Are bad survivors aware they're bad? Or have they been mislead?

EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

So I see many posts on the forums and receive many messages in game complaining how OP or strong killers are against solo q survivors or just straight out the killers need nerfs. But when iv versed these people I notice they really have very little understanding of killer powers or loops in general so I'm confused why they think a killer should be nerfed etc. (Quick example had a game where the survivors never really touched a gen and just all went for altruism, trading hooks while no understanding of tiles or pallets etc.) Yet those same survivors said killers need a nerf, these players was rank 2/3 so is the rank making them feel like they cant improve and the games imbalanced? Are they just survivor mains? As someone who plays both roles at rank 1 I always struggle to see a killer as a power role, iv never been this killer is op when I get destroyed as survivor as its usually down to my team not doing gens or chases etc.


  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    So I noticed you said you wasnt the best survivor but still had understanding of the killers, do you think killers should be nerfed? Personally I feel alot of killers need slight buffs, I do consider myself one of those top % players as hell I know every tile, map, totem spawn etc. But i dont use meta perks and i never feel powerless. While I dont feel everyone should be an amazing survivor I do feel the biggest issue is alot of survivors dont do gens and tend to trade hooks etc. Which tends to be the downfall of their team than the killer was too op. I'm curious if you feel the same as or slightly different?

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Well the majority of my playtime is 70 killer 30 survivor spanning 2.3k hours. I don't think any killers need a nerf. I think spirit could possibly be toned down a bit, because she is incredibly busted with Stridor, but I don't think anyone else needed a nerf in the roaster. Mainly Freddy and Twins they were fine in my opinion. You are correct though most survivors are the downfall of the entire team. Most survivors blame the killer, but that isn't the case that happens in the round. If you hook bomb like most survivors do then that's the survivors fault. If you crouch around while the killer isn't even remotely close or even willing to take a chase you are actively hurting your team.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    As for spirit I feel stridor is okay but some of her addons need to be toned down, mainly the speed/duration. Iv played both roles since release so iv noticed when spirits do really well its because of the addons which allow her to adjust movements without the need to make the right reads (basically she can make the wrong players but addons give her alot of time to adjust multiple time) I dont feel iron will should fully counter a power but yeah I do agree alot of survivors seem to do that play style and wonder why they arent performing as well. I guess most forget it's a 4v1 and being efficient is important from gens to loops

  • The second part of this about people not playing the other role is incredibly true. People that play both roles normally end up just being better at the game faster because they had to deal with the BS that they will then use in their own games.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    By bs I assume you mean counters and play styles? Which in that case completely agree, I get that most people dont do killer as they find it harder, less enjoyable or just more effort which in that case it already explains it. Even me who has played both roles since release know I can improve in certain areas whether that be something like hag which I dont enjoy or survivor on yamo maps (I cant remember how to spell the damn maps lol, onion and spirits maps) dunno why but I struggle on these while most other are easy. But I accept that's an issue I need to improve on and not a balance issue

  • A good example of what i mean by BS would be something like abusing broken safe setups to avoid dropping pallets. Once its done to you once as killer you understand it then when you play suv you keep an eye out for something similar and then you do it and playing killer has made you a better suv faster than just playing suv. Thats what i mean sorry wasent that precise

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited May 2021

    I play both roles. I'm terrible at both roles. I understand the game, but I'm the worst at looping and can never remember what to do at tiles (I've watched videos multiple times, but when I'm in the thick of it I just... forget it all). Most people aren't self-aware, though, and will blame their failings on others.

    Solo survivor can suck due to bad teammates and/or matches in which it feels like I never had a chance to participate, but killer is the stressful role. A killer is stronger than an uncoordinated solo team, but otherwise killer is the weaker role because a killer can't be in four places at once and survivors who understand and capitalize on that win. Me dying as a survivor in almost every match doesn't change that: I don't die because the other side is OP, I die because I don't get better and because my survival is dependent on the other three survivors not being potatoes. But again, self-awareness is key and the majority of people lack self-awareness, that's why psychologists can make so much money.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Once someone admits to their own doings they are self aware in a sense. Majority of people a very large chunk of people don't admit to themselves and or blame other for their own doings or their mistakes. Skill etc... Those are the unaware people, and the dbd community is filled with them.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Yes, that's how I got pretty good at killer was playing survivor, and that's how I got pretty decent at survivor. Just learn both sides, and it's much better.

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    I'm aware I'm pretty bad on both survivor and killer, which is why I try to refrain from calling any side strong/weak unless it's a claim that can be substantiated outside of my own personal experiences.

    When I see people come to the forums and demand we nerf SWF because killers are weak and survivors OP etc etc and then a stream of them playing surfaces and they are ######### terrible, I'm like "yikes... don't wanna be that guy".

    That said, I am as qualified as anybody to say what I find -Fun-. To me, being camped is not fun. Being gen rushed on huge maps with low mobility is not Fun. Certain killers are not fun, to play as and against. These opinions are, of course, important, because if the majority of the player base doesn't find something fun, then it should really be changed.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Most people completely overestimate how good they are. Their ego won’t allow them to accept that they’re the reason they lost, so they externalise blame.

    There’s a particular poster here who complains about how OP the other side is all the time but if you watch their gameplay, you see them making tons of mistakes that contribute massively to their losses. Unfortunately the blame mindset means they’ll probably never really improve because improvement requires first accepting that you’re not that good.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yes the games should be fun for either side I agree but I also dont believe bad survivors should escape or win. If survivors cant loop and arent really doing gens they shouldn't win as it seems odd to play bad yet still win? Doesnt really make sense to me, personally I feel too many survivors expect to escape, and too many killers want 4k (12hooks) while neither should be a thing. Solo is most balanced though, and you cant call killers op because your team is bad? No different to a simple 4v4death match on other games, you can have a terrible team but it doesnt mean its unbalanced at game core just bad matchmaking or your team was just bad. Swf I agree with alot of people it's not very fun and that's due to the com info they can share which is huge! From hexs, perks, gen locations, gen progress, killer location, killer direction etc. A simple debuff to action speed would balance that. It's not punishing swf its balancing it, if you have come you can play more optimal and therefore the challenge should be slightly harder. Simply put, bad players shouldn't win. Camping should be discouraged and swf shouldn't be as strong. Buffing bad survivors means buffing good survivors...

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    It could be that some of those survivors, who aren't that good, would be more likely to accept and learn from their performance, were there not such a stigma on playing badly.

    Often, there's a pressure that falls on players to avoid being a "n00b" or "bad", which some players love to label and rub in their faces. Maybe by going a bit softer on those peeps and offer encouragement or advice, instead of berating them on their lack of skill, would make those survivors feel more inclined to learn from their mistakes and get better.

    There will always be some who are too proud to admit it, but beneath this pride lurks fear of not being good enough to the standards of others. Maybe more positive encouragement will aid those in need of improvement, resulting in a quicker boost in skill and, ultimately, enjoyment of the game.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    It depends how long they've played. I've played for a while now and there's days I play really well and escape legitimately through the EG and not the hatch and there's some days (like today so far where I've failed skill checks, taken highly risk moves or walked out infront of the killer 🙂 and I've been cheesed off at myself and not the killer or my fellow team.

    But my first match today I've had Kate fix a gen infront of my face and I'm on the struggling phase, killers nowhere near the hook and in a chase thenotuer side of the map and she's just sat there like never mind. 😂

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Your thread title doesn't compute with the op. Mislead by what, or by whom?

    In general, survivors are the same as killers, or any player, or people in general i.e. blaming others for their own shortcomings. There's nothing special about game side in this regard.

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743


    I wish it was a problem only among survivors, sadly it happens to a lot of killers too.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384
  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311
    edited May 2021

    No one's really being mislead, it's just a very human thing to do. It's very common to overestimate one's abilities and a lot of the time people can go a long time without that really humbling encounter with someone way better than them. For a rather famous example there was a time where 93% of drivers surveyed about it considered themselves to be above average. There's similar surveys that returned lower percentages of course, anywhere from 60-something% to 80% is rather common.

    It's not even some Dunning-Kruger thing because it's not only inexperienced people that engage in this sorta "illusory superiority", most people do it to some extent and it's often hard to admit you're not that great at something. At least in some games you can go look it up and come to a conclusion like "I'm Diamond rank, and Diamond + higher ranks make up the top 13% of players. So I'm above average and then some", in DBD people can't even do that. Or I guess they could figure out the % of people in red ranks, but people wouldn't take it seriously as the skill level variation in red ranks is crazy big.

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    Ah yes, the SWF excuse card. I love it when they accuse me of playing with friends yet i'm playing solo :)

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    My wife says I play survivor like a Meg. That's good right?

  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    When I just play by the book, and focus completely on the game, I obviously do better (both as survivor, and killer), but It's also fun to take big risks, and see if you can cash in on some dopamine from some less than optimal plays (which can obviously be seen as "bad plays", when they don't work).

    I think a lot of people who make bad plays just don't take the game as seriously as some other people do. That said, I definitely notice "bad survivors", who just don't have much game awareness, when i play killer, but I only play a few weeks at a time, and then take a longer break, so my rank often drops much further down than my "skill level".

    The whole complaining thing, is just a part of the internet. I'm obviously the most important person in the world. Why don't everyone else understand that?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited May 2021

    Some killers are in need of work. Spirit, for example, while taking a much needed niche as a top killer, is ridiculously easy for her strength and most of that is because as well as insane mobility and the ability to phase directly on top of people, her power is designed to make people stupid.

    Hag, another example, is a facecamping machine. No good Hag relies on hook traps, they just set them to waste a little time, so that's an easy fix.

    Blight, my once beloved... Yeah, no, he's pretty much fine outside of the 180.

    Nurse... Girl, there is no way to nerf you without turning you into hot trash, so for the time being you can stay. But I don't like you. Screechy #########.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Bad survivors being red ranks for example. Bad survivors shouldn't be high rank so its misleading them, also you get points towards bp and emblems for wasting a pallet and stunning the killer after being hit, trading hooks straight away even though they have plenty of time on it. Looping near hooked survivors etc. There are many things that give you points for bad plays which is another misleading factor. We reward bad players a little too much, so much I feel they dont grasp it and therefore when they lose even though they die, dont get close to Escaping or lose even with lots of points they're left feeling the killer must be OP because the game told me I done good. Me getting 12hooks at 4/5 isn't the killer op, that's on the survivors. Obviously killers have it too but it's not as bad

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Oh trust me, I know I am bad

    We simply embrace our lack of skill

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I kinda think that's a problem for both sides but it's easier to miss as survivor while killer its harder to tell

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I am fully aware that I am bad, thank you

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,821

    I'm also aware that I'm bad -- both sides. But I do think, in an ideal world, bad players would match with other bad players and have a chance to play together instead of getting destroyed by good players. So all my blame goes to the matchmaking system instead.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If we had an actual ranking system these survivors might not be making wild claims about balance. They hit red rank and they assume they must be good when in reality they shouldn't have left yellow.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Because the game rewards bad survivors, and they wont play killer because that's much harder and you get punished for doing bad

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,809

    How do you know that the people you're being matched against are the people complaining on the forum? Survivors aren't a monolith.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,809

    But they can be carried by stupid easy pips with killers like Legion. SWF isn't enough to pull a bad player up to rank 1, even if your squad is amazing. The most it'll reasonably is take someone who otherwise might stall out in purple ranks up to red.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited May 2021

    I knew that I was bad when I first started, I do know that I had an advantage because I knew how to loop... just very badly lol but still I had a headstart on most.