There’s Still No FOV Slider, For Some Reason...



  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703
    edited May 2021

    While crouching? Versus like a 7 ft tall killer?

    Feigning a vault and spinning a killer, or faking like you're running left and doubling back right while the killer is in the pallet breaking animation, or clipping past a Legion as they vault a window are some of the most satisfying plays you can pull off as a survivor. I'm sorry if you don't have fun in the same way as I do.

    Killers see exactly what they are supposed to see and nothing more. It is not "bad design"; the game is built around low killer FOV.

    Raising FOV does not need to be as strong as a meta perk in order to be impactful. Asking for an FOV slider typically implies a high upper bound for FOV too, as in, quite a bit beyond even what Shadowborn gives you. I still think a 15 degree boost would be enough to hurt survivor gameplay.

    It varies by the game, but I think that's a fair estimate of the FPS hit from increasing FOV. That's no big deal for people already running the game at 60 FPS with some overhead. That is a problem for people who are already only running the game at like 15-20 FPS, though.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907

    If they increased the max FOV to what current Shadownborn is I wouldn’t see an issue with it. I don’t see what “unfair advantages” it would give anyone especially if it is capped at what the current Shadowborn FOV is.

    I usually use Shadowborn because the higher FOV is very nice to play on. More of a comfort thing.

    If you can stretch your resolution, I see no issues with having an FOV slider.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    Obviously I personally want it to be larger but I’m not ignorant enough to assume the same for everyone. Shadowborn alleviates my eye strain and motion sickness while playing killer, personally, and I know quite a few people with the same issue. However, others are fine, or experience the opposite.

    Which is why FOV should be a slider, current/slightly lower FOV at 0% and current Shadowborn at 100%. I’m not asking for double Shadowborn FOV, I’m asking for something that’s already in the game.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    Can people stop adding this “large FOV lowers performance” argument that just simply does not exist on consoles? I’ve been running Shadowborn for years and it has not affected performance at all for me, or it’s been extremely negligible and unnoticeable. And once again, this is why I asked for a slider OPTION, and not a forced increase for everyone.

    It still does not take skill to abuse the killer’s small FOV and “”””””aim dressing”””””” if you know how it works and the difference between how survivors would play now vs how they’d play if killers had a slightly larger FOV is extremely small.

    People could make the opposite argument for your side. You’re trying to maximize the balance implications because you don’t want the FOV to change.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    This is not representative of survivors’ and killers’ heights. Survivors heads are right below the necks of tall killers, not at their feet. Normal people should actually be able to see all the way down to their legs without turning their heads.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    Again, assuming an argument that just isn’t there. I stated multiple times throughout the thread that max FOV should just be current Shadowborn.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703

    It's just a fact. You have more to render. It usually won't cost you more than a couple of frames but last-gen consoles also don't have any frames to spare. A slider option puts people who don't max the slider at a disadvantage. That could be for performance reasons or, yes, for motion sickness reasons. In most games with an FOV slider I (and Almo, apparently) cannot play at the widest setting without feeling sick, so now we're right back in the same situation of having to choose between motion sickness and an in-game disadvantage.

    If the killer is having issues with aim dressing they are swinging at the wrong time. It's not hard to avoid. Just don't swing at people the second they turn a corner and make sure to put the unhooking survivor between you and the hooked survivor before you swing.

    If it doesn't take skill to pull off FOV-dependent techs, by all means send me your best clips. Players with 1000s of hours often still have a lot more to learn. I definitely do.

    I'm trying to have the balance not change by keeping the FOV the same. It's not like we're building the game and trying to decide between option A and option B. Option A already exists and the game has been designed around it. There are no balance implications to leaving the game the way it is.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited May 2021

    Well, the answer is pretty simple. The devs wanted to lock the FoV so they could reign in the skill difference between absolute sweatlords playing at 100 million FoV to casual players with the standard 90-ish degrees. Visibility and situational awareness is meant to be a survivor's main strength, which is why they have third person PoVs and killers have first person PoVs. It's difficult to balance elements of maps when the FoV can vary so widely.

    Even incremental changes are still affected by these issues. Shadowborne makes me *insert vomit noise,* but nobody can deny that it's a boon.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703

    The person I was replying to was asking for 110 degrees. I've heard many people asking for 120 and beyond. You are not the only person asking for FOV increases.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    Again, playing on a last gen console, this is an unnoticeable difference and a non argument unless you are playing on a potato computer that can barely run the game in general, in which case the option is still available.

    This “disadvantage” is so unbelievably minimal that it is already measurably small by Shadowborn existing. If a killer is already doing well without Shadowborn, and they are doing just as well without it, we can already tell that Shadowborn is not a noticeable advantage. The advantage that Shadowborn gives a player, especially a good player, is negligible.

    The only way spins and such work on good killers is when the “aim dressing” yanks the camera away from where they were going to swing and hit the survivor and causing them to miss. It’s not because survivors just moved out of the way fast enough in most scenarios. Spins that don’t force “aim dressing” only work on killers that just can’t really aim in general and swing at everything.

    The benefits of having an FOV slider far outweight the downsides.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    They said 100. If killer FOV is 87, then Shadowborn only makes it 102.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    Exactly, I guarantee no one will lose a game based on the killer's FOV.

    And an FOV slider could even allow survivors to change their FOV (within reason)

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    You guys ever think of adding a vignette option for your type of motion sickness, like in VR games? It could have options to use when moving over a certain speed, so things like demos shred, nurses blink and victors pounce are the only times it happens, since higher speeds tend to be a big factor for motion sickness

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    It's completely hilarious hearing both side fight each other on this, it's been 5 years people let it go alright. It's BY DESIGN, same reason we can't turn off in game music, we can't play with the brightness setting in game etc. The game was balanced around that , they won't change it even if you beg for it, they will change it if they don't feel it represent the vision they have for the game, I highly doubt they will change it at the point.

    What is worth talking about is why do they still allow Stretched res? Same with Nvidia filters, why is this a thing? That's really my big question, if we want things to be somewhat fair, these 2 things should not be possible.

    For FOV sorry bug I think your dog is dead, you can put it in the ground.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    Except FOV increase already exists as a perk and the other settings do not. This is a bad point.

  • Neot
    Neot Member Posts: 40

    you are my hero OP

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    Are you for real? That's exactly why it's a design choice, because there's a perk for it, hence why you won't get a FOV slider. I swear talking here sometime smh. They use increased FOV as perk mechanic, that prove my whole point. Goddamn people learn to read

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    That literally makes no sense and that is embarrassing that you tried to make that point. They did not build this entire game with the idea that FOV would be a perk. Trying to make the argument that the FOV is small because a perk exists for it is saying that Shadowborn as a perk existed before they intentionally made a small FOV as a "design choice." That is actually what you are saying, and it is an awful point.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256
  • bluedusef
    bluedusef Member Posts: 288

    higher FOV = bad

    SURVIVORS ALL USING DEAD HEAD with 3rd person cam, ds etc = good perfectly fine.

    dbd devs