter of managing your time accordingly.

    As for toxicity, there is no real agreed upon communication between players. I tend to click my flashlight if I notice the killer had a hard time and grant them a hook so they at least get some BP and increase the difficulty for my fellow survivor. I also tend to swing towards a generator if I have all survivors dead on hook and I find them cowering in a corner, just to increase my difficulty a bit while keeping the game fun for them(DBD is a party game, I do enjoy some competitive games from time to time, sure, but there is no need in destroying survivors in a game that I already heavily dominate in, I dont like taking candy from babies). Some killers will see my flashlight clicking as toxic and decide to facecamp. Some survivors will see my swing as being toxic and decide to be toxic themselves. Other killers enjoy that I gave them some room to breathe in an already super intense game for them so they can improve. Other survivors will be glad that I gave them a chance to improve their gameplay.

    Dont ever see an oppenent being stronger than you and instantly claim toxic. Just tell them what seemed toxic from your POV and ask what their intention was instead. More likely than not, it's survivors being bored, having already cleansed all the totems, checked all the chests and due to a lack of chase, they decided to do gens. Just as a lot of killers who chase the same survivor end up doing so, because you had teammates that refused to show themselves and since there was no target visible, they had no choice other than to go for you.

  • Member Posts: 182

    I did play both side and the issue is kinda ez to see. It easy to rank up as survivor until purple rank. so what happened is that most survivor are in purple/red rank. Killer past rank 15 get match with these survivor due to the lack of low ranked one. Meaning you can either get these baby survivor who got carried by the ranking system or the guys with 3000+ hours. It also when killer stop noob stomping since survivor start to know how to focus on gens and run basic loops you need extremely good knowledge as killer at that point to do better than 2k unless you run good addons or survivor screw up badly. Even if you still bad as survivor 3 other random people can carry you.

    so tldr killer got a worst time progressing ''mid game/rank'' then survivor due to survivor being in a team.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Getting a 2k is good though? Killers shouldn’t get 3 or 4 kills all the time. If you kill 2 red rank survivors, that’s a solid result.

  • Member Posts: 79

    I'm always surprised when players claim that it is easy to rank up as Killer because that has not been my experience AT ALL. While I have found it to be relatively easy to rank up as a Survivor (my highest rank before rank reset has been 5)--playing Killer can be stressful at any rank lower than, say, 14. If I were consistently playing against other yellow ranks or even green ranks, then that would be one thing. Instead, I am constantly matched against red and purple Survivors, so getting through and out of green ranks has taken a lot of effort.

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    If I'm being honest you have to learn how to deal with the survivors shenanigans. Meaning ignoring the flashlights clicking, and ignoring the tea-bagging and etc. I understand at first it may get under peoples skin. For me it would get under skin at first, but now as I have many hours in this game it does not mean nothing to me when survivors do all of the things mention. I just focus on the objective in hand. Now you will have to learn how to play better, and by that you have face better people. You are able to learn new strategy's by facing stronger survivors. For example old me would have just follow survivors in a chase, new me plays with strategy. For example were is he going to turn. Is he going to jump or not. So I could to try to cut of the survivor. And I learned how to deal with the looping better such as shacks, and jungle gyms. Basically you get more experience vs playing higher ranks. And I would recommend playing some survivor to get an idea of how the opposite side is thinking. Like where would they hide, and how to loop a killer. And how to deal with killers, so you can knowledge of how to think like a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    In my experience it's easier to rank up as killer since you are purely depending on your skills. Were as with survivor you have to depend on other random people, and that can be hard at time. Unless you are playing with competent friends than yeah it's easier to rank up as a survivor. But If I'm being honest any survivor below red rank is usually easy to deal with based on my experience. But it's since you are dealing with people with more skill. So you can learn how they play,

  • Member Posts: 182

    That what the dev said they want to balance the game around. but the ranking system require you to basically get 3k or 4k or at worst a 2k with the other two being on last hook. Due to how the game balanced game often end with 1l or 3k/4k.

    remember that most meta perk for killer are locked behind a paywall you got no f2p base/unlockable slowdown perk. Survivor on the other hand can build up a decent build with f2p. You can get kindred/BT/Sprintburst without paying. Sure not the best build but you got the ''essential'' part of one.

    Combine that with the game being slightly survivor sided mostly due to key still not being nerf like mori and hatch acting like a basekit NOED for survivors. But I think we can agree this small gap don't matter when it come to skilled survivor vs skilled killer

  • Member Posts: 679

    Hopefully the MMR system will make the skill progression more gradual than it is now. There's quite a significant difference between the skill level of a full purple team & a full red team. Much more than any other bracket. I guess it's because the people that have thousands of hours are capped at the red ranks and it really only takes 1-2 months to get into the purple ranks for new players.

    The current ranking system is a joke and should be replaced by a rated MMR system from like 0-3000. You should still have higher rated players on occasion, but the points awarded/deducted should be calculated from the rating you play against. Cap SWF teams individual rating to only be able to play with other team members within say 200 rating points of each other to prevent boosting and purposely lowering overall rating to face easier killers (which currently happens all the time 3 red ranks & 1 rank 18).

  • Member Posts: 674

    Its not that it's too easy to rank up as killer, its that there are many in-game systems that cater more to survivors than killers. The fact that these toxic survivors do everything in their power to give killers the hardest time for simply playing the game is a shame. There's nothing that helps player retention on the killer side, and that's why survivor queues have stayed consistently long, killer in many cases just isn't fun after a certain point. The best thing to do is either to stop caring about pips/wining or losing and to just play the game, which is hard to do i know.

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