What do you think is toxic let's make a list

Ik toxic is a trigger word for many dbd players because its abused in any situation
So let's make a list of real toxic acts
Also is you dont agree with someone just dont start a fight
Seems many say eg chat is the worst
Current list
:post game chat
:Excessive actions that dont help.in chase
:going out of your way to ruin the fun of the other side
: (my answer) bug exploits
:unnessciary face camping
: unnecessary BM
I don't believe anything is toxic except end game chat. If it is in the game, not a cheat or an exploit, then personally I don't view it as toxic. Maybe somethings put the F U in fun, but still not toxic, IMO.
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Flashlight clicking, t-bagging, not leaving until last minute, that's probably it honestly. Sometimes when I get blinded at pallets or just get stomped in chase I get a bit more angry than I should lol
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Doing anything at all where the entire purpose of that action is to be unkind to/annoy someone for no warranted reason
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Some people call teabagging, flashlight clicking, tunneling, slugging till bleadout, and camping is "toxic".
I don't really find any of these things toxic just annoying. The only thing I find somewhat "toxic" is some of the things people say after a match.
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Nothing is generally toxic. It's more end game chat abuse.
I don't see anything game play wise or prop use to be toxic. It's more when each side get abusive and pants towards each other that's then when it gets toxic.
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Same but I also can't really call legit blinding toxic because it is a valid option of escape sometimes
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Killers using their power effectively and other exploits such as using strong add-ons
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Yeah, I've done it myself for archive challenges or just for points, it just kinda sucks to deal with sometimes but I don't think there's usually actually harmful intent behind it.
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What do you mean by effectively?
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Nothing in the game is toxic the only thing that is toxic is taking a game to serious and ddosing ,insulting someone .Things like T-bagging or flashlight clicking arent toxic if they would be toxic devs would have removed them
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Ohh yeah I've been ddos before I was busy so RIP them waisted effort.
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Placing traps at toxic places
Stalking survivors for a long period of time
Leaving survivors with no room to counter-play
Using powers that injure survivors before they can react
Playing as Freddy
Playing as Freddy and using fake pallets
Insta downing
Slowing survivors down
Using ranged attacks at long distances or at sharp angles
Body blocking
Chasing a cornered survivor instead of the survivor clicking a flashlight
Face camping
Proxy camping
Camping from a distance with a killer that can do a ranged attack
Getting hit by a Decisive Strike
Not getting hit by a Decisive Strike
Using Lightborn
Using Franklin's Demise
Using Stridor
Using Hex: NOED (bannable)
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Crazy that people still get salty over teabagging. It can be an actual legit mechanic to stress out a killer and bait bad plays. It's been used by Fighting Game players to bait out desperate plays and mindfuck their opponent. There's a good explanation in this video, basically the angrier/more tense you get, it activates the part of your mind that makes you make risker and more reckless decisions.
Also, fun fact. The old survivor tutorial on the dbd webpage that explained objectives (survival,boldness, etc) used to encourage "baiting and taunting" the killer. I.E teabagging.
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So you mean. making right plays
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yep pretty much
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End game chat insults, and technically this is the only truly toxic thing in the game.
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Interesting there should probably be something to confirm that. that is an intended mechanic
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I Said the exact same thing and people on forum started to say that i like when people suffer and i am toxic teabagger.
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Well that's.. #########. Idk if I'm just falling for something but if trying to ######### with someone in a game like that is the lengths that people go to to win, that kinda ######### sucks. Games are meant to be fun, aren't they?
ah christ i hate these censors lol
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Meant to clarify it was the old webpage that described survivor gameplay actions, fixed it in edit.
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I hope a distraction mechanic is legit added not t bagging
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I mainly play DBD for fun nowadays but its a competitive game (no this doesn't mean esports before people get into it), you can win or lose, you compete to win, etc. So obviously most players WILL.
If the survivor knows from experience that teabagging could tilt a killer into making bad plays, why wouldn't they? I'm sure there's some players who are malicious and just want to be a dick to the killer. But I think getting mad about something like teabagging or survivors playing to win when the killer is themself playing to win is just silly.
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We kind of already have that with missed action notifications. It could be expanded on though. Like giving failed heals a different sound/icon, then letting perks like Pebble make a fake failed heal check or something.
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Fair enough, I think I said earlier that I tend to get more annoyed then I should while playing, and I think that goes for a lot of people who play the game. Nothing really wrong with it, it can just muddle discussion sometimes. I feel steering DBD in a less competitive direction would generally improve the game, but that's just me.
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Uh... nothing in-game is toxic. Can players play a bit boring? Sure. Can they BM? Of course. Are there annoying things to play against on both sides? Definitely. Can some people be needlessly sweaty? Absolutely.
The only place you can actually be toxic though is a place like post game chat when you genuinely harrass other players. (Example being that someone states their opinion about a perk or strategy in the game, and then being told that they're 'Just bad' over and over again when they say that they don't like Ghostface for the inconsistent reveal mechanic, or being told that they deserve terrible things happen to them/no skill was required in playing Totem Defender Demogorgan on Ormond.) Otherwise, the only other things are exploits or cheats. That's it. Anything else (T-Bagging at every pallet, smacking Survivors repeatedly on hook, etc.) Are BM or genuine strats. (Like it or not, Dead Hard letting you get distance is working as intended. Like it or not, tunneling and camping are valid strats to use. Like it or not, full slowdown builds or full gen builds are allowed. That doesn't mean these things can't be boring as sin to play against, but saying that someone BM'd you because they used a Perk against you, or are toxic because they are running a full slowdown build just isn't right imho.)
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I started enjoying the game a lot more when I stopped caring about kills/escapes and went back to going for BP. That said, I will still get a little heated if I'm being embarressed by a god swf or something.
Just realised I actually posted the wrong video lol, fixed it. It was the taunting one not the salt one.
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T-bagging, hitting a hooked survivor without a reason to and post game insults are the most toxic things in the game, imo.
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The definition is subjective but I think of "toxic" as an attitude more than an action. The animosity spewed by survivors against killers, killers against survivors, the general incessant complaints about the developers and how "inept and lazy" and everything else they're claimed to be, etc., THAT to me is what makes the community toxic.
This is semantic but I don't consider things like facecamping or hiding in lockers all game to be toxic, I consider them to be viable yet annoying strategies that make the game more difficult and / or straight-up unenjoyable for the other players of the game. That doesn't really seem "toxic" to me, that just seems "douchey". The kind of thing that causes frustration but doesn't necessarily give the game and its community a bad name.
TL;DR: Every online game has childish, irritating, ######### players that enjoy making things worse for others. Those people are pathetic, and it is what it is. But when I think of "toxic" I think more about the relentless war between people who insist that the game needs to be played a certain way and that everyone who doesn't do so is the enemy.
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Playing is toxic.