Killer you most enjoy going against as Survivor?

Hillbilly, Nurse, Huntress, Demo, and Oni are generally the killers I have the most fun with.
They usually have reasonable counters that allow for a good back and forth between the two sides, or are very balanced in the case of Demo.
Least enjoyable of course is Spirit.
What does everyone else think, most fun killers?
Most enjoyable is Blight, mainly because I play him a lot and I like to learn by facing him. He is also a very versatile killer with a lot of mindgames from both parties.
Killer I hate most is Deathslinger. He literally has no gameplay, that's it.
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Blight was another one I considered putting on my list for sure. Definitely one of the best killers they’ve come out recently that has a good balance of being fun, but also strong.
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Spirit. Definitely Spirit.
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Well, I’m glad someone enjoys her 🤭
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Jk. She’s the most unfun to go against. I like playing against oni and blight though
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I really enjoy going against Billy (as someone who started playing after the nerf, not sure how he played before it) and Nurse.
Twins and Deathslinger are currently competing for the spot of my least favorite killer to vs.
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For sure. It is painful when Oni gets a hit on someone 10 seconds in lol.
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Billy, Trapper and Freddy.
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I hate to say it, but hag is definitely one of the least enjoyable for me as well.
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Easily the most fun killers to play against are ones where you get to do a lot of mind games and also looping.
So killers like: Oni, Blight, Billy, Nurse (unless shes a complete god), Bubba and Huntress (when she's not laggy) are all REALLY fun to play against.
For me, All of the stealth killers (yep, every single one of them) and killers that use traps (trapper, hag, Freddy) and Deathslinger are all extremely boring and frustrating to play against. Spirit is another obvious one that is so unfun to play against it's almost obnoxious.
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I’d love to hear your take on why you enjoy playing against Freddy, genuinely interested to hear someone’s perspective on why he’s fun
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For me, spine chill is a requirement to enjoy playing against stealth killers most of the time, which is unfortunate. Also, breaking GF out of his stealth is the most annoying mechanic ever.
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Most enjoyable... Probably Oni, Hillbilly, maybe Blight. Anything below mastered Nurse is also really fun to play against. There's just more direct confrontations where screw-ups cost you a lot, but outplays also net you a lot.
Least enjoyable is probably hag. A down is a kill with no real exceptions due to the way traps work. You either crouchwalk away from the hook giving her time to turn back and tunnel, or you eat the trap and get hit, either way, she's camping or tunnelling.
Spirit is not -as- bad to go against, she's certainly no fun, but a big chunk of her issue is that she's played mostly by extremely sweaty players that will camp, slug, tunnel and BM.
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I dislike playing against every stealth killer. I used to find them fun when I was a noob and "omg scratched mirror so scary EEK!" but once you start to get better at the game and put a lot of hours into it, stealth killers are nothing but boring, gimmicky and tedious. sorry, not sorry. They're fun to play AS though.
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I went against a camping scratched mirror Myers on Hawkins yesterday, was not fun at all. Myers’ add ons really need a rework, especially the mori one.
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I forgot to mention I also loveeee playing against Demos. Even when latency causes their hitboxes to be extremely off, I can't help but love him XD
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Demo’s are so cute
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On the killer side I mostly play Freddy and Pig.
My experiences against other pig players havent been the best, because I feel like a lot of them to tunnel people who already have a trap on, which doesn't leave you much to do.
I feel like people were mostly overreacting to how boring Freddy is to go against. No one liked the slowdown addons, but a lot of Freddy players dont use those addons. I find it quite entertaining to go against fake pallets as well.
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Doc is fun and my pulse is really high against pyramid. Other fun killers would be nurse, huntress, blight, deathslinger. In general killer which are threatening in chase. On the other hand when i have a bad team i will 100% lose against this killer.
I dont like to play against a spirit who uses the standstill-mindgame. And against a freddy i have ptsd from dcing teammates.
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For the first time ever... I booped the snoot. So Pig.
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I wish fake pallets were base kit, they’re a lot more interactive.
I’ll never understand the pigs who go for people with a trap, like the whole point of the traps is to take them out of the game and have a 1v3 for a while.
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Billy and Blight are usually fun if the killer is good. Micheal for the spook factor, despite being the weakest of the stealth killers catching him watching you from behind a wall is still creepy as hell.
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Billy, bubba, nurse, blight, huntress, demo and Myers
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Demo, Oni, Billy and Michael
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In my opinion, Freddy, Huntress, Blight and Myers are extremely fun to play against.
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I hate Spirit so much. 0 enjoyable against her.
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Most enjoyable ATM: Blight, Oni, Billy, Huntress, Demo, Pyramid Head
Not enjoyable: Spirit, Hag, Twins
Then there is the rest which is just fine and fun, I have no problem with.
I play 90% solo q.
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I might be the only one but... Nurse. I love going against her.
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Billy, specifically flick billy is so much fun to face.....*hot take I would love to face a j-flick blight as well*
not enjoyable is spirit, god is that unfun
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As long as it’s not a nurse that wins in 30 seconds, she’s super fun to play against. Likely since the counter play to her is different from everyone else.
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Bubba, Michael, Ghostface (just for the banter most times)
Bubbas a cheeky lil face camper but he's too adorable to even be mad at ☺
And Michael being my babe ❤ so...
Yah either one of those is gold for me.
Least will have to be the crazy Billy, spirit or nurse.
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Demo and huntress definitely for me :)
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- Nurse / Spirit / Blight = the most unpredictable ones, you need to also be unpredictable to face them and it's freaking exciting to play !
- Oni / Demo / Twins = just because i also adore playing as them.
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Its pure mindgames. No running in circles (i hate running in circles). The chases are intense and a tiny mistake can cost either side the chase.
Thats how every chase should feel like!
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I like going against Plague and Blight. Huntress can be fun if there's no latency and all you have to deal with are her normal flying fridges. Oni, Billy, and Ghostface are pretty fun, too.
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I enjoy going against the nurse as well. I'm fairly decent against her for some reason.
The Huntress is the killer that I find to be the most solid, well-rounded character. I never feel that I lost cheaply against her, and my escape rate against her is probably in the 50 / 50 range. The Oni's pure brute strength and rage makes him a fun threat to have roaming the map, I wish more killers used him.
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My favorite to verse are stealth killers. Myers is king, but Pig and Ghostface are really fun too. I like being kept on my toes.
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Billy, Oni, Nurse, Demo and sometimes Pyramid Head
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billy. his power doesnt make you feel robbed like spirits.
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From what I see, Billy is probably the most popular killer to play against on here
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Easily Hillbilly.
Truly brings the "cat & mouse" gameplay out in full force and I love it.
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Billy, Nurse, Doctor, Pig, No stridor Spirit, Oni, Demo
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Daddy Myers is my favorite.
Least favorite is Spirit and Freddy. Always brain dead boring matches.
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I love EVERY killer and they're all fun in their own special ways.
All except Leatherface
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Oni, Pyramid Head, Hillbilly, Trapper, and Micheal. They're really intimidating & I love Billy's terror radius music.
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Depends, zoning killers are lame and braindead but some killers go for sick shots and dont just hold m2 to zone you out just because they exist.
A zoning deathslinger is boring and braindead, a deathslinger that tries sick shots and doesnt simply zone you out can be fun.
The only killer that is universally fun to verse is nurse because no matter the map rng you'll always have tools to counter her
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Demooooo. I get all !!! When it's a demo even if I get slaughtered by him. Bubba surprisingly only because I've gotten to where I like the satisfaction of running him around as long as I can (accepting I will probably be face camped for it and I'm not making it out of this match alive) and a good huntress. I like to mentally compliment them on any wicked shots.
Detest going against Nurses', Spirits', Freddies, and really good Hags and Trappers only because I do not like the feeling of no safety where I have to mind all areas of where I'm going and nothing makes me say all kinds of profanities when I SEE a trap, go to disarm and somehow stepping on it instead.
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My fellow Jflicking blight mains, it’s so fun to make them miss
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PH, pig and billy are my favorite.
The least favorite are bubba, nurse and deathslinger
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If you like flick billy, you’ll love jflick blight premium 😏
Nah but for real they might be the best killer to versus as there’s more counterplay against the blight’s movement (depending on the risk they are willing to take to get a hit) and because it makes the chase much more interactive and interesting. Definitely recommend turning crossplay off if you play on pc as it’ll help you find more of them. Hope you have fun !