do the M1 perk works with Blight's dash?
sloppy, devour, STBFL, all those perks, does it work on him when using his dash?
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Nope, they don't. Lethal rush hits are considered M2 hits, and thus neither of those perks work.
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My guess is that all the killers you mentioned have a power not directly damaging survivors; they hit their target with a normal M1 attack (after reeling, blinking or phasing).
Blight's lethal rush hits are different from M1s, though. His lunge duration and speed are different, and more importantly his lethal rush hits'hitbox and collisions are unique (~180 degree cone, 0 collision with objects allowing you to slide while lunging). Neither of these is obvious visually, as it looks like a M1 hit, but in fact it's not one.
what a shame :( nurse count as M1, spirit count as M1, deathslinger count as M1, but not lethal rush, why?
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Makes lots of sense, thanks for the explanation