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What to do against Oni?

Member Posts: 2,405

Honestly I feel like I have a much harder time against Oni than any other killer (including nurse or spirit). I may just be bad against him but wasn't sure if people have advice specific to him.

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  • Member Posts: 2,405

    Any advice after getting hit? I feel like once you get hit you are doomed tbh. Get hit, then get hooked, then unhooked and he finds your blood trail and you just repeat getting hooked and unhooked until death

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    Avoid hits as much as possible, go for spins and play safe & stealthy when he's in fury.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Predrop pallets and play extremely safe until he gets his power. If he has his power, jungle gyms and shack are playable, as are 4-walls and larger junk tiles. You really want to use Windows rather than pallets, and if you're going to go down, jump in a locker to force him out of his power.

    Actually, that locker thing is always good. Completely ruins any chance of snowball. Just, try and use a few resources first just to waste some time.

  • Member Posts: 130

    after he get his power just hide watchout for tinkerer etc. dont rush to unhook after ,he loses his power just loop him and let you teammates slam gens if you dont want to get tunneled use DS .You can use for example lockers to hide when he's got his power,if he downs force him to pick up dont rush to help person in the dying state.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    You need to heal a lot and stay as far away from the Oni as possible. There are ways to counter his power such as taking sharp corners and using strong windows.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    A good trick is to force him to predict you by holding W and breaking line of sight - most Onis will dash to catch up to you but try and predict the route they think you’ll take, so they can cut you off and bonk you. Once you’ve broken LoS keep an eye on him and then either wait at a corner or turn back if you see him trying to predict your pathing.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    Do your best to not give him blood fury for as long as possible. Once he has it, good Oni is near impossible to loop for any extended duration unless you throw pallets like crazy which is a loss in itself.

    Luckily, there aren't that many good Onis out there so you can try and do some tricks with windows, sharp angles around loops, tricky unpredictable movement etc. That should usually work on your average rank 1 Oni.

  • Member Posts: 5,234

    Some random tips from me:

    • Drop pallets super early if you're worried about getting hit, especially if you're the first one being chased; it's important you delay his power as much as possible
    • When he has his power - Play a bit more stealthier or immersed than usual
    • Split up! Oni's biggest strength is slugging multiple people at a time quickly, when survivors split up this becomes very difficult and it will force them into either hooking or risking losing their slug
    • Hug structures as much as you can when he's dashing - Oni can use his demon strike around some corners but the turning rate means he can't do extremely sharp turns. Hiding around corners, vaulting windows and so on
    • Don't forget to heal when you can - the less orbs floating around the better.
  • Member Posts: 1,836

    dont be afraid to play super safe if you’re the first one being chased, drop pallets early and dont be greedy to delay his power

    jumping in lockers is also good to deny him a snowball- if multiple people are around you it wouldn’t be a bad idea to ensure he only gets one down

    split up, but this is just a general survivor tip. if every survivor is on separate gens its way harder for the killer to snowball if at all, and gens get done way faster

  • Member Posts: 181

    @IWasLeft2Die You have to play it safe against an oni so you may have to drop pallets early. Be mindful that he gets a slight speed boost when he has his power so don't greed or go to unsafe loops. Now when he is in his power and your outpositioned run somewhere safe immediately. TL loops are more so his weaknesses, good oni's can mindgame killer shack so be careful about that, and certain jungle gyms are his weaknesses. Most importantly when you are getting chased by him in his power you want to hit with dead angles and you can use lockers too if you have a chance.

  • Member Posts: 629

    Git gud



  • Member Posts: 811

    A good Oni can turn 180 easily with his power. I'm a Oni main myself, and after you spend a lot of hours in practice, there's no safe corner against him if you're in his attack range.

    Good for you it's rare to see a God oni, so you can use the sharp corners tactic.

  • Member Posts: 3,089
    edited May 2021

    Stay healthy as much as possible if he is in his power avoid detection stay healthy as much as possible if spotted sharp corners are your friend windows sometimes or loops where you can see him

    Also starve him of his power if your first found dont be afraid to drop a few pallets a loop or 2 early

  • Member Posts: 8,328

    Don't play injured, your just feeding him and making it easier for him to find you.

    If you can see blood orbs hanging around instead of disappearing he is using add on where he can see your aura if you interact with them.

    Don't hang out in dead zone if he's using his power.

    Split up. Most Onis use Infectious Fright to find nearby survivors when they down someone, this becomes more useful for Oni when they are using their power.

    Play as Oni yourself to see what it's like using the power. Playing couple rounds as a killer, even if you suck with them, gives you a ton of info for how they work.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    Yeah I may have to mess with oni some to learn him better. Thanks for the advice yall.

  • Member Posts: 5,234

    Legit not a bad idea

    Best way to learn how to play against a killer is to play as them yourself and learn their limitations/what it looks like from their POV.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    Depends. If you are talking a really good Oni then it's deny him his power by staying healed and not greeding pallets. Once he has his power the best thing you can do is spread out from your teammates, some of you will go down and you need to accept that as fact, the goal isn't to avoid going down it's to make him waste his power and motivate him to not slug your entire team. Oni's power is limited but when it's up he is probably the single strongest killer in the game, keep that in mind and do your part to prevent him from getting his power because the more he has it the less likely you are to survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Hug the jungle gyms and do not wander out into the open when he has his power charged. He heavily relies on survivors mistakes. Stick to the perimeters tight, its hard to land demon strikes against L wall hugging survivors.

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