Should Survivor Items have different models?

Survivors obviously have several kinds of items they can bring to a trial. Each item category has many types of that item within it. Should these all have separate models in order to let the Killer see more precisely what they are up against?

Here are the pros I can think of for each, which can help anyone really consider the topic:

Same Models

  • Survivors won't be singled out for having a stronger version of an item
  • Survivors can bring a strong item while the Killer may not realize it
  • Survivors may bring a weak item and use it to get the Killers attention (ie: Broken Key)
  • Separate models could tip the Killer off to what the Survivors strategy will be (ie: Commodius vs Alex's Toolbox)

Different Models

  • Bringing a weaker version of an item won't make the Killer focus on the weaker player for it
  • The Killer will be able to properly strategize for some of what they are up against
  • Survivors can clearly see what their teammates are bringing to the trial and plan around it
  • Survivors can clearly see from more of a distance if an item on the ground is worth picking up/using
  • Might look cool
  • Survivors can bring a stronger version of the item to very specifically get the Killers attention, if that is their goal (ie: Strong runner wanting to loop or extend chases)

Either method has a list of strengths and weaknesses associated with their application. Currently, I do NOT feel this is lost of BHVR, and they have all items in a category look the same in order to give the Survivors information that the Killer does NOT have access to in order to utilize it without the Killer fully knowing. However, changing this could very well change the meta of which items are brought, as well as how Killers pick their priority targets.

Also worth noting, this wouldn't include item addons, as they would be a bit harder (though not unheard of) to model into each item. While there are a lot of addons per item, it's worth looking at the amount of weapon attachments and skins that guns and devices get in other games. It IS doable, but it's not something I feel BHVR would ever commit to.

So, your thoughts?


  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    My thoughts are that the weakest item model shou have a big gap in difference to the strongest item but have similarities to weaker item.

    for example: broken key looks broken while both dull and skeleton key have many similarities that only people that notices the difference can tell which is which.

    another would be: Brown would look dirty and used while the mechanic toolbox look cleanse and unused. The Alex toolbox will look different then the other toolbox, having tool coming out of it.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    That would be a perfectly valid way of approaching the scenario. Similar models, but with notable differences in order to cut down on development time but give each item a distinct visual.

    Also, my guess is your vote (if this was up to a vote) would be for different models? Yes, even simply using different skins would count.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    Me want different models.