Putting a bullet in the RE8 Theories once and for all.
Who is Barry, never heard of Barry. I know who Wesker is but after his death he just kinda felt like he existed but at the same time he didn't. Like his presence was still in the games afterwords but it only by a hair
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Yeah I know 4 isn't new I just see everyone always sing its praises as a game and I see why it's good I just don't see why it's the best :/
(but yeah let's not talk about 5 and 6)
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Because this is Resident Evil (at least the early games). These camera angles give the game control over what you see and how you see it. It's meant to be able to generate the kind of fear movies can do but games with "normal" controls and cameras cannot.
Having said that, I can see why newer audiences find it strange and annoying. :) Also, I know that games can make some kinds of fear that movies cannot.
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For dbd a direct quote "surprise new players and veterans alike."
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4 is only like 5gb I think, maybe up to 8gb. It was released in early 2005 for the GameCube and re released for PS2 in late 2005 and in 2007 the complete edition (PS2 version) was released on the Wii and PC.
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Unrelated, but congrats on 9,000 posts, Karu!
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Barry is this guy.
He helps jill a lot in the original.
He's a lot of fun. Kinda like francis from l4d.
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I'm holding out hope that one day we get another fixed angle game. But I will admit the RE4/2make over the shoulder is a lot more enjoyable to play imo.
Best level designs, super fun gunplay, the shop and upgrades system, the melee system, the bosses, the entire castle section. It's great.
Also RE is known for having cheesy/downright stupid dialog and taking itself too seriously (RE3make was really bad with this). 4 is the only one that really seemed to understand how stupid it was and leaned into it.
I think the reason I enjoyed RE8 so much is that its basically a RE4 remake in first person perspective. It even has the same level design progression. Village, castle, caves, industrial, etc. Even had a trader.
It also had a HUGE impact on the third person shooter genre.
That said a lot of people dislike 4 (and 8) from what I've seen because it isn't "scary" but I never found RE scary as an adult. They claim it was the "death" of the series when Resident Evil 3 and Code Veronica exist and were almost worse in that regard.
RE isn't scary in the same way Silent Hill was imo. SH was incredible sound design, knowing when and when not to show something, creepy characters.
RE is "oh crap im out of ammo and theres a crimson head ohshitshitshit". Tense horror or jumpscares, not refined like Silent Hill.
Edit: forgot you can also suplex cultists that look like darth maul
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Thanks, I appreciate it :)
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That's not who they are aiming for. Its for older fans.
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Would it be weird if I said that one of the reasons I don't think 4 is the best game in the series is because it's too long? Like Re games are known for being shorter but with a load of replay value and different challenges (either set by the game or yourself) but 4 just feels like it drags on too much.
But I have to admit Leon kicking the ######### out of things is pretty hot
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Damn, I hadn't noticed it. Congratulations, my friend, because that is A LOT of posts!
I am nowhere near it, but who knows? Maybe one day I will get there :)
If I don't get banned, that is...2 -
If it makes you feel better I thought I'd be banned at 3k but the small animals have carried me to victory
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Oh, glad I have my 🐻 to save me.
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And that is fine, I get that. But into today's era people would probably hate it. Ngl though it does add a level of tension that only movies can bring but the same could be said for some of the newer stuff. First person perspective can add a level of tension and fear that makes it feel like your actually there. A prime example is Outlast during one moment your strapped to a wheelchair with an insane doctor who uses surgical tools and have it shown literally inches away from your face. RE 7 did this during the dinner scene, but i think first person perspective can only go so far.
(P.S. I know your not gonna tell me but it's worth a shot, can you give us just one. small. hint. for the chapter, just one tiny hint.)
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I've completed it over 30 times iirc and even I have "Wait, what part is this" moments. It's incredibly long. But for the most part its good. It does suffer from the usual Resident Evil trope of a 'meh' 3rd act.
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||allow me to clarify Re 8 spoilers below||
Technically it isn't. It's linked because of Miranda coaching Spencer at some point, where he took the logo from inside the caves, but Umbrella doesn't technically make an appearance. The BSAA does though and they're up to some really fishy things
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Why only the old, it wouldn't be good business wise plus you would reel in a whole lot more people by adding stuff other than the old games. Meaning you get a bigger audience
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Oh ######### I jsut noticed you have 9,000 posts congratulations mate
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Just got adjust the brain. I struggled terribly with the first game game, but after beating every RE Game out there. Including the Wii games😂, I have to say RE4 and RE2 Remake are the best I think.
Over the shoulder and still gave him me the same feeling of tense and uneasyness that RE 0, 1, 2, and 3 had.
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Yeah given the fact they reintroduced the tyrants, I'm looking forward to where this is going
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You don't know who Barry is? Did you even play Resident Evil 1? Jill Sandwhich and all that
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No, I wasn't even thought of by my parents when the OG RE came out. But from what I've seen Barry is that guy who turned into a zombie in RE3 Remake instead of being killer by Nemi correct?
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Helicopter escape possible???
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Nah that's Brad, the helicopter pilot that saves Chris/Jill in the first game.
I was blessed enough to be gaming on RE since i was 4 years old and haven't stopped since, can't freaking wait for this chapter to drop!
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It depends on what you mean. As the base characters the classic are the best choice. If they wanna do new characters the skins is the best way.
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If anything the killer would be for the older fans and the surivor(s) are fro the newer fans and the map for the middle
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That would be fine plus survivors are just reskins of each other so nothing to crazy, in short the older fans will have something better than the newer fans
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Oh well then who is he?
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I literally CANNOT wait until you are proven WRONG! xD
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He’s another STARS member from the original RE game that, occasionally, pops up every now and again. His most recent playable appearance was from RE Revelations 2 though. He’s also extremely well known because he brought about one of the most unintentionally hilarious lines in the entire RE franchise that’s even still occasionally joked about to this day.
Forgot the RE revelations 2 scene!
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I still think the killer is going to be Nemesis, and the survivors will be some kind of combination of either Chris, Jill, or Leon. It just makes sense given the history of all these characters along with their popularity and the lasting impact that they've made since their debuts. This is the 25th year anniversary of Resident Evil as a whole, and in the past whenever they have done crossovers with their characters they always use their most popular and recognizable characters from the series or references to them in some way. With the Division 2 when they had their crossover event they gave us the OG Chris and Jill outfits along with Leon's RPD uniform, and they also threw in Hunk's costume as well which is just your typical Umbrella special forces uniform, but long time fans know Hunk cus he always makes an appearance in the survivor side mini games. In Marvel Vs Capcom they've used both Chris and Jill along with both Nemesis and Wesker. Again, all recognizable and iconic characters that represent the core of the Resident Evil universe. Plus given that this is again an anniversary year for Resident Evil, the whole point of an anniversary is to celebrate the past that has led up to the present, acknowledge the characters and stories that started it all and that have paved the way to the modern day. RE8 is not even a month old. It will have it's chance to shine as being an addition to this universe and it's continuing story. Right now though, it's about the past.
Now Lady D and her daughters are popular sure, I've seen the memes and think most of them are actually pretty funny. But ask yourself this, aside from big mommy and goth girl fantasies and memes, are these characters genuinely interesting and memorable within their own stories? Do these characters actually leave a long lasting impact?
~~~~~~~~~SPOILERS HERE~~~~~~~~~~
From what I've been told and from what I've read, Lady D and her daughters are barely in the game, like they aren't the main antagonists and you manage to end up taking care of them pretty early on. Does a character with about 10 minutes of screen time actually leave that much of an impact outside of dumb internet memes and do they deserve to represent an entire series? Seriously think and ask yourself this.
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While I do think your right the RE chapter should celebrate the past your right, but so should the newer games like 7 and the remakes ( well I guess they technically are the past ). By focusing on the games that led to Village, including, the old games and the ones there after. However maybe it would be awesome if the chapter focused on the major points in REs history, like very first game, then maybe 3 or 4,7, and even RE2 remake. But thats how I would do it
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Okay I'm sorry my dear hardcore RE fans, but I just... can't help but cringe at that line " you were gonna be a Jill sandwich." I just can't take that seriously
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Gaffy really doesn't want Lady D in the game huh
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The RE1 remake came out originally on the gamecube in 2001ish.
Why it's like that? Because the RE1 remake is nearly a 1-to-1, shot-for-shot remake of the original RE1.
It's not a "reimagining" like the RE2 and RE3 remake. (HOWEVER, quite a few things are changed, some of the changes designed to throw off people who played classic RE1 obsessively to the point they knew every zombies, every item location, etc. and had the game memorized. Don't think loading screens will keep you safe and that zombies can't open doors!)
RE1, RE2, and RE3 (and some of the other games like Code Veronica, etc.) had fixed camera angles, tank controls, and pre-rendered backgrounds.
I found RE1 Remake hard as heck, I only made it through on Easy as Jill, (Chris's playthrough is SLIIIGHTLY different from Jill's, but the main difference is stuff like inventory space, access to certain stuff earlier, etc. and I'd argue even at the same difficulty setting, the Chris play-through is harder because you don't have the lockpick, and a smaller inventory space, meaning more backtracking and potential for injury. You also can't grab the shotgun earlier than usual like you can with Jill.) although I'm not very good at survival horror.
(Esp since in classic RE games, your ability to save the game is limited. I'm a saveaholic. Doesn't help in the remake, defeated zombies...well....I'd rather not spoil it, but there's an extremely nasty surprise that will result in an anxiety attack as each dead zombie only digs your own grave a little deeper. Better pray for an RNG head-shot as you aim high with the shotgun or get used to the fuel canteen and lighter!)
Overall the RE1 remake IMHO is a perfect example of a remake done right.
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I don't understand why people dislike 5? The boulder punching part was hilarious and Mercenaries was really fun to play with a friend and use melee combos. Beating the crap out of a 9 ft executioner was the best!
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I'm not denying, and for example, I say "Reasons why Lady Dimitresu will be the new killer" How is that Denying?
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@Sup3rCatTree Look at your title, '...WILL be the new Killer'. The way it's worded (and therefore translated) suggests any other guesses are absolutely wrong and DENY their respective credibility.
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New ways to kill survivors? That actually sounds pretty dope. I am now more hyped than before to see what's coming.
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You think we take it seriously? we just laugh at it and quote it all the time.
kinda like how we call wraith bing bong. or the play civ V meme.
no one will ever defend the dub of the original RE games as good. But they are unintentionally hilarious and very nostalgic.
I like 5. played it a million times. it's a lot of fun.
getting a head shot, or leg shot and following it up with a combo between chris and sheeva was so great. dumb, but great.
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Yeah I said "Reasons why Lady Dimitrescu will be the new killer"
If you are older than 1 month you can see that I have "Reasons why" is critical in this sentance, because I am providing reasons why she will be the new killer. "Will" in this sentence doesn't mean confirmed. You can't just take "Will be" out of its context.
Also nowhere in the definition of Will says its confirming something
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@Sup3rCatTree Yes, by definition, 'will' is used to express an inevitable event (thus confirming something)...to dispute your last point. I'm not taking anything out of context, it's a straightforward simple title to understand. I don't care who it is, it's gonna be awesome to have RE in game period! Hope for who you want, but let others do the same is my point.
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I wouldn't have the slightest clue. Maybe classic heroes and villians using legacy skins to give us the newer ones.
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That's what I'm thinking
Old killer middle survivors new skins
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Im down with an old killer. I want lady d but im fine if she's just a legacy skin. Hell id like all 4 lords and miranda to be legacy skins
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Alone In The Dark would like a word....
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Don't worry we don't either.
Proceeds to punch boulder.
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Well thing is if this was actually a horror game you wouldn't use jokes like that lightly like everytime.
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Holy ######### dude lighten up.
Do you really think that the voice acting in a game from 1996 where the voice director and the voice actors didn't speak the same language was going to be good?
Edit: This is the same game that gave us this gem of a musical arrangement
RE:1 was a rough game.