Killer chased me through 95% of the game, still pipped down


I played a game tonight against a cross platform rank one nurse. I currently am a rank five and I’m stuck there because I believe that my game has a pip bug. Anyways she found me first, I had just started a GEN I was only on it for about 10 seconds, she finds me she’s chasing me around she eventually hits me down and hooks me. Then she comes back to the hook when someone un-hooked me and chases me again. There was a Nea in the game that flashlight saved me multiple times because this nurse would not leave me alone, and she literally just kept chasing me. So, eventually I got hooked for the last time and I died, but she chased me From five Gens down to one, and then just as I was dying on the hook they pop the last Gen. I don’t think it’s fair that I pipped down when I couldn’t touch Gens, get any hooks saves, heals, or get any totems done. Is there a way that we can fix this situation, because this is happened to me more than once and I just don’t think it’s fair that I’m getting punished for running the killer around and buying Time for my teammates to get the Gens done (and to get the hook rescues and whatever else they need to do). It’s frustrating for me. I just wish there were something we could do about situations like this.