Do you consider crosshairs cheating?



  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    does this mean using headsets is cheating as well cause you get a huge advantage on audio cause technically headsets are not part of the game?

    does this mean SWF that is in a voice chat feeding each other info on what they are doing/what the killer is up to non-stop as cheating? When BHVR has made a dead by daylight discord server where you can find groups and play while on comms?

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    If it's not in the game and has to use a third party then yes it's cheating.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    • Is it cheating? Yes, absolutely.
    • Does it matter? Surprisingly, no. Let me explain.

    When someone uses crosshairs, what happens? Their aim is improved to the level of the best Huntress players - the best there can be. Their aim doesn't become better than is possible, it just becomes the best possible aim. Now, if they were to remove the crosshairs, they'd have to work on their aim themselves, learn to aim, and they'd eventually reach the same level as with the crosshairs.

    On the survivor side, they'd either have to go up against a Huntress with perfect aim using a crosshair, or a Huntress with perfect aim who learned to aim. There's no difference because the former didn't gain any advantage over the latter, nor did they get access to skills that the game doesn't allow.

    Bottom line, in terms of aim, there is no difference between a Huntress who learned to aim and a Huntress who uses crosshairs. This is one of those rare instances where cheating simply doesn't matter because the player doesn't go beyond what the game already allows. Furthermore, the fact that you can get the same effect with a piece of tape is a very good reason not to ban people for an overlay (some of which are inherent to their own hardware) - you literally can't stop them.