The Thing About Bill Overbeck's Perks


Ah, flash back to young Samurai. A budding gamer, he was just coming home from school, ready to play Pokemon Ruby on his gameboy. He walks in, to find his mom playing on the family xbox 360. A strange occurrence indeed, but a welcome one. I sit next to her to find her shooting up zombies with ease. I became enamored with the gameplay, learning the names of the characters surviving this apocalypse. Francis, Zoey, Louis, and of course, Bad-Ass-Bill. I began to play, enjoying the campaigns and the story weaved between each survivor. Flash forward to Dead by Daylight and the release of Bill on consoles and my love for the game had sparked, starting a burning fire of interest. To this day, Bill is my only prestige three, and forever my main...What was I talking about again? Oh yeah, smart ass perk evaluations.

Bill if not obvious by the monologue is my absolute favorite survivor. I always loved how seasoned he was at combat, and how he mostly kept his cool in left 4 dead. In fact, he's what got me into dead by daylight. However you're not here for that. If you have read any of my other posts, you're here for sarcastic dry humor. Once again we should know this by now but if I rag on your favorite perk don't be salty, it's all for fun and I thoroughly enjoy thinking someone reads these and thinks I'm funny. So let's get into it

We'll start with Borrowed Time. This perk is just like decisive. Always been powerful, but has been changed a number of times. Not nearly as much as decisive, but still changed. Originally, it used to protect both the unhooked, and the unhookee, from dying state, at the cost of only being usable once a trial, which would've been enough for me to toss it in the garbage right next to sole survivor. But suddenly, from the light of Matthew Cote's pushed up anime glasses came, a buff. Instead, the perk now protects just the unhooked, when being unhooked within the killers terror radius. While not sounding too powerful, it became a selfless perk, keeping your team alive, and countering tunneling better than decisive ever could. We had this version for a while, but then came our most recent patch, fine tuning it's saving ability. Now, in return for the endurance status effect lasting a slightly shorter amount of time, it works no matter the condition. Unhooked in the killers face? Endurance. Killer wanking on his hex totem in the back of the swamp map? Endurance. Wraith staring at you with intensity in his cloak because you ran him on the jungle gym for a bit too long? En-dur-ance. This makes sure stealth killers can't negate the effects, and removes the "he's literally 33 meters away so it won't trigger" scenario. Overall, great perk.

Next we have a slightly shorter wall of text. Unbreakable, which to my knowledge, has stayed the same since drop. (correct me if wrong) Unbreakable allows you to pick yourself up off the ground once per trial, while giving you an increase to recovery speed. Let me tell you, just one unbreakable, can screw your pressure harder than that one Nea who can run you on the Myers house long enough for the other three Dwights with toolboxes to proc three gens at the same time...definitely not speaking from personal experience. Unbreakable is the og "get your ass up we're not done here" perk, while also being the most efficient. Soul guard is situational and who the [Steve Scream] uses No Mither unironically. Plus you get to keep the recovery speed bonus after getting up so that's pretty cool. I don't know I just think it's neat.

Finally, because they can't make Bill TOO perfect, we have...Sigh...Left Behind. HE WASN'T EVEN LEFT BEHIND HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF WHAT THE FU-anyways left behind used to be super useless. When you are the last person alive (situational. check) you gain a repair speed buff (who's gonna be repairing gens if they're the last one alive. dumb effect. check) that stacks depending on how many generators are left (if it's more than one no one gonna be repairing. works like dogwater. ultra check) GARBO. thank god they changed it to be better, but still as situational. Now it just reveals hatch to you. situational, but still effective at helping you clutch.

I feel like I'm running out of jokes. Maybe I like Bill to much to be a jackass. Maybe I'm just not funny. who knows. If you enjoyed be sure to check out some of my other posts. As per usual, See you guys in the fog!