There is not the same advantage that PC players have when turning the camera quickly
Can we stop with this like honestly, these posts are giving me a headache!
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Literally. I've loved blight from the beginning but it sucks when you see pc blights to mad turns and then when I play you can barely do a 90 degree turn.
I've gently stopped maining blight, as I just... Can't compete with pc version... :(
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I'm console killer and while I do agree there's disvantage practice made it easier for me and I don't have problem with turning or anything now
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It's absurd that they've enabled cross-play but outright refuse to allow K+M on console. I left Xbox for PC when BLight came out so I never got to try him out on controller and I don't ever want to.
I can't imagine how bad Trickster controls on a joystick.
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*you can barely do a 45 degree turn
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I can't imagine how bad Trickster controls on a joystick.
It's really bad.
Like,it's still really hard to deal with the recoil because response curve and deadzone for controller in the game are pretty bad.
I can't play more than a few games as Trickster because trying to aim with that recoil on his blades really starts to hurt my thumbs.
Never had this problem with Deathslinger,Huntress or other games that required you to aim.
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I think its the recoil combined with the fact that L/R arm throws aren't perfectly centered. It's silly that they say they want "parity" between platforms for cross play then let a 8000 hour pc huntress play against 20fps PS4 players.
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Not until it gets fixed.
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THIS! I've tried playing console blight and kept wondering what I'm doing wrong when I get counterplayed 100% of the time by survivors taking one step behind a tree. My sensitivity is high enough that I can do a full 360 swing with nurse but with those same settings, blight feels capped at 45 degrees, if that. I wonder if that'll ever get fixed
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Absolutely not if anything we need more constructive posts like this and more eyeballs on these concerns.
The majority of the playerbase is console now, and most are still on the prior generation units for one reason or another. Nearly all have performance issues, as do lower-end and even moderate PC's, running this game.
We all love DBD but are fustrated with the little attention and even less communication about years of this going on.
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I used to play with cross play off for this reason, but it’s not worth it now since queue times take much much longer.
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I heard they were planning on improving blight for consoles
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Then don't read them?
It's not exactly difficult..