Extremely Frustrating Match (Rant)
I'm sorry you experienced that rough game and I have been in your shoes before. I've had matches against SWF's who constantly teabagged clicked their flashlights and what not and it's just horrible. I just wanna sit down after a long hard day and I get toxic survivors. This doesn't happen every match but I mean come on I don't do that to someone behind a screen. They could be having a rough day and just wanna hop on a video game to take their mind off of it.
As for the post game chat I always turn messaging to friends only because I don't have time to sit around and argue with people over a game. I think you should do the same. Again I'm sorry those survivors were mean to you.
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Believe me, breaks help. I stopped playing from Slinger's release to Pyramid Head's release and it felt so much better to play. Higher ranks really stomp you down man, it sucks.
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It happens man. I'm going to say something which I hope is helpful, and isn't taken the wrong way. You are, if I'm not confusing you with someone else, a proponent of playing NICE. I think I recall you, many times, talking about how you try to avoid tunneling, trying to give as many hooks as you can, and don't camp. While I commend you on taking on such a challenge, there has to be a point where you let go of that personally imposed convention. There is a level of Survivor (particularly SWF) where they are playing with every competitive edge they can squeeze in, and then congratulating themselves on how good they are for simply stacking advantages.
I have no doubt you are a good Killer. So I'm asking, am I confusing you with someone else? Did you try to play nice? Or did you, as I would have in a heartbeat, shift into maximum efficiency to put them in the ground. When you mention "clicky, hovering types" I hear an option for focusing on one, putting them on a hook and using them as a bait to slow down the Gen-Rush. When I hear well-coordinated SWF, I hear: time to choose to take a 4v1 to 3v1 early to balance out their competitive edge. Do you see where I'm going with this? If I am confusing you for another Player, I apologize. That is why I'm asking? Are you that guy who is trying to play nice, and did you?
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You are, unfortunately.
I'm the guy who tunnels when he knows people has DS to try to tilt them.
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Can't stop people from messaging and two of those three aren't viable.
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Not on Xbox.
Best you can do is Do Not Disturb, which doesn't work with people who friend you.
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It does indeed.
You just have to sit there until they decide you aren't worth it.
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That is why I asked; I wish I could remember the name of that reformed Killer who doesn't fight mean anymore. :) Well if you were playing as hard as you could, rattlesnake mean and they still steamrolled you, it is just a fact that we all pull that style squad now and then. The problem is those squads are growing in number. I keep pointing out to people that:
- The longer a SWF plays together they better they get.
- The more Solo is strangled the more SWF we get.
- Thus, the more highly coordinated super SWF we get building up.
It is a feedback loop.
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That is terrible and so stupid. This game became way more enjoyable when I set my psn profile to friends only.