I've been recording my games.



  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I didn't watch the videos but from the summary it sounds like there was a pretty even amount of trash talking on both sides.

    All I'll say at this point is that you shouldn't let the flashlights and teabagging bother you so much. It's annoying, yes, most killer players don't like it, but it's just kind of part of the game. I mean if you're going to be angry at everyone who does it, you're going to spend a lot of time angry with this game.

    That said, sure, survivors saying stuff like "we reported you for camping" or "no wonder you're rank XYZ, enjoy it loser" is definitely pathetic. In my experience though it's not very frequent. You just throw back an "lol" or say nothing at all and move on. This is a weird thing to say considering that I have a bad anxiety disorder, but sometimes you just have to let stuff go. It's not worth getting overly stressed about.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Most of this stems from you being frustrated and angry.

    I can stream and point out some things if you want.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    I don't know how Survivor actions that instigate the BM stems from me being frustrated and angry...

    At any rate, thanks for the stream/advice offer, but I'm just done with this game, man. The BP grind is annoying enough. Dealing with SWF's that then treat you like a subhuman just makes it that much worse.

    For whatever reason, I have a hard time just "ignoring bad behavior". This is frequent in lots of games. I tend to last longer in games where I can do something about it in-game. But in DBD, I also just feel powerless.

    And perkless lol.

    Powerless & perkless!


    It wasn't even. It was 50% Survivor BM, almost 50% neutral games, and 1 single game my BM.

    I do, of course, say this as someone who believes that once someone starts the fight, anything and everything they receive during the fight is deserved, and can't be held against the person who simply responded.

    Anyway, I do understand the advice to ignore. But, I dunno, it's hard for me. It's a pet peeve of mine, "People getting away with bad behavior in plain sight."

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You needn't quit. I know how frustrating it is, and I'd like to help, if you'd let me.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I guess I'm just saying that by letting the negativity get to you so much, and throwing that negativity back, you're kind of perpetuating a cycle that only continues to exist for YOU. When the jackass players move on, they've already forgotten your name and jumped into the next match. You, however, retain the irritation with how they might have acted or what they might have said. You're the one left to deal with it while those idiots are already off teabagging or sending lame messages to someone else. We've all been bothered by immature opponents, but you really do have to just kind of ignore it and try to start each match as a fresh attempt to try again. Don't push so hard and look at the game as a chore to grind, look at it as something fun. It's just a game, and at the end of the day those bloodpoints don't really even do a whole lot. When you think about it, they just buy more of the same items and keep the gameplay loop going. Leveling up a character doesn't really change much and leveling up your rank just makes things more irritating, lol.

    So I mean I don't know, I get where you're coming from. We're all human, we all get annoyed by things. And I know that NOT being annoyed isn't just a switch that a person can flip. But as long as the actions of other players have such a strong effect on how you feel and behave in response, you're unintentionally allowing those players to steal your game, steal your happiness, steal your good time from you. If it does bug you that much, it's understandable to take a break or some time off. But the game does get better with time, experience and patience, and if you can get to a point where you can just laugh off or ignore the poor behavior of others - if you can break the cycle of negativity for yourself - then you'll have a much better time.

    I know it's not always easy, believe me. Again, massive anxiety sufferer here. But try to just have fun, accept that there's no real difference between a win and a loss in this game, none of you guys know or each other or likely ever will, and just enjoy the gameplay itself. The bad guys want to get under your skin. Don't let them.

  • ClarityOfWill
    ClarityOfWill Member Posts: 205
    edited May 2021

    Yes it does put it into regression, but it's not always that straight forward when it comes to kicking a gen. It's one of those things you gain with experience. For example, here's a very rough outline of the thought process I'll go through when dealing with a gen that's got a good amount of progression on it:

    1) Do I have ruin available and will the chase cost anything more important, if not then the commit to ending the chase quickly

    2) If using POP do I have an active charge? How long is left before it runs out and can I afford to chase without losing it? If yes then go for the survivor, otherwise kick the gen. But also be mindful of things like "Will kicking this gen cost me a more important gen somewhere else?" or "how close is this gen to completion and how confident am I someone else won't work on it while I'm in chase?". Sometimes it might be better to let a generator in the distance get completed to ensure a strategically better group is protected.

    Now when you don't have regression perks available this makes it much harder admittedly. That being said, at your rank survivors often lack situational awareness to leave generators early or panic when the terror radius kicks in. As a general rule, not withstanding the above considerations, downing a survivor will usually be the better move because someone has to leave a gen and go for the rescue. You don't have to hook right away either; sometimes (but not always) downing a survivor, kicking the gen and leaving them slugged can be the right move if you have a chance to down multiple people quickly in an area.

    As for harvester, when you charge your chainsaw you slow down so you wont make the gap (unless you're playing someone like Billy). What you can do is go for a lunge (not a quick hit, but holding down M1) as you move to the outside. This will give you a quick speed burst and help clear the gap.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301


    Look at how long these chases take. And these are your "high level play" type of chases.

    The other 3 Survivors could do 20 gens during this, LOL.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Yes, high-level being the key phrase here.

    I play this game WAY more than I should. I do not get Survivors like that often, and I'm at Rank 1 on both sides.

    Also, in a real game, you'd NEVER follow someone for that long. Any good Killer knows when to leave someone

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    Well like I said, I am also SEVERELY limited on my perks. So I don't have all the desired tools to properly do the job. The ones I have at least do something moderately useful, but it's by no means a build of any sort. Something with synergy, and targeted effects according to the current gamestate's needs. It's just a collection of moderately useful vanillas. And thus, we come back to the BP grind... And while I have to try to grind BP, I'm meanwhile randomly going against rank 1 SWF's as a rank 13 Killer.

    Just... not... a good time, my dudes...

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Do keep in mind that the ranks are messed up right now. You won't always be going against people a dozen points away from your rank. No one should.

    And remember, though this game is a grind, there's no reason to rush it. If you just play and try to have fun, try to focus on improving and attempting different strategies and so forth, the BP will start piling up before you know it. Don't play the game angry to just get to a good perk or what have you, play the game to have fun. Sure, it will be more fun when you get that awesome perk, but if you don't allow yourself to enjoy the game before that time then it will FEEL like a grind and a chore.

    I guess what I'm saying is that when I first began playing this game I didn't even know about the perk system and all that. I just had fun messing around, trying to win, trying to take everything in. Then, eventually, I got to the point where I could prestige one of my characters. I was super excited. But after reading that prestiging them resets them to their vanilla state, I realized "what's the rush"? I'll just prestige when this character runs out of items. There's not really an endgame to be had here, DBD is all about playing lots of matches. If you can do so (and yes, I know it IS hard sometimes, no doubt), try to be playing those matches for fun, not for progress. The progress will come, no matter what. No matter how badly you may play or how irritatingly good the other side is, you WILL earn points and you WILL make progress. Take this time to try to chill and just relax with the game, don't push yourself so hard.

    And, again, remember - the rank issue is screwing a lot of people up right now.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I happen to have every perk on a lot of Killers.

    If you list what perks you have, I can try to make a half-decent build for you.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    I record all my games too. Anything funny/annoying happens and I can just cut the recording ot get it and if I get smashed I can rewatch to see what I did wrong. Also lets me view my progress. Like looking from agame form months ago I cring so hard.

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    I'm guessing you play PC only? 80% of my matches end with nothing said at all. And you could just turn off chat altogether and play however you like.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    Appreciate it, but coming up with builds is honestly a lot of the fun for me. (Which is a part of my point; I've come up with a lot of builds with perks I don't yet have.)

    The only teachables I have are literally Cannibal's. And he's who I'm playing, for his BBQ farm. (I want to main Pig & Ghost Face, I think, with a bit of Billy and Krueger on the side. But I have to wait for a lot of perks.)

    I wish the iridescent shards didn't have to wait for a perk to show up specifically, and wait a whole week for each rotation... :( Especially thinking about how a lot of the ones I want probably already showed up, and won't for a while.

    Yeah, PC. Much easier to talk trash on PC, lol :P

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,163
  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Lmfao. I got called a camper and tunneler when I 4 man slugged their team at 5 gens with nurse and 1 hooked everyone to death(I had a bad day, don't judge me 😂). They said nothing about slugging, and only called me the two names that weren't applicable to me. Actually hilarious.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Statistically speaking, survivors do it 4x as much, so this is justified.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    These are my Cannibal perks, btw.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I need to start recording my games. My experience with survivors is the opposite though. I'm constantly surprised by how nice they are, when I do poorly they compliment me and when I do well they compliment me. I feel like I live in a different universe? Can I ask you what is your rank as killer?

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    I've decided to keep playing, and keep grinding. I'm going to try to not let it bother me, or at least as much.

    Literally played 2 games since last deciding to quit, and 1 game was toxic Survivors, btw, LOL. Maintaining my 50% ratio... I got a 2k, and the 2 remaining Survs teabagged at exit, and then one of the dead Survs went off the rails about tunneling. One of the exited Survs joined in, mentioning how I didn't drop my chase on her to go after him...

    They were literally flaming me for not playing into their strategy of distracting me and redistributing the hook counts in a suboptimal way...

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited May 2021

    BBQ, NOED, Knockout and Sloppy.

    That's my recommendation and I can give reasons for it, if you like.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    Yeah, let's hear the reasons.

    Obviously, my reasoning against those is that I'm not M1'ing much for Sloppy to take effect. Only for windows, really.

    Knockout doesn't even seem like that good of a perk to me? I understand it would see play when I M1 Survivors that are in injured state due to being unhooked or revived from downed, but it's kinda rare. (Also it sees more play with NOED up, but that's only after all gens anyway...)

    Curious why you think they'd be stronger than Crows (which have served me quite well in my games), and Murmur which can tell me what people are aiming to accomplish after a gen finishes (plus its synergy with NOED activation).

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I've never gotten a salty killer message, plenty of Survivors though.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    We all know killers do it too, it's just that survivors literally do it 4x as much because there are 4x more of them. So yeah, this is justified. There's also the fact that after a while, you'll notice that survivors complain in the endgame chat more while killers complain on here. So if they were recording endgame chats, you'll pretty much only find salty survivors.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited May 2021

    Immediately go to the third episode, where you have a mic

    Immediately load into the match

    "A generator next to a window, what is wrong with this game -chuckle- these survivor lobbyists, I tell ya man they got this game... [BAD WORD] gripped by the balls"

    of all the things to complain about, the way it seems is you'll just be angry at everything even when it literally doesn't matter.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    Yes. Now go back to Ep.2 to see the generator I was referring to.

    That gen + window was simply not okay. It was a free gen completion I couldn't ever had done anything about.

    So quick to criticize me, literally jumping ahead and looking for it, and then finding something. But so slow to actually try to understand my perspective.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    You'll notice, by the way, that every Survivor post against me has upvote posses backing them up, while no Killers that agree with me are doing the same by upvoting my posts. This is because of the difference in how each side fights their battles.

    In the same scheme, someone went ahead and downvoted my YT videos, as well.

    That's just how you guys fight. That's just how you guys are.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    The kind of generalizing statements you make against Survivors are not going to do you any favors in games or on the forums, TGB. Especially when this thread (as well as many of your others) have numerous people who are Survivor mains or at least Survivor/Killer split being extremely kind and supportive in their posts. I myself have commented on several of your posts trying to be supportive and to help alleviate the frustration you're feeling and have regularly checked back into this one in particular in hopes of seeing someone else achieve the same thing.

    This community has rude players, sure, but what community doesn't? There's also a lot of genuinely kind, funny, and encouraging people here who you're even crossing paths with who you're being dismissive of. Try to see the positivity and the welcoming atmosphere you've come across with people sending offers to help you with builds, dissecting over an hour of gaming footage for you, or just offering up their attempts at being helpful. It might help you break out of this cycle of constantly being on the verge of quitting and coming to the forums to talk about how you've been slighted by the game, the RNG, the players, etc.

    You seem overly eager to demonize Survivors to the point where you're now finding insult and injury in forum vote distribution. People may be liking some posts more than others because they agree with them or the way that someone says something just as they might not be upvoting you because they don't agree or appreciate your constant negativity towards Survivors.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I went back and looked and you deserve the criticism in all honest the amount of time you spent at the 'unprotectable' gen was kind of insane, you threw an entire match almost for this one gen, and you constantly fully revved and released your chainsaw without even seeing anyone.

    You need more practice, a lot more.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    Nah you're right.

    Game is very Killer-sided, and Survivors are the nicest people.

    My bad.


  • Opossum_Supremacy
    Opossum_Supremacy Member Posts: 35

    Watching the first couple videos with your mic on, this sounds largely like a mindset issue. You're going in expecting toxicity, unfair play, and BMing and it seems to be mildly tilting you before anything has even happened - which, ultimately, tilts you all the more during incidents where it does happen. I dunno if you're hamming it up a little for the camera or if that is genuinely how you talk to yourself during matches, but it's putting you in a worse position.

    As cheesy as it sounds, try to turn your thoughts around and speak more positively about the match, it will make this game a lot more enjoyable for you and will improve your gameplay. Stop focusing strictly on what the survivors are doing if it's not directly affecting the core of the gameplay, or what things are pissing you off, and focus more on your own gameplay and what you can do to win the match.

    I'd also suggest swapping between both roles as you gradually climb up the ranks. It really gives you new perceptive on how the game is played and why the things that happen, happen. I'm not saying the balance in this game is perfect because it's not, but the degree to which you complain about it tells me you don't understand the game fully quite yet. Which is totally okay! At this point in your game time, you're not expected to. This game has a steep learning process that makes it a little frustrating for newer players. I'm nearing 500 hours and I still learn cool little tricks or strats from time to time. It's part of why I love this game so much.

    I'd also just suggest disabling chat in general, it's rare I've found in my experience that you have toxic people in post game, but if you do? Just close the window and ignore them, it strips them of that power.

  • Shadow_Master953
    Shadow_Master953 Member Posts: 24

    Im watching this as I type nd I want it to be clear I'm not trying to shame. I just want to point some stuff out. First thing I notice, you have 3 tracker perks.... why? Honestly BBQ and Whispers would do you much more good but I'm not going to drill too much on that.

    You abandoned the Feng after destroying the pallet and she stayed at the tile all because Spies activated and you didnt even look for the survivor. You walked away leaving that survivor to start the gen you just kicked.

    After that you lost some time looking for another survivor and what's fortunate is you found 2 on a gen. Kicking them off means a bit of gen pressure since they were passed 75% done. You saw one of them was going to vault and you still attempted to chase on the wrong side of the wall. You also should watch the direction of scratch marks especially since you just saw them. You abandon the chase again before it truly started.

    Next you found a Meg hiding in a bad spot and downed her. That was pretty good and only used one charge of your chainsaw. Dont need to say how good it is to get that first hook. Since it took you 3 minutes to get it though, you lost a good amount of gens.

    At this point I just skipped to the end because i was surprised 2 gens went on for almost 9 minutes. This is were I'm confused. They were console which means they can't see or contribute to endgame chat. If anything you were the one trash talking saying to "fix your game" when in the first 3 minutes I just listed a lot of things you did that could have changed the outcome. Granted you went against a Rank 1 and 7 but the rest were in your skill level and you killed nobody and had 3 hooks the whole time.

    Maybe spend less time complaining and more time actually learning the game

  • Shadow_Master953
    Shadow_Master953 Member Posts: 24

    I skipped to Ep. 29 and what i find funny is again, you're the one talking bad about the game that again.... you played pretty iffy. You were against 3 survivors in your skill level and you only got 1 kill. And here you are complaining up and down about how "the games dead" and this and that. How many hours do you have in the game guy?