Is this something to report players for and/or bug report?

I won't go too into detail so that others don't use this exploit but in short I had two players get on top of rocks in Ormond. I tried for a long time to hit them and reach them but couldn't (until i randomly got lucky later on).
I submitted a report in game and through the typical means as well (included a picture as well).
Is this something that's considered an exploit? If so, I assume it's reportable.
I imagine I'd also want to submit a bug report too.
Wasn't sure if its considered only a bug report or an exploit report or both.
One was also a twitch streamer that I reported on twitch for cheating on an online game and for hateful speech (he said some colorful things once I notified him what he was doing wasn't cool)
Well this game has many bugs and exploits. If the survivors that do it aware of it then yes you can call it exploit since what they do is out of the game mechanic but I dont think something will happen to them. In Macmillian I saw people climb up to rocks to stop loops and etc.. so there are problems like that. You did the right thing by reporting this problem however you should open a discussion at the Bug Section. You should write this to there so that the Devs can see it as a bug.
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It sounds reportable, and since it's not hacking maybe something will actually be done about it. Discovering a bug like that is one thing, but two people deliberately using it to gain an unfair advantage? Even if you don't have video evidence, it could at least mean bringing it to the attention of the Devs so it gets fixed, so definitely send a bug report.
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I'm also skeptical anything will happen but we'll see.
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Also, I feel kinda torn about it. He got upset that I'd report him and felt like I was making it too much of a big deal. On the one hand yeah it's not the end of the world but it just does make the game unfun as killer when you can do your one job and have survivors healing in your face unable to stop them.
Would other people report or just move on?
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I've climbed on a rock on ormond, HOWEVER it was a small one and the killer could climb it too. When it comes to things where it stops the chase it's an exploit. I remember when the bus was bugged and the killer just stopped and looked at me, I nodded and ran out at him. I'm not risking getting a ban, and I'm not going to take away someone's fun especially due to an exploit. 10/10 would report also because they knew when healing in your face
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It's reportable, but they probably won't be banned without video evidence. There've been situations where players have randomly teleported on top of rocks. Then, it should also be clear if they're stuck or not.
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Fortunately one of them is a twitch streamer so I sent a link to his video of it all
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Once is ok they may of did it by accident but if they were healing up there yeah I would
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I guess it’s not a reason for a ban if they have done it only this one time. Especially if you didn’t provide a video but only a screenshot. There is the possibility for them to get unintentionally stuck there, the Screenshot doesn’t show their behavior after all.
maybe add a link to the VOD on Twitter with time stamp in your additional player report so it’s clear they did it intentionally?
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They would also get off the rocks and back on when I was coming back (saw that in their video).
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Yeah unless you could hit them I would report it
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It was rough because of where they were they could work on 2 gens and return to that spot before I got back and if I stayed there the other 2 would run through gens quickly. They were all swfs with coms as well which made it extra difficult to manage
Made my boy pyramid head very sad.
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Now, that's a smoking gun if it was intentional.