Do you like the new Coldwind?

I think it's pretty nice
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I think they are visually stunning, but are too survivor sided when it comes to loops
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It's bright as the sun. The corn is worse in terms of corn blindness. Some of the tile walls are longer, making the loops worse for killers.
I've only played on two corns maps so far, so I don't have experience with most of the different structures. I did play Rancid Abattoir, and the Slaughterhouse feels awful, but maybe that's just because I'm not used to it yet.
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Mostly good maps
Kind of. I just really hate how bright they are.
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From a gameplay standpoint, they seem alright for the most part. My main issues are that they didn’t get rid of the bloody corn and also, the map is actually so bright that I genuinely have a hard time seeing auras. Really irritating. Map looks cool though.
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The corn is worse and it messes up with the auras. The layouts are ok, though. And the rework of Thompson House main building is neat as well.
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I hate it, it's SO bright. They could've made the necessary changes without making the whole map feel like you're under a spotlight.
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Mostly bad maps
Maybe it's just me but I haven't really felt a difference gameplaywise. There are still loops after loops and the corn is as obstructive as always.
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Only played it from the survivor side so far, when i will play killer i'll come back and edit my post :)
Love it a lot design wise ! Was my second least favorite realm (Haddonfield being first) and now is my third favorite one (after Glenvale and Ormont)
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I like visuals. It shows my favorite time of day, evening before sun goes down. It looks so chill.
But map sizes are ridiculous and cornblind become even worse than before.
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It's cool.
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i honestly love the daylight aesthetic. its just so nice to look at and it helps my mood. something about old coldwind was just really unsatisfying to look at
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Love the maps
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Mostly good maps
Still not a fan of rotten fields but at least it doesn’t look as bad as it feels to play on now
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Mostly good maps
My only real issue is Cowshed and the chase-ending breakable wall god windows that every map has to have now.
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Mostly good maps
The only issue I have is totem spots. They still suck.
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Imagine if they could balance the darkness of the ruined Autohaven with the blinding brightness of Coldwin.IMAGINE
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I love it, it's beautiful. Like Autohaven's GREEEEEEN, it has the YELLOWWW that made it iconic. (Devs please add more blue to Macmillan I beg of you) Tbh all it needs is the auras adjusted to work in the map, and a bit more balancing, and it'll be awesome!
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I actually like having a bright map or two, just for a change of scenery.
Post edited by VioletCrimes on0 -
Mostly bad maps
I didn’t really like the options. I love the maps visually just not in terms of balance.
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Mostly good maps
Aesthetics wise they look beautiful.
Gameplay wise they kinda made them even more survivor sided and auras and scratch marks are hard to see because it's so bright (same problem as Ormond).
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Mostly good maps
Still hate Rotten Fields but that's always been an issue, I can't blame graphics for poor map design
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I really love the new COLDWIND map, the look is beautiful, I don't mind that its bright. I always wanted a bright map, I don't even care that the killer can easily see me, I feel good vibes on the map, lets
hope BHVR doesn't change it
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I cannot find totems cuz they are literally the same colour as the map! And it annoys the hell outa me! Need sunglasses on while playing it!
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That is a big problem. I had a killer using "Hex: Crowd Control" and we lost the game because we couldn't find the totem and we could only vault a window once. this is a big problem, as much as I enjoy the new coldwind farm, it needs a lot of reworking
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Mostly good maps
Aside from them making Cowshed stronger, it's epic.
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Corn is still Corn...and I still hate it.
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Yellow sun, yellow corn, brown ground and walls, yellow totems, red auras, red scratches. Now let’s consider dark cosmetics, Iron will, frame drops and lag too. Can’t forget the dead air filled with moving in a straight line and getting dead harded to the next of seemingly endless loops
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Not a fan. Looks very nice visually, but it’s hard to see downed survivors. I’m always wondering if a killer has knockout if they don’t pick up a downed survivor right away. Also hard to see your traps as Trapper. If I have to play against Freddy, this is the map I want to play him on though. Dreamworld makes things much easier to see lol.
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I like it. It's now even more like the Sawyer house/estate from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, a map we'll never see.