Much Needed Ghost Face Buffs


Yeah... can we please buff Ghostie?

Pretty bad add-ons with only a handful that are basically required in order to play him well. A power with an absolutely huge cooldown. Survivor counterplay that doesn't make sense/isn't clear and precise.

How I'd fix that:

  • Reduce Night Shroud default cooldown to 20 seconds (from 30).
    • Walleyes Matchbook nerf: -2 seconds (from -4).
    • Olsen's Address Book nerf: -4 seconds (from -6).
    • Chewed Pen nerf: -6 seconds (from -8).
  • Hitting a survivor who is partially marked will regress their marking progress by 30% (from fully removes on hit, aligns more with Trickster).

Revealing Ghostie:

While many would be right in assuming that the squared area is the space in which Ghostie would be revealed on the survivor side, it appears to actually be the triangle area-- which despite being described as "the center of the screen" starts in the corner of top of the screen and ends in the middle, leaving a huge area up top in which Ghostie is revealed and a very minute area in the actual center, where he should be revealed. This is why survivors often cannot reveal Ghostie in time or seem to reveal him when they aren't even intentionally looking in his direction.

Crouching and Stalking:

While Ghostie stalks survivors, often times when he's crouched, certain areas of the map make it harder to effectively do so, namely tall grass and CORN, OMG THE GODDAMN CORN.

While crouched, grass should have some opacity so that Ghostie can reliably stalk while crouched, since his FOV is often lower than the height of the grass.

Mostly Terrible Add-ons:

Throw all the stalking movement speed add-ons in the trash. These add-ons will never be good and are not helpful in the slightest. Same with crouched movement speed add-ons. No one chases survivors when crouched, so I'm not sure what these are supposed to be used for.

Here are a few detailed changes to the more important add-ons.

  • Very Rare Add-on Changes:
    • Driver's License - The Ghost Face cannot be revealed by survivors spotting him. Hitting marked survivors inflicts Deep Wound. Tremendously increases Night Shroud recovery time when hitting a survivor.
    • Drop-Leg Knife Sheath - Hitting a marked survivor reduces The Ghost Face's Terror Radius by 16 meters for 45 seconds.
    • Victim's Detailed Routine - Hitting a marked survivor will block all generators that aren't being repaired for 20 seconds.
  • Ultra Rare Add-on Changes:
    • "Ghost Face Caught on Tape!" - When downing a marked survivor, any survivors within 24 meters scream and become exposed for 20 seconds.

And lastly, teachable perk changes:

  • I'm All Ears - Reduce cooldown to 25 seconds. (Aligns more with Quick & Quiet.)
  • Thrilling Tremors - Reduce cooldown to 40 seconds.
  • Furtive Chase - Reduces killer Terror Radius by 8 meters for 20 seconds after each hook. Killer becomes Undetectable after hooking with 4 tokens.


Also Ghostie could probably use a bit of map pressure via mobility. Maybe allow him to, of course, teleport between lockers at the cost of Night Shroud having a much longer cooldown.




  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,925
    edited May 2021

    A few great ideas.

    Blocking gens as an add on however probably wouldn't happen. I don't think they want base kits to have effect gen pressure, and it's essentially making his own perk Thrilling Tremors superfluous to him.

    I also think Furtive Chases obsession swapping mechanic is a healthy anti-tunnel incentive, so while a buff would be great, I wouldn't lose that.

    And again, you've made his own perk useless on him, as he can just shroud after a hook.

    Lol at teleporting between lockers.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256
    edited May 2021

    Following in the footsteps of “teachables as add-ons” that a few killers already have. I think it’s a pretty cool idea that has a powerful enough effect to be a purple while also allowing the killer to gain the effect of one of their perks. This also cements it as more of a “teachable” perk. The killer owns it and can use it in more versatile ways.

    Meant to include the obsession part, totally agree. Just changing it from in chase to after hooking. Doesn’t make it entirely useless, as 20 seconds is just enough to account for Night Shroud’s proposed downtime. Also, you can use this in tandem tactically, getting close to survivors while Furtive Chase is working, then just hitting them if injured, or transitioning to Night Shroud if they must be exposed or FC’s duration will end soon.

    Also yeah, probably wouldn’t be necessary with the proposed changes, why I left it at the bottom, but it’s a cool idea.