The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Update and Community Feedback

TheBigGoo Member Posts: 38

Good afternoon,

So I have been delayed in releasing the next episode of Perk Talk due to my exams this week for grad school. That being said a script is being developed during my free time so I expect the next episode will release during the weekend.

With that being said I would like some feed back on a question I have for the community.

-According to you, discounting licensed killers, who would be the best killer for new players to get? I want to base this off of how fun the killer is, how easy their 3 unique perks are (doesn't matter if they are good, just as long as they are simple to use), and how easy new players would be able to understand them.

I'd love some feedback on this question as I have some ideas myself, but due to my own personal bias, I'd like to hear more from the community on this one.

Have a nice day, and I hope to see you... in the fog.


  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,404

    If someone doesnt have bubba, he needs bubba. BBQ is too important. Franklin and Knockout are easy to understand and more or less useful. But the tantrum could be frustrating for new player.

    Myers is easy to use (except i had one new player who stayed T1 the entire game and lost badly bc he didnt know that he needs to stalk to have a chance), his perks only need obsession explained (that can take some time).

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,742

    didn't op specifically say "discounting licensed killers"?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,742

    I'm assuming by "According to you, discounting licensed killers, who would be the best killer for new players to get?" OP means "According to you, not including licensed killers, who would be the best killer for new players to get?". And you listed two licensed ones.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,404
    edited May 2021
  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Clown for sure

    He is pretty unique in playstyle and has a lot of personality. He isn't the strongest killer but he can help you learn a lot on how to anti loop as survivors.

    His perks are each very simple with one being very good (pop goes the weasel), one that can be good (bamboozle), and coulrophobia being one with potential.

    He has a lot to offer just by himself but his perks can be fun and useful on other killers as well

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    I'm gonna be the madlad to say Plague. I think her power is pretty easy to understand (Puke on Survivor, make them sick. Once super sick you hook them. If they make themselves not super sick, you can get go-go juice and hit them with even sicker puke that will make them just drop dead.) I don't personally find her necessarily the most fun, but I do think she'd be easier to understand and get decent with compared to someone like Hag or Deathslinger. To add to that, she has really, really good add-ons, and her perks are pretty simple to understand while being quite strong. (Corrupt and Infectious just need to be equipped to get value out of, with Corrupt helping both find survivors early and help keep gens from going too fast, and Infectious revealing the location of possible stealth Survivors that are so popular in low-ranks that are scared for their life and hiding.) I think the hardest perk of hers to understand is Dark Devotion, but even that one is pretty simple. (Hit person with spider legs around their name, and leave them to bug other people, because spider legs person has your heartbeat for a while, so they're gonna spook their friends and you're also gonna spook their friends.)

    I'd also agree though with Clown, I just think his perks are a lot rougher overall to work with and aren't necessarily as straightforward. (Especially with Bamboozle having a chance to mess you up quite bad if you misuse it, as you don't wanna block every window.)

    I wish I had more to offer here, but a lot of the Original Killers tend to have either a lot of complexities to them that make them hard to learn, or have perks that just won't be useful, even for a new player. (Like Deathslinger is hard to learn all the tricks on, and his perks aren't great. Oni and Blight have great powers, but their perks won't help them much. Hag and Spirit have complex powers. Trickster, Legion, and Twins are an odd mixed bag, where their powers are both hard to get amazing value out of, especially as a new player, and their perks are hit or miss. Doctor is in a realm of his own because his Power is a lot to try to take in when you consider add-ons.)