why do people say that survivors w flashlights are trash

i have played against many killers with a flashlight and usually used the flashlight to help my teammates when the killer picks them up, or when i throw down a pallet, and we win. so why do i get called trashy when i do use perks like a key or flashlight.
Each side attacks the others for imagined slights when they lose. It's a defense mechanism for them to avoid admitting they got out-played. Sadly, if they don't learn from their mistakes, they will make them again.
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I hate nothing more than playing solo, looping the killer for 2+ minutes just to have some dude follow me around the whole time with his flashlight and then when the killer finally downs me, doesn't even manage to hit the flashlight save. That was 1 person wasting 2+ minutes not doing ANYTHING. I love flashlights in my SWF tho cause they just go for it if they are actually close to whoever gets downed.
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I do the same thing if someone gets down near me I will just wait to do the flashlight or see if there is a pallet near me, but yes people like that annoy me and I hate playing solo but all the friends I have don't play dbd or they don't like it because they're scared
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I understand that, I sometimes get mad at a game if I lose but that is to be expected but I just move on to the next game, same with playing as a killer. I just say gg and move on 😂
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Well for keys, they’re probably just saying it out of frustration as truthfully, keys are rather unhealthy in their current state. They allow for underserved escapes and can sometimes be used to sandbag the team e.g. by using the key in the Killer’s face when your teammates need your help.
As for Flashlights, I’m unsure why you’re getting called ‘trashy’ however, I do agree with the sentiment that flashlights are bad. Oftentimes, people with flashlights will follow the killer so that they can get a save when the Killer downs someone. As such, flashlight saves are extremely predictable and it is often the Killer’s fault for allowing a flashlight save to happen. Usually when I see a flashlight in my lobby, I know that it will be an easy game for me if I’m the killer and a really tough game if I’m a survivor (because the flashlight user will likely ignore gens to try and get saves, thereby wasting time).
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Personally, I really hate Survivors who just try to go for Flashlight Saves instead of being productive. Like, I have seen Survivors go into second stage because someone was trying that hard for a Flashlight Save that they did not unhook the person on the Hook (which would be the same points..).
And it is just frustrating if I get downed and see that one person was hiding the whole time in hope for a Flashlight Save, just to miss it by a mile. Or the good old "I blind the Killer while he is walking, he will drop the Survivor"-people.
And as Killer, if a Survivor is under a Pallet and there is another Survivor next to it with a Flashlight, I 100% know what is gonna happen - they attempt to CJ-Tech. So instead of hitting Space, I just hit M1 and get either a Hit or a Grab. My favorite part was a Survivor who tried it two times in a row, going from Healthy onto my shoulder, just because they thought I am stupid enough the second time they try it on the same Pallet...
While I understand that Flashlights are fun to use, I feel like most players with Flashlights just waste their time and hurt their team, when they are really overcommiting. Going for a Flashlight Save when nearby is completely different of course.
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The heck is a CJ-Tech?
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Killers just get mad that they lose a chase or drop a survivor to a flash light. I forgot what the perks called but there's a perk where flashlights don't affect you and you see the survivors aura after they try and use the flashlight on you so if people are really that upset about it they would just use that perk. Now ofc there's survivors that try so hard to get a flashlight on the killer and fail horribly everytime which can be very annoying for survivors but either way it's not bad to use it.
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It's called Lightborn. Nice niche perk. I've dusted it off a couple times recently when I was in the mood to mess with flashlight squads.
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It's my favorite perk of all time, not that helpful but super fun to use.
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i think it is becuse altruism can win you a game but it can also easily lose game for you i literally got a game where there was 2 claudettes with flashlights i downed one of them so i started baiting out pickup other claudette ran to me and i injured her i did that second time and it worked they of course dc'd after that and losed the match
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I personally think players with flashlights are counterproductive to winning. If they get a save, great, but as a killer I know how easy it is to catch these kinds of players off guard and through these methods, create a bigger snowball then I would’ve earned if they played without a flashlight.
Its probably a great feeling to get a save and I have benefited from flashlight saves before but my feeling is if my teammates were doing more than chasing the killer as the killer chased another player, our matches would go far more smoothly.
So yes, I think flashlight horny survivors are detriments to the team. As killer. As a SWFer. As a solo survivor.
I’ve been the aggravating teammate on comms explaining why this is bad to my online buddies while we were winning a lot of matches and then, when by chance I’ve gotten to play my teammates later as killer, absolutely demolished them.
You do not need lightborn as killer. You want them to be baited into making the always bad decision.
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when a survivor is downed at a dropped pallet, and the killer is on the same side as the downed survivor, someone vaults the pallet hoping the killer pressed spacebar- which would result in the killer picking up the survivor instead of breaking the pallet. the survivor vaults back and gets a flashlight save from it
the tech usually never works unless the killer is a baby, tbh
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Let me tell you one of the most frustrating things I encounter while playing survivor
I'm getting chased, let's say I'm having a good day and the chase lasts for a decent amount of time - before I go down I notice that there's a healthy survivor with a flashlight hovering around me or 'babysitting' me instead of being productive
Then the killer picks me up and does the smart thing and looks at a wall. That survivor has just been wasting all that time basically doing nothing while I was being chased
If you like using flashlights, please don't be that guy (or gal). If you're close by and think you can get a save, that's one thing but please don't babysit your teammates and try to get saves constantly.
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Nobody says that.
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I love to seem them as killer cause it means easy kills. As survivor though I call them trash because more often than not they’ll come for the save get downed I’ll still get hooked but they will also be hooked now.
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I wouldn't say that flashlights are trashy, but I do hate them a lot. I don't whine about them in the end game chat unless there are at least three people using them or I get blinded every pickup because the survivor crawled out into the open.
The killer (usually) has to win basically two chases to get one down, which almost always (Freddy and Spirit are the exceptions) involves outplaying the survivor repeatedly.
A survivor with a flashlight can see the killer pick up the survivor they just downed and use an exhaustion perk to get over there from outside the killer's hearing range and then blind them at the very end of the animation and reset all of that progress the killer just made.
And tell me, what skill does a flashlight use? Accuracy? All the ranged killers need this (Slinger, PH, Huntress, and even Trickster and Doc to an extent), and even more of it than a flashlight user, and get significantly less reward for it. Timing? If you're not an absolute potato, you should have that down from skillchecks already.
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Happened to me today. I wasn't the one chased, but the claudette tailing the killer for what it could've been almost a whole gen not only did fail the flashlight save, but also gave him a free hit
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Using a flashlight as intended, killer stunning when in a tight spot is fine. The real issue I see, and I am a survivor main, is it gets toxic and annoying real fast. I hate clicky flashlighters, I do not need survivors rapidly clicking their flashlight at me if they want help with a gen, a heal, etc. Then people team up to repeatedly blind the killer for funsies, click their flashlight at them to get their attention. Since so much of this BM behavior exists with flashlights, all flashlights have a bad reputation. I am fine with keys both when I play survivor or killer, I don't know what the fuss is there.
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They aren't? Usually people are just salty when they say that because they were flashlight saving and clicking.
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I think people just get annoyed when you have a SWF flashlight bully squad in a match. I'm still learning Killer so I'm by now means good at it yet, but I'm often matched with a lobby where only one survivor is around my Rank (like Rank 13), and the others are red and purple ranks. I've had times where all they do is constantly flash me trying to blind me regardless of whether they're making saves or not. I know I'm still new at Killer, and being on console I have problems hitting PC survivors that do 360's and seem to have more mobility, but they don't have to be asses about it.
If you're using the flashlight as intended, that's not trashy. It can still be annoying for a Killer, but it's a part of the game.
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Got outplayed by a key, bad killer. Wish i could learn from my mistake, but sadly i cant... You are right.