Whats a map that you hate thats not normally hated on

That map that I hate is Hawkins, i don't really like to play on this map on both sides. you just drop pallets when surv, and most killer power you cant use since it so cramped
edit: actually I have one that's I hate even more Groaningg storehouse. that damn god window is so annoying, I hate how big the map is and how everything is so far away from each other. the only thing good is that surv spawn in the most predictable of places
That map is pretty hated on. Mine is All of the Macmillan Maps
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I don't see many people hate on Auto Haven, but it's one of my most despised maps.
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I don't dislike any map tbh, what i would hate is to go to the same map several times in a row.
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Mother's Dwelling. Large size aside, a half-competent survivor can loop me for days in that main building. Can't deal with those windows.
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You're right but its not as hated on as Haddonfield
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I feel like most of the farm maps are just bad or strange in order of my least favourite to most
Rotten fields- For survivors there's limited loops in some areas for killers there's CORN CORN AND MORE CORN honestly one of my most hated maps just imagen it with no corn its just a empty field with some loops that relys on the fact the killer has there FOV block
Fractured Cowshed-Disgustingly survivor sided if they know what there doing, genuinely it can just spawn some ass setups with safe loops into jungle gym windows because of how long the milkcart loops are and how they are next the the mainbuilding and shack then have a spawned highwall loop next to it on the other sides. Not to mention how the map just has a lot to work with.
Thompson house-Empty mid lot in the corners dont like running it imo
Torment Creek-Normally fine but the gens can spawn very close together sometimes its strange but i dont think im imagining this its just weird
Rancid Abattoir-Dont mind it
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On both sides overall, probably Midwich.
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Red Forest
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I absolutely despise Wrecker's Yard and both of the Red Forest maps.
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Likewise. Waaaaayyyy too many dead zones. What the hell...
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I hate Coal Tower, I hate that the building is so full of loop potential and then every other loop is in the corners of the map, encompassing literally a giant deadzone
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Suffocation Pit due to the amount of interconnected loops in the middle and the fact the map is just boring as hell to play on for both sides imo
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I hate Dead Dawg Saloon as Survivor. I always seem to run into dead zones across from the main area and get caught do to it. It's like a mini-maze. As Killer, my most hated map for just about every one is Hawkins. That map is my kryptonite.
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I tried to think of a map people normally don't hate, but came to the conclusion that every map is hated for some reason or another. But anyway I dislike Lery's as killer and survivor. Awful map for many killers and you can spend ages simply trying to catch up to a survivor that is zig zagging through the entire map... especially when playing a 110% killer. I hate that. I dislike it somewhat as survivor since totems are hard to find and stealth killers usually get free hits unless I'm using Spinechill.
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I hate the Backwater Swamp maps. They're so dark and monotone.
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When I play survivor I hate haddonfield just as much as I do when I play killer just because I don't wanna load into a match knowing I'm in for an easy game.
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The I shaped maps. As Survivor, I must make sure gens get done on both sides or endure a horrible 3 Gen. As Killer, I pretty much need to 3 Gen cause it's too much time wasted to patrol both sides.
Shelter Woods and the Rotten Fields aren't my favorites either.
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I do not like Grim Pantry
The layout is almost always the same and it's usually deadzone city
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If were are going to talk about that's not normally hated by the majority. I would say Coal Tower for me. All the tiles can be chained together easily as survivor, and all the gens are right next to each other, so there is almost no downtime before survivors can hop on another gen. Totem spots on Coal Tower? Yea right lol.
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I hate Hawkins as well. People who say it's a killer favored map, I can say with confidence that it's not.
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Autohave and Mcmillam
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Yamaoka maps. This maps are tightly filled with ######### where survivors can hide without crouching.
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I had the pleasure of going to shelter woods as blight 3 times in a row and 5 total one day. Was practically a stick o' butter. Still came out on top tho.
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Léry’s. For both killer and survivor. I just don’t like the overall design of the map, and it’s just pretty boring unless i’m facing a stealth killer (because it then becomes a top tier map).
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Shelter woods, christ, what a miserable experience.
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Swamp - I dont like this map aesthetically and i just despise it for both sides
Wretched Shop - For survivor, the map is just a HUGE dead zone, the rng can be so unfortunate.
Lerys - For both sides, unless im playing a killer like wraith or Ghostface for example.
Those are my least favourites overall.
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I hate Dead Dawg Saloon with a passion.
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Saloon. I hate this map, dark, stupid main building that you should ignore. Have I already told ya that this map is very dark?
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that map is pretty hated on. I hate Hawkins as well.
Post edited by smueqas on0 -
You should have played on Shelter Woods a few months ago - half of the trees you were able to bounce, the other half not. Was like a lottery if you will get to use it or just slide at it.
The Maps I hate the most are the Swamp-Maps. However, I think those are quite hated in the community.
So I would go for the Saloon. I dont like it with either side, I hate the short Loops, I hate every Breakable Wall, I hate the bushes, I hate the Mainbuilding...Basically everything.
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Sanctum of Wrath for me. Don't know what it is exactly, but it's my absolute worst map as both killer and survivor.
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Nah it's killer sided. Unless you kick every pallet, then it's survivor sided because you're wasting so much time kicking pallets that are useless. There are maybe 2 good pallets on the entire map, every vault leads to a drop with almost all of them being a death sentence, and there are several rooms that survivors have nothing to work with.
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cowshed i hate cowshed
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A lot of people say its really killer sided, I say its complete survivor sided bullshit. The main building is absolutely disgusting and if you're not a killer that can insta-down or easily keep everyone injured they can and will w key to the main building every game. Up to five- yes, five- different platform gens can spawn and don't get me started on the bushes. Wanna use your killer power? Best of luck if you're not Nurse, Spirit, or a stealth killer (I'm including slinger in this), the constant changes in verticality would like to say ######### you.
It's one of their worst designed maps, easily. Is this because I main pyramid head and it's his worst map? Maybe. I just cannot stand it.
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Yamaoka for both surv and killer. Hate that map too cluttered the only thing I enjoy about it is the aesthetic otherwise hate it.
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But if they save either upstairs gen as one of the last 3, you're screwed. And the exit gates aren't that far but if you have to patrol them, it's impossible because of the roundabout ways you have to travel between each because of room and door RNG. And Iron Will becomes much stronger because they're in a bunch of rooms and corridors, not out in the open. And if the survivors drop 1 or 2 pallets, suddenly they've turned it into a god loop which you have to break. This map is good for Doctor and Ghost Face, and that's it.
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Finding gens on lerys is annoying. I got better at it, but then i have 3 teammates who dont find any.
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I hate every map, I literally only like Midwich due to how it looks but thats it
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Azarovs resting place and suffocation pit. I despise those maps