Tips for dealing with NOED without running small game?

Title says it all. I really don't want to promote another perk-versus-other perk kind of situation (like when enduring would pretty much negate DS so now both sides are just down a perk slot), but at the same time, I don't want to deal with NOED. Any tips?


  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited May 2021

    Well again, my gripe with small game was the perk-versus-perk dynamic that it promoted.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Just look around the areas tend to spawn at then. Either you can leave the totems, so if the killer has NOED they may spawn in those areas. Or try to find all the totems and destroy them. But detective hunch can show you where all the gens are located at, and chest. So it can prevent three gens and things like that, so take that into account.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Totems don't spawn in the same areas as other totems. If you know where the dull/cleansed ones are you can guesstimate where the lit one is.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    count the totems.

    bring a map.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Get lucky, mainly. I always run Small Game now after the change. It's helped a lot during solo q. Would recommend it as a meta perk.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Don't bother trying to do dull totems in the first place, it's stronger for the killer than NOED. Doing dulls in solo que is suicide, they need to be well co-ordinated.

    At best, just remember where the dulls are and check them when the gens are done.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Once you know all the totem locations on a map you don't need a perk so long as you just check them on your way around.

    When a new map comes out I use detectives hunch just to learn them and then after a little while you can just find them without any perk.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I have been playing this game for a long time so I pretty much know all the maps like the back of my hand tbh. Just stick detectives hunch on and be the designated totem man for a while and eventually you will just know exactly where they all are.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927
  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    If you don't bring perks....don't expect to have advantages against other sense.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Feels bad to watch the community get more casual and weaker at the game....

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Detective's Hunch gives you visibility on possible 3 gens, totems, and chests. It's a versatile perk that you will find use in every single match.

    If you don't want to dedicate a perk slot for that, I would suggest one of two approaches:

    1. Clear all totems you see. If by any NOED spawns and you get the alert, you know which areas not to search.
    2. Do NOT clear dull totems at all. If NOED spawns, you know possible locations for it and can rush there to check without wasting time.

    Both require that you memorize totem spawn points in all maps and that can be difficult in new/reworked maps.

  • Jmang1245
    Jmang1245 Member Posts: 31

    3 options here, Cleanse the no ed totem, Leave your fellow survivors and exit through the gate, Uninstall Dead by Daylight.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Use a Rainbow Map with Unusual or Odd Stamp for increased range detection


    Green Map with Unusual/Odd Stamp + Red Twine to track killer belongings/totems

    With these map combinations you can run past and pick up totems locations without even seeing them but they'll be revealed to you when you use the map. In this way you don't need to use Detectives Hunch or Small Game.

    I still think Detectives + Rainbow Map is the best way to see everything though. If you bring a Crystal Bead your teammates can see everything you see when you use the map which can be powerful.. But better in SWF group.

    I still think your best bet is to bring a perk or just leave when NOED happens. It's too much for uncoordinated teams to deal with tbh

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    It's more the fact of running perks to counter perks. I mean, imagine being forced to run Discordance every game because Prove Thyself. The devs nerfed Prove Thyself and toolboxes so that killers do not need to rely so much on Discordance any longer.

    So your logic "survivors want it all" can be applied to killers too in this scenario.

    The fact that the amount of perks that should be basekit for solo survivors is 10 times larger than the perks that should be killer basekit, shows that killers dont really have anything to complain about. The only killer complaint is a 4 man swf. Any solo survivor in a team puts survivors at a disadvantage that killers rarely use. Solo survivors dont know if their teammates healed up at all. They dont know if they are doing anything useful. If you see any post about Buckle Up, Unbreakable, Bond and Kindred being basekit, its because of people who play solo survivor. Playing killer is a cakewalk compared to solo survivor.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Or you could just run thano and dying light and nullify it that way. The point is, there are tools and options for you to use when you find a hurdle. A survivors choice not to use those tools is 100% up to them. You choose to fail. And honestly....I'm gonna shut up and not bother teaching survivors anything else because honestly....the dumber survivors are the easier my games get. If you wanna fail....more bloodpoints for the killer.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    When someone gets downed with noed and hooked, you should 99% the gates and go look for a totem, if you find it, go for a save with a teammate but if you don't find it, then just leave.

    No reason to give more than 1 kill for that, and that's how most games with Noed in play end up anyway, either 1k or cleansed and saved with 0k

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    If you dont want to play Small Game or Detectives Hunch and you are playing Solo, just dont care about Totems. There is no point in breaking them, you will not know if all are broken and it just wastes time for a Perk the Killer might not even have.

    Without any way of knowing where and how many Totems are left, you might just end up cleansing Dull Totems so that there is one left, which is the most hidden one. Especially because you cannot trust other players in Solo Queue, so every second on a Gen is valuable.

    I guess you are better off with just memorizing where you have seen Totems and checking back, when the Killer indeed has NOED. But other than that, cleansing Dull Totems is a waste, as long as you dont need the BP (which is likely, since it is Boldness, which is pretty easy to get).

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Detectives hunch and a map, until you know the spawning spots. There are not that many on every map, and once you know them, you dont need the perk anymore.

    However, it might still make you faster in finding totems, as well as can prevent a 3-gen.

    And i disagree with aven_Fallen, just break them. It doesnt take that long, and rewards top bp. I get more bp then the killer most of the time, and totems contribute to that.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Don't cleanse all the totems if you're solo but remember where they are

    If you cleanse one well hidden totem and remember the position of 2 easy to find ones you already have a 50% chance of finding noed really fast and that's with only a 16s investment and the rest of your team doing nothing at all

  • Erukani
    Erukani Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2021

    In regards to NOED specifically, if you see the killer play aggressively bad without Gen defense, it probably means you need to look for totems and take them out, since they're just trying to get to the endgame to "o hi, surprise noed!" you when the last one pops. If you slow down and get the totems cleansed before that, it makes them look like a complete fool when they try to casually slug at endgame and their plan goes to heck.

    Post edited by Erukani on
  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "This whole game is literally about counters."

    I was talking about perks countering perks. Not perks countering vanilla mechanics.

    And yes, solo survivor IS harder than killer. As a killer, you dont have to rely on teammates to win games. As survivor, you NEED to rely on teammates. YOU as a survivor get punished for things that YOU did not do. As a killer, you get punished for things you do.

    And no, they are not going to make bad teammates better, however, they are going to make MY gameplay better in general:

    1. Buckle Up gives people information that you have been recovering and if you've been recovered fully. On comms, this information is free. As solo survivor, you dont know if they have just been afk for 32 seconds or if they have been recovering and are ready to be picked up. Seeing their aura change confirms they are at least recovering.
    2. Bond gives people information if the jungle gym that has a gen has people working on it, or gives people working on a gen information that I am about to use that jungle gym because there are no other resources nearby, giving them time to either help me or get out of sight before I arrive. On comms, this information is free.
    3. Kindred gives information to what other people are doing, it GUARANTEES you to be rescued before you hit second stage unless gens really need to be done. In normal games, survivors dont know if you are being rescued or not. Again, on comms, this information is free.
    4. Unbreakable being basekit has a similar reason to why Buckle Up would be one. Right now slugging isnt as powerful anymore as it used to be, due to things being changed(killers dont feel the need to fear DS as much, let alone that slug campers mainly slug camped because they wanted to punish people running DS), but its almost guaranteed that slugging becomes meta one day again. The biggest power that Unbreakable has, is recovery speed. The 1 pick up can be prevented if the killer simply stops slugging for a second to hook. Because sometimes, if a killer slugs 3 people, they dont hook survivors, instead they spend the next 3 minutes chasing the only survivor left who has an entire map of resources left. At that point, the killer simply should not have that amount of pressure(the survivor equalivant of this kind of pressure was having DS and working on gens. Shitton of free pressure that the survivor didnt deserve). So either those 3 survivors need to be able to help each other up(crawling is slow AF anyway) or the survivors having a pick up available vanilla(or at least 1 pick up per entire team).

    This doesnt make awful survivors better, but it does make teammates better.

    "but that's too strong" This is essentially the basekit for SWF on comms. So why not buff solo survivor to that level? You cannot nerf comms due to the simple fact that the vast majority of 4 man SWF's are just people having fun together. Their altruism is often their downfall. However, if you buff solo survivor to the level of SWF, you can buff killers much more easily.

    Because guess why a lot of killer things have been nerfed over the course of time? It's because it would make solo survivor experience unplayable.

    Does that mean they should make the perks themselves basekit? No, but a similar exchange of information should be. A ping system like HSH:S has is amazing for solo survivors. Just a quick ping that you're crawling to a safe place to recover/be picked up. Or a quick ping that you're fully recovered(buckle up). Or a quick ping that the killer is facecamping so survivors shouldnt even try(kindred), or a quick ping that you're working on a gen when you hear a sudden terror radius to give info that they should preferably avoid that location(which, obviously makes it a lot easier for solo survivors to split gens if they are that sweaty, but they already would be running perks to split gens if that were the case).

    It's not neccesarily the perks that should be basekit, it's the information the perks give that would be free on comms that should be basekit.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Run detectives hunch /s

    But really it can be better not to cleanse dull totems not only is it wasting time spent not healing/doing gens/unhooking etc but if you know where 3 of the dull totems are just run to each of them and there is a 60% chance its one of them but if you had cleansed them it will be one of the two totems you dont know about. The only time its worth it to cleanse dulls to counter NOED is if you know where all 5 of them are.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    Some NOED killers patrol around their catch, so if you figure that - and especially if it's their first hook - use that time to search for it.

    Secondly, take it nice and easy. The killer may be in a rush to use NOED. You do not. Take your time. They may even make a mistake, such as leading you to the totem to check nobody is trying to destroy it.

    There are perks like Detective's Hunch you can use too, but if you want a perk-free option then keeping cool, focused and observant is the best way forward. Do not attract attention, and if you're not trying to save anyone then get out. No point hanging around - a killer with NOED won't be bothered with that.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I'm a high tier killer and survivor, I have experienced enough in this game to be able to recognise the skill levels of survivors(and thus their actions) as the skill level of the killer(and most of their decisions). If I see a Meg or Claudette urban evading, I can almost guarantee they wont use things like Self-Care in an effective way and just hide in corners instead. But I can also expect them to lay still on the ground and pick them up after 30 seconds as survivor, or leave them slugged for 20 seconds as a killer if there is someone else nearby.

    If I see an Ace that's beckoning and pointing at things, I can almost guarantee he used Ace for his quiet sound que's and he will likely crawl away first before recovering.

    However, as a long time player, I can also guarantee you that it takes time to learn these things effectively. And 98% of the players I encounter are not going to be close to 1000 hours, let alone 1000 hours on both killer and survivor. As for running Thana and Dying Light to nullify Prove Thyself? Again, perks countering perks, its boring and leaves little to no creativity in the game. Preferably, either killers shouldnt rely too much on Ruin or Pop, OR all gen regression(note, not generator slowdown, so things like Surge, Oppresion, Overcharge) perks should be buffed but be mutually exclusive(like exhaustion perks). Because I dont mind Surge having no cooldown. The reason the cooldown and limited radius exists is due to Ruin. The reason Overcharge is "only" an additional 5%(so totalling 15%) is due to Pop and Lullaby(which would be a total reduction of 46%. Meaning a generator that is at 50% would now be at 4%, if the survivors run Technician, it adds another 3%).

    If all gen regression perks can no longer affect gens that are already regressing(meaning Overcharge needs a rework to not stack with Pop), then all gen regression perks can be equal in strength. Rather than only having 2 dominating Chads and 6 limited use virgins that cannot bloom due to making the Chads even stronger than they already are.