Chapter Concept: Secure. Contain. Protect.

Rezblaze Member Posts: 843
edited May 2021 in Creations

This Chapter concept will be based on the SCP universe. For those unfamiliar, the killer will be based on this:

Killer: The Old Man

The Old Man is a 110% killer who has the ability to kidnap survivors and pass through solid material.

This power, Corrosive Mucus, is used to pass through objects, leaving behind a black corrosion.

When interacting with objects such as pallets, breakable doors, or vault points, The Old Man instead slowly passes through it, causing the object to corrode with black gunk. After this, the object will remain in-tact, but with the Corrosive Mucus. While the Mucus is on an object:

- Pallets and vault points will damage survivors.

- Breakable walls will remain in-tact but able to be passed through by The Old Man.

- Generators damaged will cause generator repairs to be conducted 5% slower.

- Lockers with Mucus will injure a survivor overtime.

Mucus remains on objects permanently, and cannot be removed safely.

Additionally with pallets and breakable walls, the Old Man can use his power to create a passage way through solid objects. If they are above waist height, the Old man can use his power button to squeeze through the solid matter and appear on the other side. This process takes about 2.5 seconds, after which The Old Man can pass through it near-instantly.

When attacking a Survivor, The Old Man has the option to either lunge and hit the survivor, or to kidnap them if the get close enough in range. When kidnapping a Survivor, they will be hugged by the Old Man as they sink slowly into the ground and Mucus forms under them. After being kidnapped, they will be transported to a Pocket Dimension. This dimension is full of various rooms, puzzles, and challenges that they must complete before the player can escape, soaking time. This includes:

  • A Maze with one exit
  • Unlocking locked doors to reveal the true exit or a dead end.
  • A path with elevated points leading to an exit. The lower areas will fill with corrosive mucus in intervals, damaging survivors that are trapped in it.
  • Etc.

After completing two challenge rooms, they will be freed from the Pocket Dimension at a random spot in the trial, to continue as they want.

(The Pocket Dimension with The Old Man)

If The Old Man wishes, he can enter the Pocket Dimension as well at any point through a Mucus corroded wall. The benefit to this is that the Old Man can always see the aura of Survivors when inside his Pocket Dimension, and all Survivors inside suffer from the Exposed status effect, and similar to Freddy, survivors are oblivious to The Old Man, with a single sound cue to indicate he's inside the Pocket Dimension in general:

Bump in the Night [Extended] | SCP - Containment Breach - YouTube

After downing a survivor inside the Pocket Dimension, they will sink into the ground and return to the trial. The Old Man can put as many people as he wants inside the Pocket Dimension.

This creates a killer that uniquely uses Survivor resources against them. Instead of a pallet being used as a safe spot, its instead a point to block entry. Instead of breakable walls opening avenues for Survivors, they now remain shut. Instead of Vault points being safe options, they can now be dangerous to use. This, along with the Pocket Dimension, would make a killer that is fun and unpredictable to play against I feel.



Your presence strikes paralyzing fear into survivors.

After kicking a generator, any survivor within your terror radius will be inflicted with the Incapacitated status effect for 15/20/25 seconds.


The tension of the trial causes survivors to jolt at sudden loud noises, sharpening your senses.

Whenever a survivor creates a sound notification for the killer, any survivor within 24 meters of the sound notification will scream, revealing their location.

Phonophobia has a cooldown of 30/25/20 seconds.


Pure sadism drives you as you watch others clean up your mess with glee.

Whenever you damage your obsession and let them escape, Malice activates.

When Malice is activated, so long as the obsession remains injured, you gain 3/4/5% Haste.

SURVIVOR: Agent Collins

An agent that worked with the SCP Foundation, her mission was to track SCP-106 to wherever it escaped to, leading her to the Entity's realm.



With just the right touch on a generator, you activate a bright explosion from it.

At the cost of 10/9/8% of generator progress while repairing, you can activate Improvised Explosive if a killer is within 10 meters and is Detectable, which will cause the generator to explode and instantly blind the killer if they are looking at the generator's direction, causing them to drop any survivor they're carrying.

Improvised Explosive has a 90 second cooldown.


Your talents in quick thinking let you get the slip on hostiles.

Whenever you perform an action that would cause a loud sound notification, the sound itself is 50% quieter, and the killer only receives the sound notification after a 3/4/5 second delay.


You help your comrades by pointing out the location of hostiles.

When you've been in the terror radius of the Killer for 30/25/20 seconds, Spotter activates, revealing the aura of the Killer to the team for 3/4/5 seconds.

Spotter has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

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