victor cooldown

so how does nurse.. who is so much stronger than victor, have less of an attack cooldown
Actually, according to the statistics, Nurse is much weaker than Twins.
Nerf Pig.
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Yea that i dont get, if we going by statistics we need to buff the nurse, which we all know is a bad idea
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It's about how difficult a killer is. That statistics was of the whole player base, most of whom are garbage at the game so easier killers like Freddy have a much higher kill-rate than harder killers like Nurse.
They probably saw that he was slugging too much in lower ranks and made it harder to snowball with Victor. They don't bother with Nurse because nearly no one is actually good with her.
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The mystery of BHVR's balancing decisions.
I honestly couldn't tell you.
I think the plan was to make Twins unfun to play, that way players would stop playing them. Which is unfortunate considering the low number of Twins mains 😥
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I literally just logged into the forums because I wanted to make a post regarding the Twins. Victor feels so bad now after the nerfs. They really should consider reverting the pounce cooldown nerf.
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"There is much less 1v1 counterplay available to Victor than to Nurse." Are you saying Victor has less counter play than Nurse? Because that's false.
Also, I can tell you exactly why people hate the Victor change.
For starters, they made the Twins more unfun to play. Almost no one wants to wait five seconds before they can resume full control of their killer again. The three second cooldown was already pretty long.
Secondly, limiting Victor's slugging potential was not warranted. Survivors already already had enough counter play options available to them to mitigate slugging.
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Victor cannot bypass windows and pallets like Nurse can. That alone makes her superior in my view. If Nurse sees a survivor at a reasonably close distance, she can theoretically blink right on top of them. I can somewhat understand where you're coming from, however. Victor for the most part cannot be looped like most killers, which makes him very strong in chases. Plus, he is stealthy. Nevertheless, I still think Nurse is stronger. Victor is not as consistent as you think.
Also, 3 seconds is definitely a long cooldown. That's plenty of time for a survivor to kick Victor.
The main strength of the Twins is their slugging potential. Some some survivors might find that appalling, but I don't. Slugging has practicable counter play.
If the devs wanted to nerf the Twins, they should have went after their camping capabilities.
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Again, you're assuming Victor is more consistent than he actually is.
Being mindful of where strong loops are can always be relied on. Hoping that a Nurse player is inexperienced is not a viable strategy. Plus, with Nurse, it's always a mind game. With Victor, you can throw down pallets early to create a road block, jump through a strong window, or hop in a locker to stop his slugging spree.
As for the slugging, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect solo queue players to handle it. Slugging has more practicable counters than camping or tunneling.
If anything, your comment made a decent argument against Victor countering Spine Chill. I could probably go along with that.
Lastly, about the rework. I could maybe support that route. The only reason I don't support it right now is because I like chasing survivors with Victor. It's the most fun aspect of the killer (makes the killer unique too). The devs would have to give them an equally attractive new power. And I don't trust the devs to pull that off.
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Victor is basically the reason people played as Twins.
I still can’t believe they went through with this change. >.<
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don't nerf pig, give her a new skin instead
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Again, you make a decent argument for Victor being less stealthy. Your whole point about Victor easily downing survivors who are not in a safe location applies to all the other top tier killers as well. That's what makes them top tier killers.
As for solo queue, once again, they have the ability to counter the Twins. The golden rule of paying survivor is to split up and work on gens. If the survivors do that, then it will be much harder for Victor to slug. And even if people do start getting slugged, the survivors have options. Unbreakable, Soul Guard, and WGLF are all really effective against the Twins. Someone could also hop in a locker to stop the slugging spree (remember Victor can't hook).
One last thing I'll say because our conversation is going no where. I consider myself somewhat of a Twins main. I'm one of the few Twins players who plays them as a slugging killer. My goal is to get everyone injured and then slug them all with Victor. But in experience, this is not always easy to pull off. When I start slugging, I have to make quick decisions about where to strike. Sometimes these predictions are wrong, in which case the survivors are able to recover and I lose pressure. The more spread out the survivors are the more difficult it is to make predictions. Sometimes, I miss a pounce (either because of a bug or a mistake), I get kicked, and now all the pressure is lost.
The point I'm trying make is the Twins are not as consistent as you think. I've been playing them a while, and the Twins don't seem overbearing to me. Their slugging potential is strong, but it's not a sure thing. Maybe once you truly master the Twins, there might be an issue with them, but I haven't seen it yet.
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I don't understand why they changed it but it hasn't made any difference in matches, if a decent team is running or on a gen together and you down one you'd be kicked regardless of the extra couple of seconds.
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I mean it's working, I've barely touched her since the nerf even though she's still really strong in public games
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Here's the issue though. This nerf doesn't fix low ranks at all, most survivors don't know that you can kick Victor after a down and instead just run away and die to Victor. The nerf has only affected Twin versus good Survivors who generally didn't think Twin was strong anyways