4K Simulator or Just bad balanced?

Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

I love playing both roles and i love both roles. And i am sure this game survivorside most of times.

But i do not know how killing rates so high with this all insane maps & survside design. Most of my survivor games 4 escape is rare. Killers have min 2 kills most of my survivor matches.

Also on my killer games is same. 0 kill is so rare for me (when i face really god tier survivors or when i play really so bad then i have 0 or 1 kill). I have 2 kills even in the sweaty matches. 4K is not hard on normal matches and most of matches just normal and chilling. Gen rushing is hard but when i keep someone on hook, that makes them slower.

So i am really not understanding. Most of maps survivor side, most of maps have insane loop areas and pallets. How can killers have so much kills. That is just my experience but i do not think that is different for other killer mains. So what you are thinking?

My killers i play btw: Freddy, Pyramid Head, Learherface, Ghostface, Myers and i am learning Huntress & Nurse.


  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    You never mentioned what rank you were, because even though it doesn't matter entirely, it can mean the difference between a win or a loss with red rank survivors being the prime example.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012
    edited May 2021

    Purple for now but usually red. Nurse made me de-pip i am baby nurse

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2021

    They balance for low ranks which makes good killers vs good survivors at high ranks get dunked on. To cover this up they make ranking up on survivors extremely easy which piles up bad survivors at ranks they shouldn't be in. Top this off with a poor rank reset that basically never takes you back down and a matchmaking system that puts you against rainbow colors and this leaves your average match against potatoes. It's basically a whole bunch of flawed systems that are left intentionally flawed because they cover up the bad balance. IE also why kill stats for example are useless from the aforementioned issues.

    You'll win most matches even at rank 1 if you're actually good because you're going against bad players that shouldn't be there in the first place. When you actually go against good vs good you're gonna get dunked as the game is very survivor sided when they actually know what they're doing.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Honestly for me, it seems like everybody plays like they're a rank below what they actually are. Red ranks play like purples, purples play like greens and greens play like brown ranks. The only exception is SWFs.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Because you're bgoimg against people you shouldn't be going against. This game really is a trial by fire when it comes to killer, so most are way better than the survivors they come across. Personally, I've been getting screwed by people that can't loop worth a damn but really know how to not give a killer a chance to do anything productive. Probably my fault for only being able to play during sweaty hours, but still. It's definitely a thing that survivors can do but that survivors in other regions or times of the day don't seem to understand.

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    Because 1 bad survivor can lose the game for 3 good survivors

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    This happens because the ranking system allows people with 50 hours to reach the top rank. The game is very survivor sided in most ways, but you rarely see this given that most survivors aren't experienced enough to demonstrate this.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Yes this is happening so much. Sometimes i am playing against really bad survivors. I am thinking "okey matchmaking failed again and i am playing against yellow or green ranks" and then i am being nice to them. Because destroying low ranks is not fair and fun. I am giving them free escape. But after end game i am seeing ranks and they are purple or red. I do not know how they have good ranks. But all red and purples not bad like this.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Well that's the main issue right there. You only use your mains. If I did that I would never lose/have the same opinion. Also no offense but you only use top tier killers lol. Ghostface and myers aside but even when mastered bring a lot to the table. I do very well at rank one with myers as long as I stay away from add-ons that require two years of stalk. Now I use every killer on the roster so obviously I dont have them all mastered and some are just in need of some love by the devs against good comp and these maps. I rarely see multiple survivors on the same gen anymore and that can be difficult to deal with when I am certain killers (on MY roster) I say on my roster because sometimes people can be great with a so called low tier killer. Wraith, PH, Spirit, Fred, Nurse, Hag, Huntress, Bubba, Oni, Blight, and Twins. Once learned can win majority at all ranks. The rest you just have to be special with that character/that character fit you. Like people who do well with clown for instance, or how I prefer Pig over most.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Also as others have said something is going on with competition too. I used my wraith yesterday with green perks and won at 3 gens remaining. They were all 4's but man the whole game I swore they were 13 or above except one. Was first time using Wraith since buff........ WOW all I'm gonna say can't imagine him with some better perks.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The high kill rate has a pretty simple explanation: it only focuses on the rank of the killer. Not the rank of the survivors. So since survivors already have long queues, they end up getting matched with killers out of their rank. Which results in a ez match for that rank 1 killer, who stomps the noob survivors that somehow got matched against him.

  • Quake
    Quake Member Posts: 230

    The answer is slug and hook camp.If killer plays fair and survivors play optimally killer lose.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    I am learning Huntress & Nurse for playing different killers. After them i will try other killers too. But which killer is op on my list i dont know? Freddy, PH, Leatherface A-Tier killers and they have fair counterplays. GF is max C-tier. Myers is D-tier. But i played so much with those killers and i am okey with them. I am so bad as Nurse & Huntress, possibly because i am so new as them. Only Nurse is op on my list but i am losing all my matches as her, she is reason i lost my ranks.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Yes evenings & nights survivors have long queques. But other times survivors have normal queques and actually for me those times easier than nights. I think most of good players playing nights.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    *Not most of good players

    Most players play at evening/nights. People come home from school/work and want to play.

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    Mostly that my controller is bad on the xbox, I couldn't play a balanced Huntress with the look sensitivity since my little nephew broke it. That kid has some problems with breaking things 😌

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Never said anything about OP. I said top tier killers that can win most matches when learned and that's true to all the killers you use exception being myers/ghostface but they have their moments. I know people on here say myers is d-tier and streamers and ######### and yes he does need some changes but he is not d-tier. The snowball potential he has plus his ridiculous add-ons keeps him from that low imo. As for Nurse I know your pain when down that road already just don't give up it's worth it to have her in your arsenal and Huntress is in my top 3 she is just special. Not sure if your a console player or not but Nurse took me 2-3 weeks to be able get my rank back that I lost from learning lol it was rough (thanks to survivors). Still to this day have not got shadowborn on her to try I'm still half blind coming out of blinks.

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    Because once you get good with Killer, you are better than 80% of the Survivors.

    If the ranking system was hard for Survivors to pip up, Red rank Killers would be waiting a long time for a match.

    I consider myself a fairly decent survivor, my looping is getting stronger and I'm good at tracking the Killer while I run away. A good Killer will stomp me though. I pip up to Red ranks then, don't enjoy being there.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Yea I wished BHVR would add more stuff to give survivor gamers more knowledge on how to improve/play well.

    Something I noticed is that, and I don't know why, most people tend to play the Tutorial. So they learn to do gens. And I noticed that very low level/newish players will do the gens. Unlike high ranked/bit more experienced players. They despise doing those things. Additionally the higher the killer rank the better they are. They improve themselfs. So your teammates getting worse but the killers getting better.

    And I don't get why. So something needs to be done. Small things like additional HUD information.

    The amount of points needs a serious rework.

    Cleansing a dull, which adds nothing to the game except more time for the opponent, gives you 1000 points. Stunning a Killer, which can become very hard to do on many Killers also rewards you with 1000 points. But the last one actually adds sth to the game to win as a team.

    You get rewarded with 1250 points to do those motors for 80 extremely long seconds which feel like forever... And those are the main objective, like #########? And it's even worse that you get more points for doing them together. The game literally teaches you to play bad because doing gens separated is way more efficient for many reasons. And the game teels you to make 2secs unhooks, 14secs totems which almost give you the exact same amount of points like a 80s gen. This is just unreal.

    People want points, people want emblems. But both tell you to give up and die. You can easily pipping by ignoring all gens and to the other stuff which is way easier and way more rewarding.

    Doing gens is the worse. Takes forever. Even if you do ALL 5 on your own, you won't maximize the objective category. And there are plenty regression and slow down perks which makes the whole even more frustrating.

    So there ya go. You can blame the developers. Because it is in fact their fault if they make doing a main objective that frustrating and not rewarding as it is now.

    Oh and those "let go skillchecks". If I remember correctly they fixed it in 2k16 or maybe 2k17 idk. I lost counts on how often it counted as a failed skill check if you let go right when the "ding" sound appeared. How many games got won by the opponent just because of that?

    So yea. They won't change that, because they more likely wanna change graphics and fairs and grass and fog and stuff like that. Good old priority list. Whatever that means.