
Image play as Doctor with yellow perk and add-ons start a queue and found a lobby with a full premade. At 0:06 swap with 2 RED Keys, in game had 4 DS, bt, death hard, unbrekable and offering the map. Kill 2 on 4 with 10 hook done and got flamed by the other 2 that escape with the Keys FOR TUNNELING AND CAMPING. Is it the game, is it a funny game? 4 premade, map offering, 2 keys because don't have hand and 4 DS and still annoying the killer for do him work. Tnx BH, i love the key nerf, yeah too much op like the mori nerf... Max 10 second open, because their don't wait for all and escape, their go alone GG GGWP
I see no problem here
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I hope
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So i'm not the only one that noticed people who use keys are always extremely toxic and hypocritical?
Whenever someone brings a key they make the match a miserable experience, so I just camp and tunnel to make sure the game is ruined for them as they are ruining it for me. And then in the endgame chat they cry like crazy.
If you confront of them about bringing a key and tell them that's why you camped or whatever they say "So? Keys are fine". This people probably started playing when Moris were nerfed, I refuse to believe someone is so hypocritical they cried over an insta kill item but an insta win + t-bag item is ok in their heads.
Mot red ranks only got there through the hatch so it's not surprising though.
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Calm down, relax. This was just one match.
those kind of matches exist for both sides, imagine a complete soloQ surv team, without any Meta perks against a God Nurse slugging all 4 at 5 gens with the best addons and perks. (And no, it’s not on them, they are just casual players, you shouldn’t have to be a pro to a a fun time, it is just a game after all)
the game is generally in a good spot in the vast majority of matches. Many broken things on both sides got nerfed, the devs don’t favour one side. There is still much work to be done though, especially on matchmaking which is the cause of most of the problems if you ask me.
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Agree with all, their just cry like a baby if they lose, I have created this only for people toxic
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I play both role and when i play as surv, my teammates don't use nothing of this and still feed, but as main killer i don't annoying he because my team sucks, i just go next