Borrowed Time needs a very simple tweak... because it breaks the game.

TGB Member Posts: 301

Just show the buff aura immediately... Don't have it wait until the Survivor gets hit...

As it is right now, it's basically a 5th Perk, to put it as shortly as possible.


As it is right now, you LEARN that somebody has it by hitting a Survivor and then they glow white... but you're now stuck in place on attack cooldown animation. And that's a huge loss. That's an escaped Survivor, you lost 'em.

And not only that, but you have this on potentially 3 more Survivors, too.

But maybe not!

And that's the REAL kicker.

That's why it's a 5th Perk. The only way to counterplay it is to assume they have it. You can't afford to swing at them in order to learn. But, my freaking god, it's TWELVE SECONDS!! I have to ride their buttcheeks for TWELVE SECONDS, just based on the assumption that they are buffed by their rescuer.

But maybe they AREN'T! Maybe the rescuer does NOT have Borrowed Time! But since I have to respect it anyway, then they basically DO have it, now, don't they?

And then for the ultimate "mind games," if you end up testing it and learn that they DO have Borrowed Time... now you kind of assume EVERYONE will have it. But, again, maybe not! Maybe only that ONE guy has it, and unhooked a Surv, and you smacked 'em. And maybe that was going to be the only time anyone was ever Enduranced all game. But, alas, you spent the rest of the game respecting a non-existent buff for TWELVE SECONDS each time just because you really cannot afford not to.


UGH. It's just pure misery.

Is this ever talked about??? It seems like a very obvious & glaring issue, to me.



  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    What was/is DS?

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    *revert the timer neft on it, because right now most killers can circumvent it very easily.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited May 2021

    DS = Decisive strike. It used to be a really strong perk that allowed survivors to escape the killers grasp by succeeding a skill check when being picked up by the killer for 60 seconds after being unhooked. It was ridiculously strong but it got nerfed, so now it is disabled when performing certain actions.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I really don't have a problem with it.

    I want a change, but not this one.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    This is essentially the NOED problem survivors have.

    I get the whole "whataboutism" but stuff people keep repeating but if you think about it should we really be worried about solving this? The problem is solved by building up momentum early or dealing with the unhooker so it's a trade.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    Listen, your post isn't innately bad here. You're right, as much as I cannot STAND the Survivor community in general, they ARE people too, and players too, AND they do need to be good adversaries or being Killer isn't fun.

    HOWEVER, I want to say that I feel like you miss my point here. I understand why BT exists, and I even LIKE that it exists... ... on paper...

    But its execution is miserable.

    How does the buff being visible NOT have BT still accomplish the same exact thing??? The unhooked player still has TWELVE entire seconds of run time. That's several eternities, and there isn't a hook in the game that's more than 12 seconds away from the nearest Hitler's Funhouse of Pallets and Windows.

    I am very and quite simply saying... I do not think Survivors should have a 5th Perk slot.

    From the sounds of things, Survivors seem to want to keep their 5th Perk slot, and have no interest in discussing it further...

    ... To nobody's surprise, really...

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    Sorry, but you're not a Killer main. You might have Killer stats, but you're a Survivor Brain.

    Attacking a player that's injured instead of a player that's healthy is not, in any remotely possible way, "scummy".

    You definitely exposed yourself with that remark, my dude...

    (No pun intended.)

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    I mean, I get it. If it's endgame, then you have no choice but to swing your weapon and get points.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Ad much as tunnelling is a valid tactic and part of the game we all know it isn't fun for a lot of people and survivors need to have counters to it.

    If they didn't a lot of people just would stop playing because without perks like bt and ds playing survivor would be pretty bad in all honesty.

  • Clünge
    Clünge Member Posts: 155
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I was saying that to dissuade the "running for their lives" part of your statement.

    BT pretty much guarantees you make it to a good tile.

    I have issues with BT, but I've already been clear on them in the past.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    BT is intentionally a deterrent to discourage camping even when not in play because camping is not a fun play style

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Erm.. thats the point of the perk. It doesn't need a change.

    Go after the guy that unhooked or count to 12 if you really really want to tunnel someone out of the game with no chance of playing.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,293

    I mean, the 'not in play' part doesn't work on a camper, since they can just down the unhooker while they're unhooking and then go for the unhooked. If they have BT, it's a hook trade. If they don't, free second kill.

    But yeah, the only issue I have with BT is the bodyblocking since I hate going for a freshly unhooked target if there's any other option.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    It isn’t a fifth perk. How is it a fifth perk? If it’s a fifth perk then it’s at the expense of another player only having 3. It’s fair.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    Did you read anything at all anywhere ever at any point in time in this thread????????

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    And you really...

    ... What?...

    I really didn't feel like it was this complicated. And I'm trying to not make a generalizing bash at Survivor intelligence right now...

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    BT is fine, except for the fact that it promotes uninteresting and unintelligent gameplay.

    Get used to it.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    What's that, mindlessly rushing a hook for the rescue because you now have literally no reason not to? No strategy to engage in, just Leeroy in there, and know that Mama Perkins got your back?

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    Well...... They probably are, to farm BP, lmao.

    Really though - yeah, well, I AGREE. Any Killer perks that translate to the same obnoxiousness of having to respect it, which totally warps your gameplay, even though they may NOT have it (Nurse's Call comes to mind, and I wouldn't say many other Killer perks can compare to what BT does) could also do with a change.

    Or, perhaps something big that would change everything. Perhaps, quite simply, you can know everyone's perks before/during the game. I HONESTLY do not think that would be bad for the game. Either neutral or good. I can only imagine some silly counterarguments for it. But no good ones. So if you got any, I wanna hear it!

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    The only thing I have to say about that I idea is that its a bit like trying to play poker by showing all of your cards first. A lot of the fun is derived from not knowing what the other players are holding. And yeah a lot of the annoyances, too. But without the element of surprise this game would get stale reeeallly quick.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    That's not the issue with BT. I don't have much trouble telling if someone has BT. The problem is that the unhooked survivor can bodyblock for the would-be farmer and prevent an exchange, if not an outright snowball.

    BT shouldnt give the endurance effect. It should make survivors lose all collision and deactivate a la DS, but naturally with a much shorter timer.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    I have a question to your comment? How is trying to hit the unhooker during egc before and during/after unhook a misplay or rather what would the correct play be? Are you suggesting going for a grab, which are broken since dedicated server? Or is there a strategy I can't think of right now?

    Honest question. no sarcasm, irony or anything intented.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Sorry, good catch. I punctuated that horribly and the wording itself can easily be read to mean the opposite of my intentions funny enough.

    It should read:

    "You should be able to trade kills unless you misplay, by hitting the savior before the unhook"

    With the intention being to communicate that you can trade kills by hitting the unhooker before and after they hook, thanks to the animation delay. That is the proper play, unless the killer messes it up.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    Thanks for the answer. The original wording got me really confused and wondering if there is another trick is simply didn't know 😅

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    How is that different from survivors doing pull hexes to prevent noed, even if the killer doesn´t have it?

    Should we show dragon grip on a gen, too? Or devour hope as soon as it gets his first token?

    BT is an anti-tunnel-perk. Its designed to discourage tunneling, yes, even if the survior doesnt have it, just like noed is there to make survivors do totems even if the killer doesnt have it.

    Yes, a lot of survivors ignore totems, but often they are punished by it. And the same is true for bt and killers.

  • Progamer888
    Progamer888 Member Posts: 230

    Yeahhhhhh completely destroy perk like devour hope, and haunted ground, since if people know they're in play they will either destroy totem early or not destroy them. Yours it's a really bad idea.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    It would just make games kind of boring. Figuring out the cards your opponent holds is a fun part of the game, and there are a lot of perks that require some element of surprise in order to work well - Dark Devotion, Dragon’s Grip, NOED, for example.

    If the killer knew whether every survivor had DS or not they could either tunnel to their heart’s content or slug with no fear. You’d never have to consider whether a survivor had Dead Hard or Unbreakable or Soul Guard or whatever. Survivors would never have to worry about Blood Warden or BBQ. Hexes would be totally useless.

    It would just make the game way easier which would be good for new players, but would make games more stale for people who’ve been playing for a while. I love getting caught off guard by a perk I didn’t expect, and I love it even more when I figure out the perks the other side is running through reasoning and observation, rather than having the information handed to me.