Will Dead Hard ever be fixed??
Been over a year now since dead hard was broken back in patch 3.7 or so and so was just wondering if anyone out there has any hope that the devs will ever bother to fix it, bring this up because i just got hit by the nuttiest of hits just because the killer had over 200 ping
also put in a bug report for it but just got "This issue has been known and we've said that Dead Hard is something we're looking into" my question is, what year will you be looking into it cause nothing has been done so far and I refuse to believe that it takes more than a year to patch a bug.
The problem with Dead Hard is that the code from it was designed to work with a peer to peer connection.
Now that DbD changed to dedicated servers,Dead Hard doesn't work as well as it used to.
The devs acknowledged this issue and are working on rewriting the code from Dead Hard to make it work with dedicated servers.