Freddy Nerf did nothing
I hate Freddy but a nerf over a rework made no sense and didn't help lol.. Hes not op, he's just easy and boring.
It also seems like every Freddy player just went to Spirit now. 4 straight slugging spirits today. DC teammates trapping me in 3v1s and bleedouts on the ground.. 10\10 game. Back to killer i go for more indoor maps to ruin fun
"It also seems like every Freddy player just went to Spirit now."
I am not so sure about that...
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The only thing it fixed is forever freddy
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At least they got rid of forever Freddy #########.
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Besides you and Notherner lol.
But yeah. Constant brainless Spirits have started to make me hate her. I used to defend smurfette yo
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Indeed. The only positive. I miss old Freddy though.. he felt like Freddy.. not teleporting m1 killer guy.
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Well, if his failure of a rework wasn't enough for me to drop him, then nothing is.
Edit: At least you haven't hated Spirit since her PTB. I've seen old Steam threads asking for nerfs, and it was really weird.
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Old Freddy was "pog."
New Freddy is "omegalol"
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Now that is a fact!
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Pay to win? That's new.
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Rework Freddy was brainless and "pay to win" tbh. That's why so many bad sweaty players used him lol. He took a fraction of nurse's skill but got near equal results in most games
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Made less people play him from my experience
I used to see a freddy every 1/5 games, now it's like 1/15
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Bubba isnt op. Only lower skill survivors who waste pallets or don't look behind him think so lol.
There's a reason every good surv loves to vs him but not Spirit
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That can be done with any killer lol.
Bubba has 0 mobility, hes loud, has a huge punishment for bad hitboxes or messing up, he has the threat of instead down but is destroyed by windows.
Hes one of the most balanced killers lol. Mid tier at best
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That is disheartening.
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Oh, my friend, I would be the happiest killer ever if that was true.
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It's been great for survivor lol. But now it seems like a spirit fest and is making me loathe her.
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It is better to face the Dream Demon than the Phase-Walking girl :)
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Yea it’s his teleporting/map control that makes him so strong. His power synergizes really well with a lot of perks. His amount of pallets and dream snares was not the problem. It’s his ability to to gatekeep gens. I’m struggling to think of another killer who can do it better. Maybe Doc?
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But that is something that simply cannot go away. Mobility is extremely important, especially nowadays with the whole "pre-drop pallets and hold W meta".
It was one of the buffs Old Freddy needed and it is something that cannot be touched.
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No, no of course not. Not entirely. Maybe a cool down for his teleporting? Not to the point where it’s crippling.
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Hes not broken, just easy to play for how strong he is\was. I never felt like a Freddy outplayed me. I just felt bored and annoyed.
"Tinkerer to my gen snd pop it because ruin broke, now spam snares and bloodlust at a loop with a redic slowdown build delaying gens"
A good nurse feels like "damn she read my movements perfectly and predicted where I'd go. Great hit"
I miss old freddy, bad or not, he was unique.
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I main Freddy, always will main him and will get better as him.
The more souls I collect the stronger I get.
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Yeah he feels literally the same to me, but then I only play pallet Freddy because it makes me laugh to watch boosted survivors camp dream pallets, lmao. I haven’t played against a snare Freddy since the change.
The reason he’s so good against average survivors is his teleport, IMO. But then that’s easily dealt with, just split up and he can only teleport to one gen. Unfortunately, nobody bothers to engage in this brainlessly simple tactic so Freddy will continue to be the killer with the highest kill rate.