Scooby Doo Fan Idea.
Scooby Doo Chapter!
Let's Split Up, Gang :
By splitting into pairs and looking for clues, we can solve this mystery with ease.
You gain a 4/6/8% generator reapair, chest opening, and vaulting increase when all survivors are outside of the perks 44 meter radius, any survivor inside the radius will deactivate the perk.
Trap Enthusiast :
Your complicated layout of traps never fail to capture even the most elusive criminals!
After working on a generator for 80/70/60 seconds, this perk will activate.
Once activated the survivor can press "E" to trap and damage any nearby generator that has been worked on having it regress by 10/8/5%.
If the killer is within the 8 meter LOS radius of the generator they will be blinded for 2 seconds and suffer from a 2 second stun.
Already regressing generators will not be affected.
Generators able to be trapped will be shown in a white aura.
Bravery and Leadership :
Everytime you enter a new chase with the killer and end it without being downed gain a token, up to two tokens.
Being downed will reset the tokens.
When you unhook a survivor, lose a token and grant the unhooked survivor 150% burst of movement speed for 2 seconds and grant yourself the endurance status effect for 2/3/4 seconds.
This perk deactivates when you are downed once.
Jinkies! :
A simple but iconic catchphrase used when revealed a clue that is shocking and unbelievable.
With this perk active, the killer leaves their own scratchmarks only seen by the survivor with this perk for 3/4/5 seconds.
An auditory "jinkies" in the sound of Velma's voice will be heard by the player periodically when they see killer scratchmarks.
The Hunt For Clues :
Their must be a rational explanation for all this, we just need more clues.
Everytime you destroy a totem, open a chest, or enter a locker, the killers aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.
This perk has a cooldown of 40/35/30 seconds.
I Can't Find My Glasses? :
While injured this perk activates, you suffer from the blindness status effect but all other survivors are able to see your aura and the killers aura if the killer is within a 8/10/12 meter radius of you.
Jeepers! :
The mystery only gets more mysterious with every Jeepers.
While you're uninjured running towards an injured survivor, gain 3/4/5% speed haste.
When uninjured survivors run towards you while you're injured, they gain the 3/4/5% speed haste.
Perk activates within 24 meters.
An auditory "Jeepers!" is heard between both survivors when this perk is activated.
Always Prepared :
No matter the situation, whether it's hunting a ghost or breaking a fingernail you need to be prepared.
Start the match with 3 tokens.
Entering a locker will activate this perk, after 8 seconds leaving the locker will grant you a new item.
Depending on what your team currently needs, you'll exit the locker with a helpful item.
Leaving the locker after 8 seconds will consume a token.
(Injured teammates will bring a high chance of leaving with a medkit.
Uninjured teammates will bring a higher chance of leaving with a toolbox.
Hooked teammates will being a higher chance of leaving with a flashlight.)
Fashion Forward :
We might be solving a spooky mystery but that's is no reason to have a bloody mess stained on your clothes.
When fast vaulting out of a locker, you gain 150% movement speed for 3 seconds.
You gain the exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
Zoinks! :
When you're face to face with a strange monster, sometimes the only word that comes to mind is Zoinks!
During the beginning of the chase, gain a 5/6/8% haste effect for 14/16/20 seconds
Vaulting speeds increase by 5/6/8% while in chase as well.
This causes the exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
An auditory "Zoinks!" is heard by both the survivor and killer when this perk activates.
Scooby Snacks! :
A delicious snack, the only persuasion youll need to solve this mystery.
Start the trial with three tokens.
For each new survivor unhooked from a hook, you lose a token.
Once all tokens are lost, this perk activates for 60 seconds.
The next time you are unhooked or unhook someone else, you'll instantly heal a health state.
Once the 60 seconds are over, this perk deactivates for the rest of the trial.
Every token lost gives 100% more bloodpoints to altruism.
Live Bait :
When all else fails, acting as live bait for the killer can always be counted on... gulp.
While you're in chase with the killer, Live Bait activates.
All other survivors will gain an increase in their generator repair by 4/5/6% while Live Bait is activated.
The killer will know this perk is activated as they will see the Live Bait icon on their screen.
Live Bait can only be activated if you are the obsession.
The chances of being the obsession with this perk is increased.
The Black Knight is an obsessed historian and dreamer. A man that believes that modern Chivalry is dead but yearns for it to make a return just like how it used to be during the dark ages.
The Black Knight would begin his reign of terror at his favorite pastime, the medieval fair. Dressed up in his knight attire he would single people out and duel them. Many thought he was joking but by the time they realized it was far from a joke, it was too late.
The Black Knight kept murdering as the count of missing people at the fair increased weekly until people began to assume the place must have been haunted... a medieval fair haunted by the ghost of the past. Thankfully a group of teens drove by the save the day... hopefully.
The Black Knight
Movement speed: 4.6 m/s
Terror radius: 32 meters
Power: Chivalry Reborn
Pressing the active ability button while looking at the direction of a survivor will activate Chilvary Reborn.
Chivalry Reborn will put the Black Knight and the survivor in a duel which last 20 seconds.
The survivor will know they are being dueled by the chains that cover some of their screen and the knight knows who they are dueling by the red aura around the survivor.
If the Black Knight downs the survivor inside the duel, he will gain Chivalry. Chivalry extends his secondary Ability range and power as well increases his out of chase movement speed.
Losing a duel and not downing a survivor will lose Chivarly, injuring a survivor but not downing will neither gain nor lose.
Secondary Ability: Mace
Holding the secondary Ability button will have the black knight swing his mace around in the air before throwing it out.
The base distance is 6 meters but can be increased as Chivalry is gained, max Chivalry will have the range be 16 meters and cause it to one shot.
The mace can bounce off the wall once and ricochet.