Is Hex: Blood Favor the worst Hex?

While arguably every hex in the game is a 50-50 in itself because all you have to do is cleanse totems, Blood Favor I feel gets the worst value out of any other hex perk in the game. Because of its decently long cooldown and lack of range, you'll barely find yourself having any value within the perk's lifetime. If they simply buffed the entity blocker duration, buffed the range of the perk, or just didn't make it a hex altogether, it would be a better perk overall imo.
What do you think should be done?
It should be a non hex if it doesn't get a buff.
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In it's current state it shouldn't be a Hex.
If they are planning on buffing it, it should be tho.
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I'd say it shouldn't be a hex, but since Blight's Undying needed something to compliment it, it should definitely be buffed to make it hex worthy.
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I didn't even realize the damn thing was a hex until I fully read it. It shouldn't be a hex, and because it is a hex, its pretty much worthless.
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I feel like it should only remain a hex if the range was doubled(So its the range of the default Terror radius) and the pallet block remained for as long as the totem did.
So if the totem isn't found theoretically every pallet on the map could be blocked off until its broken.
Aka making it pseudo break undropped pallets until cleansed.
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Pallet blocking shouldn't be permanent but there shouldn't be a cooldown. Look at crowd control. That perk can in theory block every window vault at once with no cooldown.
The cooldown is just so oddly restrictive for a perk that survivors can remove.
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Here's the thing though: Blocking windows is stricktly good for the killer meanwhile blocking pallets after a hit usually isn't unless it lasts for a long time.
Remember most survivors leave a loop the moment they get hit and either panic drop the pallet wasting it(Good for the killer) or don't and flee letting that pallet loop be used again.
Blocking off pallets until its cleansed means its strictly an advantage like Crowd Control's effect.
So even without a cooldown the "Blood Favor" is doing you anything but favors and almost always hurts you in the long run.
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I don't think infinite pallet blocking will be healthy. While I'm not against increasing the range, I don't think a hex should remove resources for as long as it's up.
There are certainly some uses for blocking nearby pallets. Prevents pallet saves, can catch another nearby survivor off guard, or trapping a survivor in the corner of the map with nothing when they have no other safety to run to.
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I am trying to suggest buffs to keep it within its theme along with the fact that Devour hope/NOED are hexes that removes survivor's resources(in its case how many hits survivors can take/Hook states with Devour as well) as long as they remain up.
Along with third seal removing aura reading resources as long as its up as well.
PS. Those are all niche situations where it barely helps as most of those are either in your control or in your favor anyways.