The American Horror Story: Asylum Chapter

The Bloodyface:
Terror Radius: 32 meters.
Movement Speed: 115%.
Oliver Thredson grew up in a government-sponsored orphanage after being abandoned by his thirty-three-year-old mother at a very young age. "The System", as Thredson called the orphanage, was a hard place to grow up and he had suffered the company of other children who he believed to possess inferior intelligence. Upon adulthood, he attended medical school, where one of the first cadavers he worked with was the corpse of a thirty-three-year-old woman. He deluded himself into thinking it was his mother, but when he tried to embrace her, he became repulsed by her cold skin, which smelled of formaldehyde.
Unlike most of the staff at Briarcliff, Dr. Thredson was stoically calm and clinical around patients, saying that more compassion would greatly improve conditions for the patients. He was willing to look at the patients as more than just insane criminals in comparison to the sadistic treatment the patients were given.
Things changed as he captured the women, damaged by the loss of his mother. Cutting away at the flesh like it was meat. After ending up in Briarcliff, Lana Winters fell under Thredson as one of his patients. Tricking her into thinking she could escape, she was taken to his home where she was held captive. Once she escaped, he tracked her before she shot him once in the head. Darkness swept over him, laying on the floor dying. His eyes opened. He was back at Briarcliff. The hunt begins.
The Bloodyface starts with 5 rope traps.
When near a tree or ceiling, throw a rope up.
Traps cannot be disabled.
Survivors are not injured by the trap but hang suspended and can be grabbed by The Bloodyface.
When trapped, The Bloodyface can inject them with a poison serum.
Survivors cannot fully heal until they find and inject themselves with an antidote which drops from a trap.
The Bloodyface is an insane killer, who's perks revolve around his terror radius and hindering survivors.
When not in a chase, your heartbeat is increased by 6/8/10 meters, otherwise your heart beat is decreased by 4/8/12 meters. Survivors within your terror radius suffer from 3/5/7 reduced action speed.
"I'm clearly insane!"
As more survivors fall, the final survivor feels guilt and questions their sanity. For each survivor eliminated from the trail, your terror radius is decreased by 3/4/5 meters.
"Don't worry, she won't bite. I took her teeth."
Closed Connection:
When the exit gates are powered, you have the ability to close an exit gate. Walk up to a gate and close it 25/50/75% of the speed it takes for a survivor to open it. If a survivor is in the Exit Gate area, they can escape. Survivors can reopen the gate.
"God knows, there are some disturbed individuals behind bars."
Lana Winters:
Lana Winters was an average reporter and a kind hearted person. When she found Briarcliff, she overstepped boundaries to get a story worth sharing, causing her to be locked up for her sexuality. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months until she met Dr. Thredson. He seemed to be kind and caring like her. He knew that her stay was unjust and was willing to get her out even if it meant risking his job. When they arrived at his home, she noticed the furniture. Stretched out leather? It couldn't be. It was human skin. After fleeing to the police, she was finally safe. Dozing off, she saw a last glimpse of Thredson before she awoke in the Entity's Realm. She was back at Briarcliff.
"I'm telling you that battle-axe has secrets. Under all that piousness and fidelity there's a real darkness."
Lana Winters is a hardened survivor, whos perks revolve around helping others and fighting against the killer.
Tough Cookie
When the exit gates are powered, gain the Endurance status effect for 60/120/180 seconds allowing you to be hit a second time before being put into the dying state once per trail.
"I am tough, but I am no cookie."
Fierce Fighter:
When stunning a killer with a pallet, stuns last for .5/1/1.5 seconds longer. Your vault speed over pallets are 30/40/50% faster.
"You don't have any idea of what I'm capable of."
Mind Over Matter
You've survived it before and you know you can survive it again. Entity progression on the hook is 10/15/20 percent slower. Gain 50/75/100 more bonus bloodpoints in the Survival category.
Bonus bloodpoints are only awarded post trail.
"All I can say is, read my book."
New Realm: Briarcliff
A massive asylum. Located in the state of Massachusetts, the manor was built in 1910 and served as the largest tuberculosis ward on the East Coast. During this time, an estimated 46,000 patients died within its walls. The Catholic Church purchased the institute in 1962 and transformed it into a sanitarium for the mentally ill. The sanitarium was directed by Monsignor Timothy Howard and administered by Sister Jude, with Dr. Arthur Arden serving as the chief physician. In 1965, the church sold the manor to the state, before it was shut down in 1971 and abandoned. Currently, it stands in ruin in the Entity's Realm.
Briarcliff before it fell into ruin.
Thanks for reading!!
Lana Banana.
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Interesting concept, though maybe a few tweaks.
First, the poison should be more than just a status effect. Give it a timer, like Deep Wound, but slower. If the timer runs out, the character is put into the dying state with 1/3 of the total time. Also, you don't need to remove them from the trap to poison them. If they die like that in the trap, since they're hanging there, it counts as a sacrifice.