Slippery meat and the new hook struggle

Slippery Meat should additionally create great skill checks on second hook skill check and give survivors the chance to unhook on their second hook
Slippery meat is already meta anyways. Lets push it up to top 5 slot please.
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That would probably be a little too strong, but I'd like some interactions with the struggle phase.
Slippery Meat
You have developed an efficient way to get off Hooks.
- Grants 3 additional Self-Unhook attempts.
- Your Self-Unhook chance is increased by 2%/3%/4%.
While in the struggle phase, skill checks will be separated into two segments:
- Landing a good skill check allows you to keep struggling
- Landing a great skill check gives you a token, up to a maximum of 3/4/5 tokens. Once your hook timer is about to run out, the timer pauses for 5 seconds for every token in your possession.
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No, self unhooks are a dangerous mechanic to mess around with. Imagine a full team with Slippery meat, Up the Ante and luck offerrings. They would never have to unhook each other at all and could just do gens even faster.
I'd rather the perk gets a complete rework to not do anything involving unhooks or escapes.
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NMCKE, I like your idea.
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Can I suggest changing the ability with self-unhooks to something else and keeping the struggle phase ability as you have described it? Maybe a speed boost when you get off the hook or something?
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Go for it 🐷
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Just make the skill checks easier in 2nd phase with slippery meat - doesn't really break balance, still can be useful for low rank players who have problems with hitting last few skillchecks.
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Camaraderie's problem besides coordination problem is inversatility. In other words, its only useful for one point of the match. This same problem befalls Slippery Meat and I would rather keep both suggested effects for this reason.
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I think if you change the first ability to something that functions at multiple points in the match, you wouldn't have that problem. I just never liked the first ability in general.
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I like the speed boost idea. Like everytime you hit a great skill check you get 1 second of speed boost. And maybe every good skill check a .25 of a second
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I think the possibility of self unhooking on second hook is fair. Most people get saved on second hook, it’s not like unhooking yourself is going to make much of a change. It’s going to happen anyway. Perhaps after unhooking the survivor suffers from Broken, Mangled and Oblivious. That way the killer still has a chance of finding them again, but giving the survivor a fighting chance.
I know it could be abused at high mmr, but I think it would be fair for the majority of average players and be especially helpful to newer players since it’s one of the free perks.
Post edited by zippie on0 -
No. Survivors don't need a fifth second-chance perk. Their entire META is basically free health states and second chances. Why not just ask for a perk that prevents them from losing?
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No. Self-unhooking is busted when even remotely reliable. Hook phase is balanced as is. It does not need any changes whatsoever. Camaraderie is insanely strong with coordination. Slowing/pausing timer is also unnecessary.