The Trickster Tier

Not good, not bad, just okay. He can shut down low-wall loops pretty damn well, and can somewhat counter W meta.
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He's not terrible but he's not good either, hopefully if he every leaves that state it's a total rework though, as he pretty much has all the problems old legion has.
He nullifies a lot of survivor skill completely, dodging doesn't really matter when he just constantly throws a flurry of blades, loop skills dont matter because he just spams blades. Only thing you can do is run high wall loops and even then he can still get blade hits, albeit much more slowly.
God forbid you get a map like blood lodge and have a grand total of like 4 good high wall loops.
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He's terrible, he is a basic M1 killer that has a ability that can't be used easily. He got better after his buff, but he needs a new one as he is still incredibly easy to bully and 9/10 times you will question what is even the point of using his knives when most of the time his M1 is more effective.
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His limit on chase time and ability to shred through survivors in the open put him somewhere between B and C imo. But it's kind of hard to place killers these days, so many have received buffs that the A and B tiers are extremely crowded, and even S is up for debate now that Blight is a thing.
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as much as everyone calls him the worst killer, he really isn't and I think C tier is a better spot than bottom for him.
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Play him vs a red rank full squad and tell me how he performs vs decent loopers not good looper just decent survivors who know how to loop in jungle gyms, or shack. Even trapper won't struggle as bad, as he can put a trap and not have to deal with loops. And myers in tier 3 can one shot so he is not as bad.
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Have to say that this is with the soda and usb drive addons
WIthout them, he is probably D tier.
I don't hate him as much as I used to at least. :)
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I have played many games with him at Red Ranks. He has no map pressure nor lethality and without add ons, he is just un playable
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The worst killer in the game
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Low B.
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F tier
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This killer is a mess
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He's just.... not good