If you "Main" Either side you are entitled (opinion)

I always see killers, and survivors saying "entitled killer main" or "entitled survivor main"
you should do this or that,
most people don't play the other side to realize.
"s(he) is losing , makes sense that's s(he) is tunneling" or
"the gens are done, of course s(he) is gonna camp to secure that kill",
etc. etc.
most people I see don't play the other side and realize how each side is frustrating in there own ways,
tunneling, camping, flashlights, keys, Mori's, are all fine in certain ways, even swf (not the bully squads) is fine cause of how horrible solo queue is
Sure you don't have to make it fun for the other side, but at least you could try and not make it miserable for the other side
after playing survivor for 2 years without even giving killer a try.... I understand, the tunneling camping, ect.. when used in certain scenarios.
And lets be honest, playing both sides with help you play the other side so much better
People who play both sides can be more empathetic but they can also be massive hypocrites as well, i.e. they play survivor and scream about being camped and tunnelled for being downed more than once in the same match then switch to killer and facecamp someone at 5 gens. So sadly it's not automatic
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i play both sides and i disagree with you in one place. keys are not fine in any way.
no, i won't elaborate, because i'm not arguing about this - with you, or with anyone else. keys are not fine, full stop.
everything else has its place though, it's true. even teabagging.
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i should of elaborated, i meant keys like on a 1 person escape ect, or using it to walk through a killer, or simply the addon type aura reading
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they're still not fine.
give them a 15 second long animation, that cannot be cancelled, and can be grabbed, and interrupted on hit, for an escape for one person only, and then the hatch moves afterwards, whether the escape is successful or not, and i'll say keys are fine. that or pay me £300, i do in fact take cash bribes.
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We who play both sides understand both struggles and we tend to have more sympathy but I wouldn't call ppl who play only one side entitled unless they're ofc fuming about other side all the time
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mabye not 15 (10)? seconds, tho i do think it should move , tho when its interrupted it reset so you can still cancel it, but have a penalty to do so
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These days I seem to ‘main’ Killer only because a vast majority of my daily rites are Killer rites.
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Yeah I play both sides and I can totally relate to that. Whenever I get tunnelled I get so pissed off (especially when they give you a little slap after putting you on a hook), then when I play killer you end up camping/tunnelling if you have a crap start. Just the way it is 😅
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yeah, i think the game aint have enough killer players so the daily rituals are a way bhvr can get more people and speed up queue times, survivor dailies are defiantly more rare
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thats what i mean by situational, if you truly have no other way to turn the game around, tunneling is def a good idea, tho i think camping will bite you in the back unless the other survivors are over alturistic
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I just want to do my damn Survivor Tome challenges ;-; but I can’t get any lobbies so I switch to killer and I’m straight in one.
*Insert Thanos quote about guiding treasure something something*
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Even that wouldn't be fine. as long as keys allow the game to end halfway they will never be fine.
Hatch needs to only spawn when there is one survivor left or all gens are done. that's it. that's all that needs to happen
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Also slight disagree with op
people who main a certain role aren't always entitled.
It's just that people who are entitled usually main a certain role
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one survivor slipping out early is actually better than a kill. i did nothing and a player vanished from the game. the other three are in major hot water now.
i just hate the blowhards that make it a show and dance. they wait around for me to find them, specifically so they can teabag and point at me before popping it open and leaving directly in my face. it's the toxicity and the showboating that upsets me, not the hatch escape itself.
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hmm i dont know, i honestly think, if hatch is used once and closed by killer, it stays closed for the remainder of the game mabye? keys are hard to nerf, because either you give them more usefull addons more aura reading ect or like heal from exhaustion faster when holding a key with an addon ect..., and take away the hatch potential then they would be great honestly, but if you nerf them 2 much, they become useless
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yeah, tho it still kind of sucks, but i would love to see keys get many more addons, that do alot of stuff, so there used for more than the easy escape, but nerf hatch
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for the killer maybe. for the survivors it's just a lost game that most likely still could have been won that's cut short for no reason.
That's exactly my problem with it. you have a tense game and then it's just over because one just leaves. The others probably won't stand a chance anymore. It makes an exciting game and turns it into a boring stomp where you have to feel bad cause it's really not their fault their teammate just bailed.
It's kind of like monopoly where one player just decides this isn't fun anymore and gives all his properties to the winning player. It just ruins the game for everyone
It's just bad for both sides
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well not really, hatch only spawns if all gens are done if everyone is till alive, so at that point it wouldnt matter for the other survivor, but if say 2 are dead allready then sure or 1 even i guess
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i actually had a match tonight where 2 people decided to jump out of the hatch at 1 gen left, leaving 1 survivor on her own to die. and it really felt like a close match had all the tension sucked out of it like an oyster. so, ultimately, i completely agree. however, i don't think keys have no place whatsoever, just that maybe they shouldn't be capable of just obliterating the mood.
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id like to see more items added 2, to me items are the survivors "power" like killers ,so to have more options would be amazing
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You will find the majority of vitriol and hyperbole on these forums comes from "mains."
Most "mains" are so blinded with bias that their posts are just hyperbolic ramblings. I truly wish BHVR would implement an ignore/block feature on the forums so I could stop seeing the same baseless claims by "mains" in threads which are attempting to provide an actual intelligent conversation.
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In regards to keys: I think they should just make it that keys only work for one person. As far as a timer goes - if they are limited to one person - maybe like a 3-5 second duration to use; depending on addon (Make new addons that reduce the duration (very rare) 1 second and (ultra rare) 2 seconds).
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What's with the S(he) thing? Can't you just use they?
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I'd be wary of getting into a grammar discussion considering their username
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That's your opinion. In my way , the question is team and single.
For team, they have best game experience. For SINGLE SURVIVOR they have worst game experience.
And for Killer, they can choose play or not when they face voice chat team. But for single survivor they have no choice.
So I think your question or opinion is a wrong way. And I play both side. I know why I must to camp and focus, that's a best way to win.
But for single survivor, your skill can't help you , sometimes you need to against your 3 mates and killer .
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I play both sides and ######### everything. My ability to give a shite has been temporarily misplaced. Something about going from a killer trial getting flamed for using slowdown perks and into a survivor trial getting flamed for using ######### OoO of all things... Nope. Don't care. Uh-uh. My empathy has grown legs and walked off. I'mma do whatever I want and I don't care. I wish I could use Old DS on Spirit.
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That's fair.
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I agree with playing both sides will open up your views on Dbd. But whenever i say "i'm a killer main" i just mean that i play killer more. Solo queue just isn't as much fun as killer. But when i get the chance of playing with friends i also play survivor.
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From my experience, obviously that's a drop in the ocean, I've noticed my dailies seem to go based on which side I've been playing. If I've play mostly survivor, I get killer dailies. If I've played mostly killer, I get survivor dailies.
@topic I disagree that if you play one side you're entitled. You will probably have a bias towards that side, but we all have a bias. It's impossible to see things perfectly evenly. Our experiences will always color our opinions.
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I play survivor exclusively. Here are my entitlements:
1) I'm entitled to play this game however I want to play it as long as I'm not breaking any rules...... so is everyone else
2) I'm entitled to not care at all what anyone else thinks about the way I play...... so is everyone else
3) I'm entitled to hold an OPINION about anything in this game...... so is everyone else
As far as I'm concerned those are my only entitlements.
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So like... How moris are now? They are basically useless. Why not keys, too?
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I disagree with the title completely.
I main survivor just because I prefer playing with my friends. But I've played a lot of killer over the past 4 years and I have nearly every killer with max perks.
Now after reading the actual discussion I understand what your trying to say. People shouldn't complain about the other side till they've played that side enough. It's why when I've played killer and someone messaged me something dumb I laugh lol
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english is not my first language im sorry
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I personally have said this thousand times, I do not camp or tunnel as killer and for survivor i don't tbag