How come Huntress did not get Billy treatment?

Just wondering.
I want to see the logic behind this tbh.
I say we add a meter to Huntress's power. Her hand gets tired from holding & clenching the hatchet for too long she overheats and starts sweating profusely. /s
Edit: Funny. I was going to add the screenshot where they stated that "They are happy with how Billy is performing so they won't change much to him" To my surprise, the post where they stated that, has been EDITED.
Im on board with this.
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Because there are Huntress mains on the dev team, if I had to speculate.
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Huntress has to reload to get her power.
Old Billy could use the Chainsaw infinitely.
There is your explenation.
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I don't know why they nerfed him in the first place, his base-kit was perfectly balanced (WHICH THEY SAID) all he needed was an addon-pass because his addons were OP, he didn't need a rework.
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Huntress already had resource management, which is what they gave to Billy.
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Yup, some of the devs are huntress mains
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A fair argument. I can see the reason for giving killers resource management.
But because one has it, that doesn't mean all should.
Especially if one's power is not suited for resource management in the first place
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I will never get the argument of „They said Hillbilly was perfectly balanced“
they didn’t say that at all.. they said something along the lines of they are MOSTLY satisfied with how he performs. Not saying they haven’t overdone the rework/nerf a little bit.
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I mean, I never said they should give it to everyone. I'm just pretty sure that's the reason. They have resource management to Bubba too.
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I'm still wondering why Clown got his exhaustion add on removed but huntress didn't.
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The Devs don't like Killers without at least some resource management in their power.
That should be obvious since I've heard they added resource management to Nurse in the form of recharging her blinks, and I know they've added it to both Hillbilly in the form of the heat meter and Bubba in the form of chainsaw tokens during their reworks. Huntress already has a maximum number of hatchets she can carry around so they didn't need to add any resource management to her.
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Huntress is more difficult to newer/average players. I mean Hillbilly was too but I guess the dev's just turned off their brains for that one, same with the nurse nerf.
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The thing is the overheat was 1 of the many nerfs,why nerfing everything you can imagine on this killer?
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They just added the overheat which barely affects normal Billy Gameplay. Sure, it's inconvinient and in opinion unnessecary but since every Killer has some form of cooldown/token system/power duration etc. old Billy didn't have any of these, he was able to spam his Power how much he wanted while Huntress has 5 shots and then has to reload.
That's the difference and also why Huntresse's basekit wasn't changed.
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Pretty much, but I still feel that billy's change was so unnecessary
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A lot of people will confuse what you are saying with actually throwing the hatchet or using the saw. Huntress and Billy share the same ability to hold their power at loops... or used to.
Huntress doesn't drop a hatchet and lose it if she holds it for too long, she can hold one the entire game if she wants. Billy will lose his power for 15 seconds if he holds his saw for too long.
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I misread sweating as swearing.
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What are you talking about? Overheat was one of the 6 things they nerfed on him
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There are. They even stream.
Huntress kept her charge time addons. Has the only exhaustion add-on left in the game and she was given very duper good flight speed add-ons.
I'm not asking for a nerf. I'm saying that the double standard is obvious.
P.S. I'm a Billy main.
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What made Billy a bit too good was the fact that he had insane add-ons like Tuning Guide that you could stack together with others. Now all of his good add-ons have been removed instead of being balanced more.
A resource management mechanic like the overheat simply works poorly with the nature of his power where now you're essentially being punished just for trying to use it in the first place.
Billy's chainsaw doesn't break rules compared to Huntress' hatchets and there were already penalties for misusing the chainsaw.
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I will point out that Huntress's exhaustion addon now only inflicts it for 5 seconds. We're still watching this one closely.
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how do you determine if this addon overperforms?
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It's not simple. There are a bunch of factors I have to monitor. I'm afraid I can't go into any more detail than that.
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5 seconds is still long enough to remove Dead Hard way more often than not, which let’s be honest is the only exhaustion perk Huntresses run that add on for. It seems weird that you guys removed exhaustion add ons for every other killer but not Huntress, honestly.
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The stats. If this addon is used 80% of every game then it overpreforms addons should be used at a even rate no addon should be picked every game unless you like it
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As Almo said, it's not very simple.
Just because an addon is used a lot doesn't mean it's overperforming. People can LOVE fun (or just plain good) addons and run them all the time, but that doesn't mean they're overperforming. If an addon is overused, that could also mean that the majority of the other addons aren't strong enough, and that overused addon is at the strength that other addons should be.
Addons shouldn't have to be used at an even rate. People should be able to use whatever they want. Some add-ons are going to be better than others, and this should be expected and accepted. I'd think ONE of the factors that plays into determining whether or not an addon is overperforming is the difference in match results it makes compared to matches used without that addon and certain perks alongside it.
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Probably a mix of the increased average kill rate with the add-on compared to other add-ons and their base kit, and the pick rate of the add-on, if I had to guess.
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I posted this before he commented I didn’t know you can ignore what I said
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I have no problem that Huntress kept her exhaustion addon (duration changed, but that was extremely necessary, the old version was very outdated.) I'm mostly confused at why Clown lost his. I would argue that a 5-second exhaustion versus Clown is generally less impactful than 5 seconds of exhaustion versus Huntress. DH can always waste a hatchet, even though Huntress doesn't care that much about distance when it comes to Lithe or BL (Lithe is dangerous to use against her anyway.) Clown is nasty in a 1v1; his entire power revolves around slowing you down and destroying any distance advantage, and DHing to anything but an undropped pallet isn't nearly as effective when you're locked into a medium vault, so any exhaustion perk you had generally wasn't going to get you anywhere unless he used his last bottle inflicting you with it.
...Which was the reason I liked that addon on Clown - it was great to extend his pressure when you ran out of bottles in a chase and didn't have time to reload. But because Huntress gives such clear cues when she's about to throw, it's very easy to use the most common exhaustion perk against her, and DHing through a hatchet is much more effective than DHing a regular attack because the Huntress has to wait for the survivor to be in position again, unlike any basic attack where the killer can just immediately M1 again because the survivor is still right in their face. And when they're both out of their power and can't reload, Clown's a 115 to her 110.
I'm not complaining about any of this, I just don't quite follow the internal consistency. Besides Wooden Fox (undetectable is worthless when her lullaby is still distance-based), I'm pretty happy with the state of Huntress's addons now, and vastly prefer her addon pass to the mangled wreck Billy's turned into.
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I can't wait for more of the devs to read this and add an overheat mechanic for Huntress.
Tbh all Huntress needs is optimized hitboxes for her hatchets.
Post edited by glitchboi on2 -
It would've been cool if Wooden Fox removed Huntress' grunt when raising a hatchet instead of its current effect.
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I want to know why Huntress was not nerfed more. Hitboxes was not looked at or commented on by the devs. Left in a broken uncounterable mess. Huntress should have had an overheat, way more cooldown between throws.
Billy can't hold his saw without it overheating, neither should Huntress. She can facecamp with an axe, followed by no cooldown for an instant down.
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Resource management.
Old Billy had none of that, he could chainsaw your crotch off at anytime.
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Sluzzy please
But then u made a fair statement about her hatchet hitboxes being broken. Then you followed up with overheat and more cooldown between throws, then u made another good point about camping with an axe and 100% of the time securing a trade. You blow my mind.
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As of that's the problem now. You guys introduced that addon that increases hatchet speeds by a ridiculous amount, as if they weren't already truck sized. Pair it with wind up time addon and see how broken that ######### is. Absolutely ridiculous
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Remove the heat mechanic,i prefer facing god billys than god spirits and nurses.
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Everyone be careful the mods are censoring legit questions in this thread.
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Nope, just removing those that are completely off topic!
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@MandyTalk Cool. Exhaustion addons were mentioned by a dev. I asked the above dev Why Clowns exhaustion was removed and my comments were deleted.
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which is off-topic as this thread is about Huntress!
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She has a meter, having 5 axes and then needing to reload.
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Welcome to the bhvr logic.
Tbh huntress is in a good place and honestly only the iri head had to be reworked, the others were fine imo.
Here power is more limited than Billy as she find a locker, walk to it and reload where as Billy could use it whenever he wanted it.
But yeah bhvr either go to far with reworks or they barely do anything.
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I see. I would love to see you use Billy😓
Compared to the other killer adjustments, he's clearly been nerfed too much.
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I'm sad. With the advent of other killers, I think pick rates of hillbilly was declining even before the nerf.
Huntress was the first place of killer pick rates(October 2020), However She was only nerfed by a few add-ons.
I'm jealous of her😞