Putting a bullet in the RE8 Theories once and for all.

"We are excited to be working with the legendary studio Capcom to create the next Dead by Daylight chapter. It is an honor and an absolute joy to welcome the original survival horror game Resident Evil in the entity's universe. The result is fantastic and will surprise new players and veterans alike. Players can expect a chapter packed with ICONIC content and novel ways to sacrifice or survive inspired by the renowned franchise." - Creative Director Dave Richard
"This is such an awesome new addition to our universe! If you had told us, five years ago when we launched, that one day we would be adding characters from the legendary Resident Evil world into our game, none of us would have believed you. We are so grateful to Capcom for everything they've done over the years to bring horror to the world of video games. And today, we get to bring these ICONS into Dead by Daylight. It is an incredibly proud moment for us." - Game Director Mathieu Cote
Both of these quotes are from game articles published on April 15th and are from official press releases.
Two things to take away from this-
RE8 Content is not happening so everyone can finally be quiet about it.
The new killer will likely bring a new sacrificial mechanic like Cages of atonement and possibly even a new way of escaping the trial as survivor.
It should have been obvious from previous hints that it was going to be classic characters, but people were too busy riding the hype train. As cool as RE8 characters could be, it would be a huge middle finger to the people who've been with RE for all these years and that would be a loss in potential profit for Capcom and BHVR.
MCote literally said the anniversary will bring in some "Impressive Stars", as well as quoting Claire on the RE anniversary stream. The teaser we got also had a red Umbrella logo, which would be pointless if the chapter was from newer games.
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If the new killer is as bad as the last 2 chapters. I will be disappointed but not surprised.
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Why not both the old and new, I never played RE until recently so it would only be fair if some of the newer games have something to say
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They'll probably come in the form of Legendary Skins
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Personally I would like something more than just that, but I would live with it, although I would feel a little bit left out. Maybe they could do more than just that
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They will probably do the Silent Hill 'shotgun' approach
A map from one game, a survivor from one game and a killer from one game
Representation spanning multiple games in the franchise
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I really am kinda scared if that is gonna be the case, because then I think they'll solely focus on the old games. I never played the OG games given that I'm still in high school and that, and never got into RE until 7 came out. I'm not saying they shouldn't just focus on the newer games because the older games deserve some love too I just hope they don't just only focus on the old games
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The likelyhood is that if we get a shotgun approach from the OG games, we'll get cosmetics and legendaries from the new games. It probably depends on how much freedom BHVR has and so on.
I imagine Ethan Winters as a legendary for example
Off topic, I would recommend you check out Resident Evil 1 (The remake) at some point, it's an extremely well made and fun game.
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Yea but without the old the new would of never happen. RE1 is the definition of horror survival, set the standard.
If u needed one, RE OG trilogy would be on the Horror of Fame.
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I've looked at it I just can't god damn stand the camera angles in each room, when I first saw it I thought it was so terrible. Why keep it in the 2016 remake
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Honestly it's part of the game's charm and atmosphere
You get used to it!
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While I do agree but to be honest I never caught on with it I had the crippling mindset that it was another zombie apocalypse game with something else added to it, at that point I was so desensitized by the stereotype before I looked at the RE trilogy, and it just never clicked with me like 7 or the others
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It feels rather odd and clunky compared to the newer camera angles but this game was made a long time ago so I won't hold it against that
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I'm gonna have to agree. Maybe it's just because I wasn't around to play the original games, but the fixed camera just looks kind of bad in my opinion. I'm fine with a third person camera angle, but it looks annoying when it's locked in place.
I also agree that this RE chapter should be a celebration of the franchise as a whole, not just the old or new games.
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Now that I think of it
I will be very surprised if RE4 doesn't get some kind of representation considering it's the franchises 'Golden Boy' for lack of a better term.
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It's going to have characters from RE 8, this doesn't completely get rid of the RE 8 theories btw
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The "old" games have been getting remakes in the form of RE2 and RE3 and there's rumors circling that RE4 will be getting a remake too although I think it's more likely that they'll go back to RE0 and RE before then since 0 was released in 2002 and the HD remaster of RE was released in 2003. With the success of the RE2 remake and the Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness coming out with my sexy mans Leon as the lead I have a feeling survivor is gonna be him. I highly recommend picking up the RE2 remake, it's the essential game for understanding the Raccoon City incident, has some of the best set pieces in the franchise, and introduced the world to the dreamboat that is Leon S. Kennedy <3
P.S. RE4 is usually pretty cheap on steam if that's your platform and I highly recommend picking that one up too.
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I'm sure they'll alter the whole plan so you don't feel left out.
Get caught up on classic video game horror! Don't ask for something modern instead of learning about the classics.
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Maybe it'll be Lady Nemesis.
Ugh, god no. Some of us would rather not have our first impression to be of videogames with Play doh R Us levels of graphics.
Like me, the first ever RE game I ever played were the remakes of 2 & 3, and I only knew about it because my older brother mentioned it and for some reason he really wanted me to buy it.
It was a thing for a lot of games back then.
I remember a game called Ico had fixed camera angles as well. Sometimes it worked nicely with the scenery, other times it was awful.
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What evidence backs this up exactly? Don't exactly know where or why people keep thinking its gonna be big lady other than hype. That is the only reasoning I see for this thought. Edit- Oh he got banned lol, figures. Probably toxic to people about how much this guy was obsessing over this stuff.
7 -
Man, you really like RE8. If it has nothing to do with RE8, you'll be incredibly disappointed. I'm gonna guess Capcom doesn't consider a game less than a month old Iconic. Maybe, but incredibly doubtful.
Not banned, jailed. Kind of like a "pre-ban". They can still post and reply, but can't make discussions.
9 -
I honestly can't picture RE1 without those camera angles... just feels wrong. but it's 100% an aquired taste. It WILL feel weird at first.
you could just watch a gameplay on youtube if you would rather do that. if possible, just watch the intro cutscene from the original, it is legendary on how cheesy/bad it was. I love it
play the remake if you feel like playing RE1. the original is rough to play, specially if you never played on tank controls before.
RE4 is so ######### good. best RE game imo.
2 -
Right ok thanks for clearing that, yeah Sup3r you really need to die down on the hype train mate. If you keep telling yourself this you are gonna be very sad when it gets revealed and isn't what you wanted. Maybe just wait until next week to make any comments about this when everything is clear.
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With how much of 4 they brought in for Village it's creeping it's way up to best game for me, the only thing holding it back is the boss fights, almost every boss in 4 felt like it could be the final boss of any RE game but the Village bosses just seem underwhelming, which could be because of the first person pov not lending to their scale and arena but they felt meh to me
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It's basic PR to refer to all characters, old and new, loved or hated, that generate enough interest, as "icons".
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Its all just a smoke screen. Umbrella is associated heavily with Raccoon City. What is in cities? Hoods. 4 leaf clover. Lucky. Leprechaun.
Leprechaun in the Hood.
Your welcome.
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don't forget this scene from 4
but for real... I do like this scene
Salazar is like "I'm doing this thing you see..." and Leon is just like "Nope! Knife!"
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I believe that you don't know how my dad felt about the series in the 90s...maybe nowadays it can be seen by younger people, but RE7 and RE8 will never match the ICONIC characters. From Wesker, Leon, Claire, Jill, Ada, Barry, Chris, etc
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For all the arguments I see flying around that Capcom would want the chapter to tie-in to their newest game entry, I'm confused why there's so rarely any mention about the RE Netflix series (starring Leon & Claire) that comes out on the second week of June.
If it was so important to Capcom that RE Village be highlighted in other media, why wouldn't the Netflix series revolve around Ethan? If that series is dropping at roughly the same time as the DBD chapter (and features iconic protagonists from earlier entries of the series,) why would Capcom not want to capitalize on that?
I'm not trying to railroad your thread into something else, I'm just trying to show I ultimately agree with you through what makes sense to me haha.
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I didn't watch the Capcom stream so I didn't even know there was a series until today and after watching the trailer I got super excited. That to me strengthens my thought that Leon is gonna be the survivor, he seems to be a fan favorite character and despite Chris appearing in more games Leon has shown up in more other RE media and continues to receive love from Capcom, hell, in Village they even make fun of Chris as a "Boulder punching #########" lol
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Those classic camera angles we're technical limitations at the time, but it worked out end the end.Most fans would prefer if they would return are at least make classic camera mode for future games not likely tho
I don't know it's feels more challenging to face enemies with fixed camera angles and clunky controls to me that made games hella fun
The new 1st person does provide some horrendous jump scares tho, you can get RE all in you're face now these days.
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I'm not banned KEKW. I literally have like 50 million posts and comments on why RE 8 characters will come on into the game
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Yea being passive aggressive isn't the best way to invite a newcomer into a series. I've been playing RE games since day one and I still would love Lady D as a killer, etc.
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I have written 69 million posts and comments SPECULATING on why it's going to be RE 8 characters and many people agree with the RE 8 characters theory. It's just a speculation
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So I actually have a theory, in the past, all the anniversary logos gave us a glimpse of who the killer will be, for example, 4th anniversary's number 4 resembled pyramid.
So number 5 has to do with the killer. I have a theory about the number, I think that the characters will be from the 5th installment of resident evil, I could be wrong.
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Can you see into the future? Do you know what makes a character an icon? It's pretty simple. The character becomes beloved. Then that character is put into crossovers and merchandise. Then (typically) that character becomes a self parody in order to sustain that longevity. Characters from re7/8 could very well be ICONIC. Lady D is on her way and if capcom capitalizes that. Boom. Icon. You don't get to determine what an icon is. The world does.
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Your a genius ily
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If anything they will probably take killer from Re 3 surivor from Re 5and2 then a map from Re code veronica or 8
As much as I would love it all to be re 3 that's not realistic with behavior
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They only did that with the 4th year and it could of been a coincidence that they played off
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Then where dose the new and old part come I to play?
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Im not sure i understand what your asking. Do you mean in general or for Dbd?
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You say speculation yet every post I have seen from you contains the word "is" and "will" not "could" or "maybe".
That's not speculation, your denying other peoples evidences because you can't be bothered to listen to anyone else that conflicts with what you want for the chapter.
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You got jailed because, you wrote a bunch of speculation post ?
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And hey, of it's Resi 8, good for you. I'll be happy for you. But I think you've gotta also admit the fact that there is just a good chance that it will have nothing to do with Resi 8.
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It's entirely possible that you're correct, we'll just have to wait and see
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The 3rd year introduced Ghostface and used a very similarly styled 3 to a Scream 3 poster. This seems to be a trend.
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Umbrella is in RE8. Though I agree with the rest of your points.
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As a someone who hasn't grown up with the series when you remove the nostalgia the newer games are just... Better than the old imho. 4 is fun and really good but I think the 2 remake is the best game in the series followed by Village. So if it is one of the older characters they'd probably be based off of the remake versions.
Edit: it goes without saying we don't speak of 5 and 6
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I might get 4 but I need to clear a lot of space in my PC, and I don't really have a whole lot, but I'll see what I can do, however I have been saving my money for the chapter but we have to see how it turns out first
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It's worth noting that Resident Evil 4 came out when I was 9. I'm 25 in six months. That game isn't new. And inbetween 4 and 7 was a rough time to be an RE fan.
It's a contentious point for a lot of RE fans but I'd consider 4 to be not just the best game in the series, but one of the top 10 best games ever made.