Gen Speed Fix Suggestion.
Hi, I've been playing this game for years, and minus time I had no internet, I've clocked nearly 2k hours. I've noticed as of late, there's almost always one of two problems.
1) Killers that are doing poorly get Gen Rushed.
2) Killers doing very well stomp the survivors and leave them with no chance.
So I have devised a great solution, I'm just not certain how feasible it is in coding...
Half base speed, so a gen takes 160 seconds to complete. As survivors are hooked, the penalty decreases. As survivors are killed, the speed doubles. So with one dead, it's 80 seconds once more, and with 2 dead, it's 40 seconds. 20 if 3 are dead, and last wants quick objective points before they hop in hatch.
This fix will give Killers doing poorly time to get some hooks in, and punish those that tunnel or are doing too well.
You could possibly up the gates to 20 seconds and take time away when there's people dead as well. 3.33 per person.
I think this is just way too much of a buff for Killers.
Normally its the other way around but holy ######### this is a huge buff
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Way too much time to finish the gen, and way too big of a buff for killers, especially when you figure in Perks like Ruin and Pop.
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Not at all, think it through, each hook would buff the speed, and if they tunnel, which A LOT of killers do, they get a massive boost. I don't see how this is a buff to killer, it's a balance to fix TWO major issues. They could also give more skill checks to make it a little less boring, but the main issue is, you either have the killer be so good you will lose no matter what, or the survivors are so good you get gen rushed and lose with very few hooks and points.
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Camping one person at the start would be the play.
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That would make killers so op. I do not think good idea, sorry.
Fix game need just that: Add more objectives for survivors. That will make game slower. Before Undying nerf games was longer because survivors had to break Ruin + Undying combo.
How devs can fix that? I think make gens faster, like one survivor 40 seconds to finish. But they have to find some objects for fix. Like gas, cable etc. So they will look around for find items. That will make genrush slower, games will be more interactive. But objects have to spawn different places every time because if they spawn same place all games that will be also problem. For find objects they will have clues and they need to solve it for find. There will be objects for all generators, one object can use only on one gen.
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Killers would simply slug everyone and only hook until all 4 are on the ground, not like survivors can do anything about it they take over 2 minutes to complete a gen
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This is rewarding survivors for dying and punishing the killer for doing well. You also cannot punish people simply for tunneling since it is literally the killer doing their only objective. It would be like punishing survivors for "gen rushing".
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Gen speeds are fine, remove any speed boosts outside of Prove thyself or something. Generators are by far the least enjoyable aspect of dbd. Increasing gen times is not the answer.
The main culprit is just that against most killers (ones that have low skill ceilings/limited powers like Wraith/Legion/Micheal,etc), a complete idiot can run a killer for a LONG time if they have enough safe pallet/linked tiles. That and certain perks/map design.
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Giving the killer incentive to slug over sacrificing.
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No, the play would be to bring deerstalker and slug as much as possible until pallets are gone, then maybe start hooking if you need to by then. If you can't slug all 4 survivors over a combined 13 minutes and 20 seconds repair time required, you never deserved a win in the first place. This doesn't factor in the addition of stacking slowdown perks.
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Killers already reap wins by camping a quick down. Any added time because of killer or survivor not playing well will just strengthen lazy play. Only it will be "the play" because killers would essentially speed up gens by playing well.
What op has suggested is meant well but the glaring issue with it is that early first hooks would be too punishing to gameplay because it is logical to camp and keep gens slow.
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your post is the most confusing, I see most of these as People that don't know how to read, as this is very balanced actually. If a killer plays like a sweaty try hard by slugging, as some have said, they get nothing out of it. Little points, bad emblems, and an unfun game. This makes it so killers struggling don't have to basically give up and camp at end game, and punishes the current meta of camping and tunneling, as once that one is dead, you make the survivors stronger.
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Gen speeds are not a problem in this game, If you play poorly against high level survivors you get punished there shouldn't be any blame on the survivors side. Another huge thing to note is that depending on the killer you play you just cant keep up with high level teams (but its rare that you really see very strong SWF's) So the fact of the matter really just comes down to balancing.
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You seem to have completely ignored the other side of the argument. Against killers that just destroy, you are hopeless. This fix helps both sides with the same problem.