
I was playing with my friend on Dead Dawg Saloon, after opening the gate we have heard a little sound (kinda like laughter) while we were bodyblocking for random guy he saw a glimpse of a Gnome. Unfortunetely we had no time to examine it as Killer was on us.
Do we know what it is ?
That's part of the upcoming anniversary event. Odd how it's out now - bug?
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I think that's the gnome from the left 4 dead 2 game. Isn't it a charm?
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How do you know that Gnomes are part of the anniversary event?
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No, it's connected to L4D.
I know people found a 3rd dlc is coming around the same time as the 5th anniversary and I'm guessing the dlc will be L4D related
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I just had this happen to me too. I was playing spirit on yamaoka estate and as i had hooked the last survivor i heard a laugh. I was able to find the gnome in time and it gave me a prompt to stomp it so i did. Then the game ended and i checked if i had any charms. I have the clip saved and ill see if i can link it soon.
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Here's the clip.
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Oh, that's intresting. Good to know you can do something with it as Killer too.
Have you unlocked any charm/cosmetic?
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no, it's a L4D event that just got live and devs forgot to mention
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No, not that i can tell. It could have been cut off from the game ending but i think its more likely that it's a test they accidentally put in the game. Also this was on ps4 if that helps.
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Was honestly expecting a RickRollin'!
Time to get grinding then?!
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I'm sorry I just thought it was funny to see a post called Gnome out of nowhere on the DBD forums.
Anyways I think the event was secretly released because BHVR is tryna g-nome us. Clever Behavior, clever...
Try to collect a gnome if possible.
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I don't think they forgot. It's most likely "secret" until too many people speak about it. Then we could get an official word about it.
At least it makes sense to me.
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its to do with the archive i am pretty sure since its from L4D not RE
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The Travelocity Gnome is leading vacationers into the fog! I KNEW he worked for the Entity!
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CHOMPSKI!! I hated getting that damn achievement...XD
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Lol I loved doing that achievement honestly. Id still do it even after I completed it once just for fun
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I wanna find a gnome now. Does someone know if they appear at the end of the game or it can be anytime?
Edit: I found an answer.
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don't get me wrong, I can't help but get him every single time I play dark carnival. but the amount of fails until I eventually managed to get him to the chopper were frustating. XD
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Lol thats understandable. I remember one time I accidentally threw him far away at the end and I didn't grab him in time. Very sad times
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the worst was when all I had to do was run a bit and jump in the chopper, but one regular infected hit me, slowed me down and I eventually got surrounded and died...
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Man I need L4D to be a thing again although Back4Blood is apparently similar and made by the same people
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I miss l4d...
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gnome spawns only in end game this is dumb af xD
So this is how gnome looks like (charm)
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Dude Sameeeee. I'm sad my laptop is garbage and I don't have my Xbox anymore and it's not on playstation:/
Killing floor 2 is the next best thing though
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As a wise man once said...
"Hello there, old chum!"
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You get him? Or just a preview of them?
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If anyone wants know:
- gnome appears only in the endgame collapse (you will hear a sound)
- you have to unlock (stomp on him) him only once (killer or survivor) to be able to equip him as a charm for all characters (killers and survivors)
- there are multiple gnomes (once gnome is collected, new gnome appears somewhere)
- idk if this is confirmed but here might be a bug - last person who stomped on the gnome will get this charm but no one else
- gnome changes position every 90-120 sec (from Masusder)
Post edited by Dimek on5 -
Yes you can:
- gnome appears only in the endgame collapse (you will hear a sound)
- you have to unlock (stomp on him) him only once (killer or survivor) to be able to equip him as a charm for all characters (killers and survivors)
here is the proof if you want
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I have found it and destroyed, but i do not have the charm. I did it as Killer and i don't have it on neither Killer neither Survivor.
Did you do something else besides destroying it ?
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No i did not. Check again this charm is "RARE"(GREEN) so maybe you missed it.
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I found that fun too. Just playing l4d with friends trying complete this was a blast. I sware I think the game targeted me with all the special infected because I had the gnome.
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Leaks by Daylight did an article on this. I don't know if it's definitely happening though.
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I did it as wraith, I stomped it but do not have the charm.
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idk if this is confirmed but there might be a bug - last person who stomped on the gnome will get this charm but no one else
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Thanks for info peeps ! Wish me luck on my quest for the gnome !!! I have to go find this lil bugger!
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It should be once the gens are done not during the EGC. This means some matches you don't even get to try to look for it.
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I have yet to see one, and I'm playing killer and just trying to figure out how to move Blight (I'm actually straining the muscles in my arm and neck trying to pull off some of the more precise moves I've seen other players do since the update, I don't suppose anyone has tips for console Blight?), not attacking anyone, so we always get to EGC... and #########, survivors are actually running out immediately, they never freaking do that. what the hell is going on?? So I'm not getting much time to search for him.
Edit: Put on Wraith instead of Blight and found the gnome first match and kicking it unlocked the charm. Yay! for survivors who decided that making noise notifications at the door was better than leaving.
Post edited by TragicSolitude on0 -
Just had a match with my partner and we both got the charm, he stomped it first and later on me.
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Thanks for this!
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I've got my charm after second destruction on gnome in game. Maybe I did not get it for the first time as I let someone else destroy it aswell ? or maybe Wraith couldn't get it.
On second try I did it with Nurse and I've got the charm.
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how can I find this ######### gnome does the sound mean he is close by?
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Yes, how close to the sound does it spawn? I keep hearing it but I can’t find the little bastard.
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I did infact get a charm for stomping one of the gnomes
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I think when endgame collapse happens you always hear the initial giggle to confirm he's spawned, but it's map wide so it doesn't have any indication it is nearby.
I then heard another noise which I assume is him moving.
Haven't actually found him as yet but haven't been searching too much. Think that is how it all works though.