A Different Way to Play DBD


I've been reading a lot of threads old and new about the lack of balance, buffs, nerfs and reworks. So I wanted to start up a discussion with an idea that I touched on in a previous thread. I'm hoping for some feedback from killer mains as to how well this would help out with certain killer sided issues. I play killer but prefer survivor because I don't like the FOV of killer.

I've noticed for killer there are a lot of time wasting moments which equal to the game ending so fast because you really can only be at one place at one time. What if there were no hooks in the game? What if the maps were smaller? What if the fastest killer was 4.2 base speed? Let's go with the example of a Trapper chasing a Blendette (Yes that's her name, she's earned it with her actions). So the Trapper hits the blendy and now she's hurt and bleeding. In my concept of the game, the bleeding blendy has her bleed out meter which is slowing depleting.

Since there are no hooks in this theoretical situation blendy has to heal asap because once her meter is completely depleted the entity can kill her as it does in the endgame collapse. The Trapper has the blendy injuried so he can move on to another survivor or chase and down the blendy. If blendy is down she can get up again but it will take about a full minute to do so. In that minute of being down the bleed out continues without blendy being able to help the team. Yes, Unbreakable would cut that minute down but I would nerf the perk from 35% to 15%.

Once the Trapper knocks the blendy down he gets a stack of bloodlust (this bloodlust is an obvious change from the one we know). The only way for him to lose bloodlust is to be pallet stunned or after 30 seconds he loses the stack. If the Trapper downs another survivor around 20 meters of the downed blendy, then he gets no stacks of bloodlust. He must down survivors 20 meters away from each other. Sure survivors would attempt to be downed around other survivors so the Trapper wouldn't gain any bloodlust but they still bleed out for that time.

In this scenario killers are slower but I feel this would be more fun for both sides. A good killer can down survivors and gain bloodlust stacks for every survivor he downs away from each other. I figured with this game design camping and tunneling would hurt the killer and promote against it since they gain so much more from searching for another survivor. Killers wouldn't have to spend the time picking up a downed survivor, searching for a hook and hooking. Also the game is more enjoyable for survivors because it's almost a tug of war for momentum between both sides. Survivors would feel like they have some control.

I apologize for the length of this post. This was the only way I could really describe it all clearly.


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,280
    edited May 2021

    If the fastest speed is 4.2m/s no good survivor would get hit especially if you take away bloodlust. Thats literally turning every killer into Tier 1 Myers but without the undetectable

    EDIT: Another thing to add, if they have a bleed out timer, all killers would turn into old Legion but again, slower. This would make the game EXTREMELY boring for both sides

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    Ok I'll agree with the base killer speed, this is why I wanted to get feedback from killer mains. Although what I had in mind is nothing like old legion. I had to look into how old legion worked, I didn't play the game around that time. The same meter you get while on hook is the same meter you get when injured or downed. This concept wouldn't have a mend meter, you're just hurt like you normally would be. Since there would be no hooks in this design. I added the ability for survivors to get back up so it's not oppressive. I wasn't sure you understood it the way I was trying to explain it.

    Thank you for the feedback!

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,280

    The problem I have with this is the bleed out timer going down while injured, and again its still the issue as Old Legion, if the killer wants one and only one survivor dead, theyll get it

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130
    edited May 2021

    A killer could chase and down one survivor then wait out the bleed out until that survivor was dead. Bloodlust wouldn't matter if they wanted that one survivor dead.

    In that situation they would lose more than gain. You gain no advantage that bloodlust would give you and the other survivors would be free to get gens done. Theoretically a killer could do that but then ultimately lose the opportunity to kill the other survivors.

    Also the bloodlust would need to be in smaller increments to avoid domination in every game in the killer's favor.