Why do people want an lgbtq character?
People who were assigned female at birth but transitioned to male.
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oh yeah, I love that idea
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Nurse was released in August of 2016, years before Tome ll.
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Nurse mentioned her husband in her bio and she was released...
*checks watch*
August 2016.
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A trans man is someone assigned female at birth, but their gender identity is male.
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Really? It's been awhile since I read her bio. Idr it being in there. That would mean they renegged on their desire not to include sexual preference almost immediately. Huh.
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Do they remove female organs don't they?
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ok thank you for correction, someone mention that before but still thank you
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that depends on if people have the reassignment surgery. if they do or don't have a dick doesn't change their gender identity. if someone is a trans male theyre still a male and they still use he/him and theyd still be someones boyfriend with or without the penis.
edit: i'd like to clarify, i'm cis and don't have the most experience in talking about gender identity so if i make a mistake and someone knows better please correct me :)
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The fact that you have to even mention the homosexual relationships when the game has heterosexual relationships In the lore and no-one questioned why the lore mentioned these is exactly why representation is still needed.
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Not usually, no. Most trans people simply take hormones, which whilst impacting fertility does not lead to sterility.
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Yeah they did. And no one really complained that it didn’t have a place in this game despite the original stance of the devs…
see also the statement by the devs regarding this in following post
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You don’t.
you are making fun of the people that actually struggle with this though. Please don’t.
Post edited by Rizzo on6 -
Yeah! That's the statement I was referring to
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Someone's gender is influenced by hormone balance, not genetalia.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
if someone feels like woman and is a man then why he don't jus change his sexuality?
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congrats! that's not how any of this works at all!
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I am wondering how we are at this point starting a disscusion about a horror game
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There is plenty of individual reasons why someone doesn’t want and doesn’t need that kind of surgical process.
sorry I am not that skillful in the English language to discuss this more eloquently.
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because it was on the topic of lgbt+ representation which has then evolved into discussing transgenderism (is that the right word? i think so? if it isn't can someone give me the right word?) + their existence. especially the part where their gender isn't defined by their genitals.
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It being a horror game doesn’t have anything to do with it.
this horror game has a great diversity of characters as is, there are plenty of topics that don’t impact gameplay at all. There is no need for LGBTQ+ exclusion when we have heterosexuality, and pretty much everything else in the lore.
it’s the devs‘ game and their Storys. They think it fits so it does fit.
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trans men/women are men/women irregardless of their genitals or biological sex.
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okay so I was reading about trans man and it's not man at all, that's why we call it trans man yes?
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thats not how it works though.
listen, I am not calling you transphobic and I believe you are just not well educated about it (hell I am neither), but the way you are talking about this topic can be interpreted as transphobic.
there are plenty of scientific papers and articles about this topic, if you really care (and it seems to me you do) please start and educate yourself and stop writing stuff like that. It is transphobic, even if you don’t mean to be.
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Because of your extreme reaction to Felix's theoretical boyfriend being pregnant
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Trans men/women are still men/woman. A trans man is still a man, regardless of what's between his legs. A trans woman is still a woman, regardless of what's between her legs.
People call them trans men/woman like they call gay people, well, gay men/woman. it's an adjective to describe their identity. it's nothing more than that and people who make it more than that have it wrong.
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because males can't be pregnant
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No, the hormones you proceed to take alter your biological processes and make you male/female.
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Please just stop this topic before you say something that gets you banned.
the thing is, there was no need to mention the gender of Felix‘ partner. You can have biological offspring without a female wife. Transgender partner is one possibility.
and if it was only relevant later on, then just reveal this stuff later on in the lore. Introduce the new char with the story that mentions the father/parents that already exist in the game.
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Do a little research, please, this is going beyond embarrassing and into the realm beyond.
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from a biological point of view a trans man is a man in the wrong body. they are not a woman. they are a man.
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em, what
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You have been told several times now.
your concept of gender, being a man and woman, is scientifically/biologically proven to be false.
it’s not solely determined by the genitalia, organs or even chromosomes of a person.
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Since the thread has been derailed and people started being disrespectful, we decided to close it.
I believe a lot has already been said in this thread https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/247177/lgbtq-survivor-killer-when/p21 so please refer to that if you need more information.