Trapper rework proposal

Trapper would start with one trap with additional traps scattered around the map as usual, however, he would always be able to carry up to 3 traps and every 30 seconds a random unset trap would be transfered to his inventory. The bag addons would now decrease the time it takes for a trap to appear in your inventory.

He would also gain a new power. He could trap generators, which would work in a following way: Traper puts this effect on a generator. If a survivor starts reparing the generator and misses a skill check the generator spouts entity tendrils, which hold the survivor down for 12 seconds. If a survivor hits a good skill check, there is a 75% chance they will be trapped. If they hit a great skillcheck, the chance goes down to 25%. If the trapper hits a survivor while they are trapped by the generator, they are immediately released. He could trap to a maximum of 2 gens, for a set amount of time (around 45 seconds).

I think this would help trapper apply more pressure on gens, while also reducing the need to waste time collecting traps.

Note: This is just a concept, feel free to share your thoughts. I only ask to be respectable to others.