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If you are being tunneled or camped literally every single game

Member Posts: 5,781

Then you must have a very loose definition as to what these two strategies are.

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  • Member Posts: 6,831

    if this is happening to anyone it must mean they're not very good at stealthing, like they allow the killer to find them easily if that makes any sense.

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    I play 20-30 matches a week and alternate between killer/survivor. I maybe get camped or tunneled once or twice in those matches.

    I agree people throw those terms around for almost everything and also do not take into consideration their own plays. It always the killers fault their miserable.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    To be fair, if you are a relatively bad survivor player (like me) then you do get tunneled more. And in lower ranks camping and tunneling is also very often seen. (Can’t really blame the killers though, as it is way too rewarding in these kind of matches)

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    They aren't grossly exaggerating. I play a lot of survivor myself and see it happen all the time.

    Killers have gotten used to snowballing off hook rescues. And I can see why. It's pretty effective against solo queue players who have a much harder time coordinating plays.

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited May 2021

    I used to agree with you. Then I started recording every game I play (in both roles). I started graphing behaviors and confirming whether something was a Camp or an actual Tunnel. The results I got convinced me I was 100% wrong. When I took the advice of Otz (in his video about not getting tilted) my game play started improving. He is the one who suggested recording games not for content but to study what I could do to improve. I founded that the old saying, "we lie best when we lie to ourselves" is very telling when it comes to Dead by Daylight. I was incorrectly identifying things, exaggerating how often they happened, and not taking responsibility for my own part in what took place. Every single one of my friends started doing it too, and they had exactly the same results I did. That is why none of us say "Jack" about Camping, Tunneling, etc. anymore. This forum simply has far too many people whose ego cannot accept that they themselves are responsible for MOST of what happens to them in a match.

  • Member Posts: 5,781
    edited May 2021

    I have 2100+ hours on both killer and survivor, it is not nearly as prevalent as you think.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    As I mentioned in another thread, I probably play 20-25 hours a week as survivor (and maybe 10-15 as killer). In those 20-25 hours (not matches, hours), I definitely have been tunnelled (or someone on my team has been), but it's definitely not every game, or anywhere close to it. Camping is less prevalent -- killers do come back to the hook, but often I or my teammates are literally healing under hook, so when one of us gets harrassed then, it's definitely on us to have not gotten to a safe location to heal up. The facecamping that I've seen some claim happens every match -- I can't remember the last time anyone in my parties was facecamped.

    Obviously, everyone's experience will vary to some degree. I play at Red Ranks normally, and I imagine camping/tunnelling is far more common at brown/yellow ranks.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Maybe I was just unlucky, but I absolutely got tunneled in almost all of my games. I get camped often as well. It's gotten to the point that I rarely play survivor (just for the challenges).

  • Member Posts: 824

    Can you stream so we can watch you get camped and tunneled 24/7.

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    All depends on luck and what kind of players u interact with there's two kind of players those who will crash you with their skills and the ones who can't get proper kill without camping or tunelling and ever since this rank redet bug happened I actually saw how much of this happens in purple ranks I can't imagine what's happening above I'll rather be red ranks and get sweaty killers than one from ranks above at least I will lose because player was better than me and not because they sucks and got their "unfair " kill

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    I don't need to record my matches. It's easy to tell whether or not the killer returns to the hook.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    I've considered streaming DbD as a hobby, but I probably will not. I don't play DbD regularly anymore.

  • Member Posts: 6,343

    In my mind I set this to Every Breath You Take by the Police as I was reading it.

    Best decision all day

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Camping/Tunneling or as I like to call it "snowballing" has been common for years now. The killer hooks a survivor and then tries to punish the hook rescue.

    Back in the day, I didn't think much of it because the game was so grossly survivor-sided. But in recent months, I'm starting to view it as a legitimate balance concern.

  • Member Posts: 13,671


    People vastly over exaggerate what camping or tunneling is. I very rarely see genuine camping or tunneling and I play way more than the average player.

    Not to mention we can tell this is the case since once DS was nerfed everyone stopped running it. It's just as good for stopping actual tunneling which further substantiates that they weren't actually being tunneled or camped in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 182

    that the survivor fault not body blocking or using BT, not only that you should have you exhaustion perk once you get saved. unless you teammate saved you way to early and that on them. If you get camped y our team should be doing gens instead of all rushing to the hook against that bubba.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I have a saying: Altruism kills. Remember that phrase. Burn it in to your mind. It will save you a lot of trouble.

    There are times to go for the saves and time to ignore the person who could use help. When the killer won't leave the vicinity of the person who could use help, that's the time to work towards winning the match, not getting both of you killed.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    Like many of the claims on these forums by killers and survivors - hyperbole.

    When people use words like "always" "every" "almost always" "every other" etc etc etc - I just assume they are lying/being hyperbolic.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Noone claims to have heavy camping/tunnelling in every game.

    I do, however, see it in well over half of my games when I'm survivor, but once in a blue moon when I'm killer because I only care to suck the fun out of the game for toxic people.

    (If I'm at all seen teabagging the killer it's because they've been going out of their way to get me out of the game since the moment they saw me and were being rather blatant/toxic about it, too)

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    I love people that do this: they complain about BT, but then defend their actions with 'should have used BT' when the simple truth is that the latest change caused BT to lose its functionality anyway lmao

  • Member Posts: 301

    The thing I REALLY don't get is the "tunneling" accusation. I think this one MOST speaks volumes about the mentality of these Survivors.

    If a Killer is actually tunneling someone, there is a reason for it. A strategical reason for it. But instead of seeing it that way, these Survivors must think it's, like... because it's THEM. Like, this Killer knows WHO they are, and want to PERSONALLY tunnel them just because they're out to get them.

    It's the most psychologically... disturbing accusation, to be honest. It literally implies that they think there is a deep, personal reason that a Killer is focusing on them, and not simply because they're on their last hook, are injured, are really close, and nobody else is even around. The gameplay reasons for the focus fire is completely and utterly mentally blocked. It is a personal thing.


  • Member Posts: 301

    Yeah, I automatically translate "always" etc to mean the more down-to-earth versions of whatever the sentence is, like, "most of the time". I assumed that most people also automatically translate it, but that's not the case.

    However, the translated versions are also untrue, in regards to the topic in this thread...

    And - everything else aside - if you're even getting tunneled/camped as often as you say... maybe get better at the game???

    Survivor gameplay has been SO EMPOWERED over the years, they're basically Kryptonians standing out in the open, fists on their hips and chests expanded proudly, just WAITING for the Killer to dare challenge them to a chase. They got 100 pallets, 200 windows, and 300 flashlights all primed & ready. 400 stun & escape perks, by the way. The Survivors are MORE POWERFUL than the Killer these days.

    ... And so, they've totally forgotten how to even play stealthily. Which used to be this game's roots...

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    "they're basically Kryptonians standing out in the open, fists on their hips and chests expanded proudly, just WAITING for the Killer to dare challenge them to a chase"

    This is actually terrifying.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    I don't think it's that deep. People just find tunneling and camping very unfun. That's why I rarely play survivor now.

  • Member Posts: 182

    The reason people complain about bt is because the person who get off the hook can use it to body block the killer, And the only way for the killer to counter that is wait out the full 15 sec and then hit you. And the that mean the killer tunneling you. The reason we complain is because a perk designed to give you a protection agains tunneling acctualy punish the killer for trying to not tunnel you. Would just be fine if they kept BT as it is but also disable collision with the killer when you affected by it.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Hey, I'm all for removing collision from the unhooked survivor in exchange for the perk actually working. But honestly, I'd say the body blocking is perfectly viable and fine, personally, since it means the killer doesn't get a ton of free pressure for having camped.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    You don't need to record matches to know when a killer returns to the hook. I can see it happening clearly with my own eyes.

    This isn't just some conclusion I reached prematurely. I've playing for years now. Watching closely how the killer and survivors play.

    And from what I've seen, killers do have a tendency to return to the hook.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Returning to the hook isn't Tunneling. Killers are in search and destroy mode. The very fact that the Killer had to return to the hook shows they left it in the first place. When someone is unhooked, as I'm sure you know, they get an audible cue telling them someone just unhooked that Survivor. That means the Killer knows it is a HIGH probability that 2+ Survivors are in that area of the map. If they haven't found anyone else yet or have any better clues to location, of course they turn around. It would be insane to expect them not to do so.

    Moreover, the very fact that the game is designed to tell the Killer when a Survivor is unhooked should make it abundantly clear what the DEV were going for. If they didn't want the Killer to return to the hook, they wouldn't put in that cue. The Killer is merely going to where they KNOW there are people. Now, if the Survivor who unhooked someone immediately vanishes like a Ninja, leaving only the injured party there for the Killer to find, the outcome is pretty obvious. It is also the direct result of SURVIVOR interactions and choices.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    I'm fully aware that returning to the hook is part of the game. I'm not sure if you're trying to imply something here.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm not implying anything; I'm directly stating that the DEV expect and are encouraging Killers to go to that location, i.e. where someone just got pulled off the hook. The DEV expect SURVIVORS to take actions to prevent the Killer from going after the same person. They do not expect the Killer to make that choice against self interest. The very design of the game demonstrates that fact. Consider the following Perk suggestion:


    The Survivor is adept and hoisting someone off hooks in a secretive way so as not to alert the Killer of the rescue in progress. The Killer will not receive the audible cue when the rescue transpires and there is a delay on how long it takes before the icon on the screen tells the Killer the person has been unhooked: 3 seconds at Level-1, 5 seconds at Level-2, and 7 seconds at Level-3.

    *This is an example of another Perk that would make things harder on the Killer.. OR WOULD IT? It would make it harder for the Killer to return to the hook at the right moment to catch someone there, because they would have longer to vacate the area safely. Or would the existence of this kind of Perk all but ensure that the Killer would NOT leave the hook, intent on making sure he/she secures that Kill or is there when the rescuer arrives? I think Perk above would be great, but it would have to be released at the same time as some OTHER enticement to make sure that waiting at the Hook isn't as profitable as going out to hunt. Do you see my point?

    Unintended consequences happen with every change. The goals of the Killers and Survivors are mutually exclusive. The DEV have, through trial and error, discovered several unintended and undesirable consequences to trying to punish Camping and Tunneling. They now follow a different path and attempt to give Killers enticements and Survivors tools. They give us knives and forks and say, "dig into that steak." Right now we are in a new stage of the game's evolution, one brought on by increasing numbers (and efficiency) of SWF. Has Tunneling and Camping increased? Yes, I'd assert in direct correlation of the rise of SWF beyond being niche, a few friends playing together into becoming dominant over Solo. Until that is addressed, Killers are adapting, doing the ONLY thing they can to keep up. It is an unintended consequence of an unintended consequence. I don't disagree with you that something should be done. I just think treating the ACTUAL root cause of the problem is the right way to go. Destroying the agency of Player's in the Killer role wouldn't fix the problem, it would create a host of new ones.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Yeah people are overreacting to what Camping and Tunneling is they have too broad a definition.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Have the devs actually said they want killers to return to the hook? Please link me a clip of them saying that.

    The only statement I've heard the devs make is that they don't want to prohibit camping/tunneling. And they gave a good reason that I agree with. Forbidding camping/tunneling would make the game more boring. Part of the reason people keep playing DbD is because of the unpredictability factor.

    In my view, the best way to handle camping/tunneling is by giving survivors more counters for it. Right now, BT and DS are the only direct counters. I'd like to see the devs make some changes to make it easier for solo queue survivors to handle snowballing.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Why else would they ring a dinner bell and have a bright glowing sign appear that says "SURVIVORS HERE!" You are too smart a guy, I can tell from your posts, to not recognize what the game is doing there. If the DEV didn't want Killers to return to the hook, they wouldn't have gone out of their way to announce the save. They would have left it just the Icon, perhaps even with a delay. No, they ANNOUNCE It give an audible and visual cue just in case the Killer has gotten turned around so they know EXACTLY where at least two Survivors are located. You and I both know that isn't an accident. It is because rescues are all POSITIVE benefits for Survivors, points, more people to work Generators, etc. The game is making sure that doesn't come without risk. Otherwise, why SHOULD you get any points for unhooking someone if there wasn't going to be risk involved? :)

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    I rarely see either of these tactics.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    What you're saying makes sense. But I'm still not convinced the devs want the killer to go out of their way to return to the hook.

    More likely, the killer gets a notification that a survivor has been rescued so the killer can return to the hook should they want to. The problem is a lot of killers want to. And it's not hard to see why. Most survivors are solo queue and it's easier to punish solo queue players.

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