So... question

Why is corrupt intervention better than noed? Your essentially playing with only 3 perks most of the game. They both dont really require any skill to use. So why complain about one but not the other? Why frown upon noed but not corrupt?
Corrupt Intervention helps you to get Map Pressure and win the game before all Gens are completed.
NOED means that you failed to provide Map Pressure and you just want your training wheels to get maybe one or two Killers in. Let alone that Killers who rely on NOED also dont really learn how to loop, if you only manage to get Downs with 4% extra Movement Speed, you still have to learn a lot.
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Corrupt can and will help you get 4 kills if you're good enough and work for it. NOED will hand you 1 with little effort and won't really do much else because at that point survivors can and will just leave.
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Corrupt helps slow down game at the beginning, if survivors go to work on gens immediately you know 3 gens they won't be on so are more likely to find a survivor quickly and down them which will get survivors off gens for saves, if corrupt is still active you again will have an idea where survivors will be to find and down - pretty much helps with that beginning of game pressure. Corrupt also ONLY blocks gens and has time limit - rest is up to killer to really benefit from it.
NOED is an endgame perk. While just cleansing totems will counter it many survivors don't like finding/cleansing totems - they'd rather work on gens and leave as quickly as possible. NOED is an unlimited instadown and speed boost as long as the totem is up which can lead to a snowball. Killer really doesn't have to so much to get benefit, just hope survivors don't cleanse all 5 totems and be able to hit a survivor before they make it out the exit. With NOED survivors don't like getting downed with one hit and they get extra upset because it's a death at the end (and one that could be first hook) when they were so close to escaping - feeling similar to killers getting mad at survivors escaping through hatch when so close to 4k.
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Corrupt is better on good players who can capitalize heavily from that pressure while Noed is better on worse players who often fail to kill everyone by the endgame and need handholding. Corrupts strength is that is makes the worst part of a match for the killer, the beginning, a much less of an issue.
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Probably because of the way they feel to have used against you. With NOED, it's a 'gotcha' at the end of the game. The survivor may have thought they were about to escape or made a play counting on only losing one health state and then NOED takes them by surprise and feels like a cheap loss.
Corrupt on the other hand is much harder to blame things on. It does have a really strong effect on the game, don't get me wrong, it's stronger than NOED. But it's effect is more spread out by manipulating where the survivors go. There's never a time when a survivor goes down and it was 100% because of Corrupt. Corrupt probably helped get them in position, but it didn't guarantee the down.
A lot of people also won't think all the way back through the game to remember Corrupt. If you go down at the end because of NOED, it's obvious. If you go down at the end because of the time Corrupt bought the killer in the beginning of the match, it's not as obvious.
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Corrupt while it doesn't necessarily take skill to use it does take skill to actually capitalize off of it gives you an easier early game to set up your pressure for the mid to late game but you still have to win your chases normally without the gimmick of everyone being one shot to an m1.