'Oppression' Users and Facers: What do you think is more fair?

I keep trying to use the perk Oppression but it seems a little weak on it's own.
I want to see what you guys think would be best for it to be a better perk:
'Oppression' Users and Facers: What do you think is more fair? 42 votes
Lower the cooldown.
I don't mind the skill checks because it gives it some sort of counter, but the cool down is way to much for me to get enough benefit from it.
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Lower the cooldown.
Its a meme perk for meme builds, doesnt work with Pop and has an absurd cooldown...
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Lower the cooldown.
It's actually a pretty solid perk, but it deserves a mini buff tbh. It's a decent perk to run alone, however it works best with Pop. Kick a gen w/ Pop and then you won't need to worry about kicking the other gens for a bit, or if they miss the skill check, bingo.
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Don't give skillchecks, only damage (like surge) when a survivor is on a gen.
I don't think lowering the cooldown would do much at all.
I'd rather make it so it damages a % if they're on the generator.
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Don't give skillchecks, only damage (like surge) when a survivor is on a gen.
Yeah it's definitely extreme for the little benefit I get from it tbh.
Yeah sadly so. Even with a shorter cooldown I don't know how sufficient it would be either tbh.
It does run pretty well with pop, but honestly pop just gives me such a small additional amount of stress with that countdown that I try not to run it lol.
I agree, I'd love to see it explode a gen to cause a quick guaranteed hinderance to gen progress. Surge is good for that.
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Lower the cooldown.
I think it's already pretty good, but its not a buff would make it too much, so why not
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Lower the cooldown.
If it worked with pop that would be op.